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Show 1;: REVIEW 1y" IIBc ‘tVAR. REVIEW oft/Jo ('m' V ""gl‘mn' opinion on the enliring campaign, replied with great prompti- tude and CUIiCll‘CnL'l‘S, " I am firr {[w mrg/z' rrlz'gm'nm margfzzrer : I " am "orfiw "arr/[21g a rebel/"ml." I believe his opinion was never again allied, and he has been left to amulb himfelf the bell way ie can at New York. Dvfi‘omgpm, & In the lining and liunmer it is. impolllble for the mind of (mutation on man to conceive the gloom and relentment of the army, on the drfiml‘g Bur-retreat from the Jerfeys, and the {hipping them to the fouthc g"-‘"C' ward : nothing but being preterit and leeing the countenances of the lbldiers, could give an impreliion adequate to the fcene ; or paint the allonilhinent a id delpair that reigned in New York, when it was found, that the North Riv‘r was deferred, and Burgoyne's army abandoned to its fate. All the former opportunities loll throughindolenee or rejeeted through delign, appeared innocent when compared with this fatal movement. The ruinous and dreadful confequences were inflantly forefeen and foretold 3 and delpondence or execration filled every month. Had there been no Canada army to defcrt or to facrifiee, the voyage to the lbuthward could only originate from the molt profound ignorance or imbecility. Am". in on," To run away from, and conl‘equently to ruin the people who RIFii'il-EiltlJ'Vlll.1.hild fubmittcd in the Jerl'eys, as he had formerly lei‘ved thofe ot‘the Clielter counties, could have no other effect than that of fixing on our liandards the charaetcr of deftrue‘tive. idiotifm, or knavery : to fly before W'alliington was deprelling the l'pirit of our own troops, and giving a triumph to the enemy : to fly from the lbene where he ought to have acted, and with a land army undertake a fix Weeks voyage in the very heart ofthe cam» paign, are certainly ablhrdities even too extravagant for a fairy tale : Above all, to go to Philadelphia, which every corporal could have told him would be putting his army in fetters.-His conduct has verified this opiniorn-He never dared to move a days march from it : It was a cord about his neck. As to the Brandywine mantruvres to much idolized by his ' partizans, m 000 men iy ppwei is oundcd on a talle principle: that "13‘6"?" . [1 ntpm uit are fuflicrent to over throw a 100,000 u 1' I id 1"}. ii‘o‘manmuvres can fail but thof e that take . p. nu an. give hj/pzte to the enemy: that a ren‘ular retreat is Iiiiprzicticable, unlefs a conqueror is guilty obf rtiI/zv'flE/t/j' isaxe's opinion fi‘ but that generals avoid thefe drag/17m oppo rtun Ci zz/zr ozflylgfiqfi to put an 6170' to the war." It ities fromi'i " -~ " ‘ is a kiioivn truth11 0‘ mm" CHIS: people prelent at the engagement rode to Phil adelphia that V‘ ‘ , night; that the rebel congrels were then ali‘e mbled inltlnt [OWLIJIIY and that a fpirited march of a detachment from the divilion 0;. our army that pulled Chad's Ford, and were not fititrued a" that part which marched on our left, might have fur" flied tli: whole rebel conelavc: at leafl would have gain ed (illéllitir f all the .rebel magazines. Inliead of a moveme nt lbpvcr ‘ illaiii and rational, the whole army hardly moved at all for evicii our mofi forward detachment was I; davs in reac hinvr l'hil'tdel lli‘l Whereas had a detachment the night of the battl e. bech rilhed forward to Philadelphia; and the army or anot her tlrofii'r de» tachment moved brifkly in purfuit oftlie fugitive rebel s, ihei r rarmy tor that year would have been undone. C" ‘ "W So far from that happening, we fullercd another blockade i n ' n"a . tlphia " all Winter, by 3 tagged contemptiblc enemy not half our force Our Hero has a pallion for being blockaded. In r" ‘we mic blockaded in Botion : in 1776 iii New York and iliiee jerle Villages : In 1777 in Philadelphia. , Y At German Town, VValhington was forced to leek him in his own camp : we were completely furprized. He, it is on was "0"V9f't‘1'frl‘1‘d‘ not to be feen: he was deeply engaged fomewhere, or with {omebody : he was not to be dillurbcd : and if General Grant had not forced his way to him, he would have known nothi ne of the battle but by report : yet he could tell his bravell menh the Britiih light infantry, who had been fouv'ht down by th: whole rebel army, with that harfh infenfibilit; f0 charae‘terilii ; i1: him, " that they ought to have remained in their poll, and His harsh {reach been cut to pieces on the fpot." In this afiiiir we loll our ‘ baggage, and had not the gallant h'Iulgrave thrown him felt" into a ltone houfe, which was very firong, its likely our active Hero might have been furprized in bed. Such dreadful conduél: could operate in no other manner than it did: that is, in bringing defirut‘tion upon Eiio‘land and a load of dil'graee upon himfelf. On the 18th of Oflobé'r :hé rebel . cannon announced the ruin of Burgoyne. : appalled 'and conicrenee-ltruck, and trembling for himl‘elt‘, inflant orders, were Hears 0f 3"" giyento retreat, and he led us back to hide his head in Phila- gyms "in 5‘ delphia. 'l‘here, after three days tumult of mind, he wrote his rmms' letter I": Duringr the remainder of the winter our foraging parties were attacked and ihot down wherever they prefented thenil'elves ; and there petty, diligraceful conflicts, loll us more men than a general engagement. Our (‘oiiiinaiider paid us one vilit and was in great danger of beingr killed or taken pril‘oncr ; he had a very hard ride {or his elicape. Srrwr- S: polo!" This winter Gen. Vaughan, :1 very gallant oilieer, and re- "fl 1 '3 "f markable for his fitting and pointed lilyings, beinpr afked his " " " " saw-‘- 44...,» 1. ../i tonments, and loll us the whole Jerl‘eys except three villages. WAR. 153 ppignans, anyboy at a military academ y can repeat them out Brandywine 2 Tallies fict‘tedmiéfcziiiiefmm't‘im fame lour ce can add to them. ‘ml‘gfl‘vrm " the "may; in pour ' aw? ory and purine your enemy to Saxe S Rcvcr"7"" lcs‘ l - .nt, Tmm-i deli-at; iiié‘tion ; Rhall has been blamed becaufe he is dead ; and pertlu del-‘Wmi‘l- llélpb, the brave Donop has been cited as a proof of the charge, becai lb he too is dead. The defeats at 'l‘renton and Prince Town broke up our cann " ' |