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Show R r: v 1 i: w qf the lV A R‘. R r. V I r, w of 2'.c'~c_ W A R- Cipline, in every point ot equipment, and more thzin iill tlicli: Victorious, iigiiini't :1' beaten, diilicurtcned, flyingenciiiy. Bu; we dt avouring to trig ten the rebels with the noile. of his cannon, had done ("ii-"'1'/'tv==1'z‘t'c enough for one diiy. ‘ Next day, but without doing them any harm. During; this time he thould as at, the heights of Dorcheiicr hill year, the enem y's lines tip/it"m'c‘il zmuch llrcngtlieiicd, thcrelore the attack was (deferred, till we were reinforced. Our reiiitlirccincnt ioined us the 30th. Now Enginv cfn C30 we were to attach the next day, but it happenin g to ruin iii the d if nigh have gone up the Edit River and cut otl'the rebel retreat by King's Bridge, while his Lordlhip with hie parade fleet, fliould have occupied the North and Call Rircrr ; thet‘e plain and fi nple movements wouldjw' hart: given us :ill Vtuihington's army, and all the reocl ringleaders almoft without tiring a gu 1; for they mull have iiii'rcitdcrcd {oon tot‘wzint Cliprm'ilions. In this cute too we tliould lure faced the '00 men loft before Fort ll'afliington. But as we never were to be in the right, after giving the re- and morning, this was lithicient ejicule [or piirting it o" u -zi third tune, though the dziy proved tiiir; and then the day" dl'tLl that, .\()\c,nii;tl in, to uni gun! [zip/ya, tllC enemy "eie rui away. 1 hey lett :1 rear guzird Within two miles of us to cover their retreat. This corps we did not think proper to attack. Such conduct will never put :in end to ant rebellio n. l\ enow returned or retreated to York Inland and llorined Fort ll gilliing V ton, in u liicli ‘ the rebels lizid lctit L:p\'.':ii‘ds of 2000 "it‘ll. It coit [D ;00. It our operations had . )L‘C'l‘. dire-"ted ix itli bels 17 days to run away from New York, we Ci‘tilled the ferry with the mod pompous parade to trike pt‘if;t‘lll0[i of it. Had we been emf/r and differ, we inightvrr: have cut off the retreat. of the rebt ls, but four weeks were {pent zit l-Izierleni, and the opportunity loll, the rcbels-:it hill having difcovered their dangerous tituation. After {0 much delay, negligence, and blind- Old fituation frogs neck. on l tiny degree of l ii‘nicnt, we lliotild hzive had this contiuett with , ll zilliing‘to , n and all his rebels zit much lclis exit-Juan l iiefs, wc'were now to do, when all opportunity was gone, what By our nizirch buck, or i'etrczit, we ltllil!‘i(li)!‘.:dI all that part we ought to have. done lis; weeks before. Our infallible Hero, :iboreall good iidricc, and tithing his own wziy, landed on Frog's ofthe proi ince of New York beyond Kiti:{"s Bridge. The rebels whom we lizid not thought worth p‘tirlhing. now purl-Lied us, and imaged the Chelier counties, where we hiid been ioy- Clergrrnan. Neck, October 12th, without ever thinkiiif beforehand that it n as necellziry to reconnoitre the ground. The ene iiy having no intention to diliiiit'e this paltry llip of land with him, broke fully remited, murdering the clei'gyiihin of Five, for haiihqnwrdérci been :ilhd'.10ii.-i in tl'rengthening‘ the loyal principle: ofthe inhabitants. down the bridge, that joined it to the main, and looked at him from their entrenchn‘ieiits on the oppolite tide with no little lll‘ tie: i Stiou : they llilLl flint him out from the continent ; lie was ' " "'7-‘7‘ now fairly blocked up on the lLlllLl lidc. In this odd lituzition he had neither candor nor fcnfe enough "Lou s oi; - In this refpect our Conduct has been etiiiilaiit and uni« form, in urging our well \ViillCl's‘ in America t1) public declarations of loy: lty, and then zibandoiiiiug them to perleeution and dc: tli. ch i'honld have intercepted the fluttered reiiinnnt of the rebel to confefs his blunder, and then endeavour to remedy it. But {pint another Week cooped up on this Plcéllhn liiot, trying: to army, by , tithing :i (‘ EflCiiltlt'ilf over tr) Elizabeth Town or Amboy : our not doing it could only tirii‘i: from ignorance, indo~ convince the at: 1:; that lie was certainly in the right. With. their lituntion before their eyes, and .1 full conviction of the lence, or fl dread that the rebellion would be too lhott. And again Lord Coriiwullis's h:ilt at Bruniwick, for want of orders, folly that brought them there, till their relivct for their commander could not make the n {wallow this nbl'urdity. Heaven when in fight of thelh {tine wretched fugitives, little more than '2000 men uhilii he, had with him the rel‘exve of our army, the very flower of our troops, eiiearly double the rebel lirength, is 9. llrong infmnce of a deficiency l‘oinewhere, and another deci- knows when he would have moved, had not the ridicule and murmurs of the army overcome for once his oblliinicy, and {cut him to {co Aft-kin. va indeed he liinded neiir New Rochtilt, the place he {hoiild originally have debzirked tit. It has been juilly colencd, that in following our Hero's pro-t gi'cfs, our :ifioniiitnient iiiiiiers no r< fl. lndolence and lolly di‘ [cited till our mt'ivcments. In ten days we. hardly march tcri~ miles, though it was iiippofcd the reliigls were retreating. On the. 2813., however, we tin ' them waiting for 119 t. i the Brunx, ‘ 'liu‘o i been cut 0d. "' ',>,.n‘e;«.M'a¢u~y‘-ig at lifl‘f': five opportunity rejected. Through indoleiicc of II'lleICl‘LlV'I‘C,\,gain the re« our Hero did not come up till fix days after the. enemies efcape. bels eruptFor fome diiys he looked at them acrol's the Delaware, and on December 14th put his troops into winter quarters in :in extend- ed line of entitonincnt of near a too miles, in open villagec, without .1 lingle work to cover them. The pleii‘fnres of New. York now thfl‘flfili'cl us ; and in 12. days we were defeated at Trenton. But the mind cannot. dwell on this iliarneful tran- .‘ faction; jl tz'tren t might yl'wo regiments :tttrick 2i detzichcd corps ofthe enem y :ind min ft lililit'l‘l'ttl poll. Another Generzil would have piitlicil his niiiod fortune, limiting; :iti _:iriiiy fupcrior in numb er, {uperior iiiodif- I, Rebel flight thzt they abandoned their cannon ; but two day: after, finding we, did not take polletlion, they rt turned 11le carried them OH to New York. Our chief now compofed himfilfl‘or more than a fortnight, only EITlllllng‘ liimfi'lf iii erecting 11 buttery rig‘ninll a gentleirnin'; houfe on York liltind, en- |