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Show EVACUATION of Bosron. the corps, that compofed the rebel zirmv then inveflinv the f t . . " l‘-" i always dangerous, town; of every piece of cziniion~ they pollelicd ; of their intend- he lHEll by the horns .115 W ‘11118?Clj,€_d on. ed lines of blockade; and of the numbers expected, and on their confidence in out l7" ' on allure-(l till: diurilini was the phra'i: o; 101"." f" ." u ‘ \W unit to l-tttlt‘ with: "it even i‘ccw.iio'i';i‘:n;: tile polition of . t) tilt {in enmiiv. 1 id we only wanted to drive them from their L: urozird \xiittliout the 1:24., in Hm, the (‘ymetry trn ifport which min ‘1 lllL litra‘drwu 131E11-\\';_;6‘i‘, and been n mzci U" "m" = winteti i"? nine poundei‘s, could have t My ilir t; ,zt;iiiel, and brought to within niulket {riot of 1 Cir Juli Rani which its: iiiite united, and the could i. we l:;in water borne Ll": tlw lowed ebb tide ; :r on: of our co- boar», inufktt proof, carrying: :1 heavy piece 'Jf cannon, ' rat haw besn rowed doth in, and one tliicltiii‘gc on their un- {much from the other Provinces. life are all wrong at the head. . . lVIV mind cannot help tlwcll~ N .‘V i 4 m ‘ x (i '7 " mg upon our ctiiltd llillidhfia. buth ill conduct at the "it‘ll cut: fer, argues :1 grols‘ignorance oi the inofi common and obvxous rules of the profeliion, and gives us for the future anxious forebodings. I have loit lonie 0t tliole I molt mluetl. This inadnels or ignorance nothing can cxcule. 4);".-. 'Lfl ; i >.9v.-..u/.LH i U" ermiirniv gallcd our left. '1 - m (1. ~ it The brave incii's lives L‘s-e" wanrnnly were waiitonly thrown unity. Our conductor as much inurdr-r- "MW" ""39" ed them as if he had cut their throtits himl‘elt'on Bollon eonn mon. Had he fallen, ought we to have regretted him 9 ' :71, would have dillodged them in a lcc<_intl. id \-.‘«.2 inteidtd to have i:iltcn the whole rebel army prifopigs, "C 2350 .ed only have landed in their rear and occupied the high gr and above Bunkers hill ' by this movement we {hut them up in the l'cninfula. as in til 1 2g, their rear expofed to the .l 0- 1i mmnitmir Had we fccn :ind rejcfted all the advantages I have mention ml- j-i'itli 2 ed above, even our manner of attacking in front was ruinous. '-""‘l")l "‘"l‘fs'ln advancing, not a {hot fliould have been fired, as it retarded the troops, whol‘e movement {hould have been as rapid as polli'ole. , They fliould not have been brought up in line, but in columns with light infantry in the intervals, to keep up a {mart lire iigniii‘it the top of the breaft work. If this had been done, their works would have been carried in three minutes, with not a tenth part of our prc‘knt lofs. We fliould have been forced to retire, if General Clinton had not come up with a reinforcement of 5 or 600 men. This re-ellablilhcd the left iJriderPigot, and fiived our honour. The wretched ""5 'P blunder of the over iized balls fprung from the dotage of an of- ‘f‘f‘ "le ""3 3' ficer of rank in that corps, who {pends his whole time in tlzilly- mm} "mm" ing with the Schooliniiltcr's daughters. God knows he is Old enough-he is no Sainpfr "':~-~yct he mult have his Dalilzih. Another circuvnllunce equally true and aftonifliing is: that General Gage 'nnd undoubted intelligence early in l‘i'Iay, that the rebels intended to pollelis B'initers hill, yet no flep was tfl‘ - ken; to li-cure that iinpoi {tint poll, though it commanded all the n! rib part of the term. He likcwil'e had :in exaét return‘ot me YORK. Jfli‘rh, 9%, 1777. As proozibly you may _ hrve heard the true particulars of our flight from Roi-ton, about this time lalt year, I llntii give it you. Soon otter our victory as it has then ended. or. jiitns'ers 'Hiil, Gener-tl iiowe luteee'led to tlit",i',t)lnl'117.l[1(lOlini‘slrn'lyy This for {time tint"; gave pi‘r.;ty symeru [artist-ad: on, in; Gr ie- Opiuhmnn Ce. ml Gage, was thought too tune, and iv fume iiillipliii'ji'fd of a nerdanscptedilcelim for the .zliTll'i'lCZlJS, firt‘U'lQ iron; lis family conzieetipns. The critical tittizttit‘ii <5- ouriat‘li‘tir: deinzizideti men of ' vigour and entcrprize, St ne <:,oni;‘-1:tined of his complailztnie t0 the Boil‘on it'lect i:‘ in, ;f his faring they were good tort of people and faved him much trouble; With the COI'zlmlli‘IOUCI‘j, x v . and of his guiliping' Thefe petiole, vou, may believe, . ad-O . ~ -. . - r . n thi. flows)i 1111th General house for the orgofite qtuiliti "2, which they laid, or imagined, he pol". fed. [Pie was an officer oliifixpei'ieuce, and tried courage ; the Sclv: Men would be profcribed ; every American diminud ; and the (iit‘i‘ilnlllh‘llci‘s would not be per~ muted to thrun their mates run his houfe. All titile tattle and 530513ng Were to n Hid :tt hesd @arters. Even the blunders st Bunkers Hill were tvxi‘gorteix, lb 'hzip; y were iiioi‘t People at the change. His refe: Vt and retirement were imputed to an indefatigable :ittentiozi to the duties of his '::ition, and 1115 pcrfonzil gloom and morolEnt-ls were apologized for from the vexzition that a great mind, zuwni's intent on important olnet‘ts, muft feel from frivolous or itipertiztent intrulwns. _ It was a cwnfiderzible time before this was rlil‘eovered to be only, 3 mncy pit‘lure. ' ‘he man's retiremei *? were found ‘0 199‘ TIT/'1‘ Iht‘ retirements of bulineiis; and his imbitunl morofenefi, Wilt,batters, real, {Orbe the lEiilibilities of a {great mind (lilhii'be‘d by inpertin irate. F'mm‘m' ‘0 remained the full and winter waiting .il‘ClllfOI'C‘Jm‘iflis- In March the rebels appeared on Dorchefttr Neck, which COID'. -' K. u, ‘ mands n‘.‘ ‘3‘ (ers, and have given the rebels great matter of triumph, by flieu'iizg them what inil'ehicf they ‘2111 do us. They were not followed though Clinton pi'tiptilbd it. Their deferters lince tell us that not a man would have remained at Cambridge, had but :i fingle regiment been feen coming along the neck. NEW ‘..!‘ they niuil have liurrentlered inllzintly, or been blown to pieces. but from an ubfurd and deltruetire confidence, cztrelefiiefs, or ignorance, we have loll a thoulhnd ofour bell. men and oili- v r0772 ,, fire ofonr cannon, and if we pleated our iiitifketry : in fhort, LETTER |