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Show BATTLE of Bnooxtriv. BATTLE of Bkooxm'i‘i. It \t'as not . . brought to {0 happy 21 period? up all theft: givrzig‘ the fuggelted that minitler the it '\Vas the and Miniiler that advantages, by calling oilr the troops in the inidi‘l of wiftory, tallk'd 0t? "‘6 the hiding: them in a hollow-way, out of the reacn ot mulipieh fhot? and then, alter two days delay, deliberately opening trenches at ll‘i hundred yards diihtnce? "OOPS' Marlborough From this flat ' and folemn preparation we might'think, that flormsthffimng tliel'e lines were as ftrong as thofe of Donawcrt; which yet the 1h" 3‘ Dumb Duke of Marlborough flormed the fame evening that he came "m' Rebel lines} up to them. But did we ever, hear of a great and Vietol'ious army's being flopped in the midll of conqueft, for toriniiigr regu. mikfilmyl‘ft‘h lar cipproaches agninil the ditch of :1 line, which was three. miles only 3 or 4 rm long, and only three or four feet deep? Did not the. rebel fugitives run over the ditch and breaft work, wherever their pure deep. Astlw rtl>5.1'1‘rlt'ulers fiifiered them? ind could not Britifli troops as eziiily "F" thcm'mey have followed them? \Vere thefe lines guarded by any fuch flormed mlghlhwc bccn rocky- . precipices ' as thofc which the Hcflians . at Fort V i . followed. VVafhington ? Had the redoubt, for which the tuccefs of Forthnningt.twentv thoufand viftors wns flopped, a tenth part of the 5' MONSOWT)' fireng'th that nature and art had given to Fort Blontgomery? ""‘d‘ "King". which yet General Clinton fiormed, with one quarter of that number ; without loling‘ three minutes upon regular approaches. Vt fimmm' The lofs of It hundred men, which other generals thought ht‘r Ollinirmofot would be the greateil they could fullain in forcing the camp; Gmcmlsand the puttingr an end to the war, by the deletion of the rebel army, would have been the {hiring of ten thoulimd lu‘n"e men's lives, which have been loll by protractirsg it. Reh lrcfiwwel‘y But it was apparent, we are told, that the lines mull have 131"" "W "3- been ours at a very cheap rate by regular approaches. Doubt" let‘s-but they helped him to a much cheapsr one : and that was, to more oil :iid leave them to him. chre not the fame boots, which carried the rebel army from New York to Long Iilazitl, lying ready to bring: them back from Long liland to New York? Had the admiral dellroyed any one of them? Could they will: for more than three days leilhi‘c to colleél and add to them all the vc this in New York, and the adjacent plticen, to carry them ofi‘? Could he think that they would not exert their utmoll diligence to fave themfelves from the definition which they lieurly expected. 12 or r4,r~r‘o mm, and Infizmcaa do not often occur of a Genernl's vigilance being a-lthus eluded. And \"C may juflly wonder, that it whole army iof twelve or fourteen thoufand men, with almolt all their bag‘ ‘gage, and ftores, ihould move oft, acro s an arm of the lea, bfftweive hundred yards over, without the General or Arlmll‘ill knowing my thing of the matter; that their very centinels, to fay Etching of their artillery, fliould be drawn oil, and out advanced advanc ed Centinels give no notice of it. ‘ There are indeed V i who lay ;--But let others write what they hear 'I . ‘ ' _ the G CHLIJ. l"s own account otf ' confine in Y felt to Womd his futierin ir them thus to elcape. D plrmfis One oflifethe":5 1. l'. mil" Irrezttel . nary7 ateliic ' vcmcnt. ' e 'c of the Prince ‘ ' ot"AtClntWWn t b3. , .‘i, 4 1 115V comV Gym-hr tfl v ' his mniyac ' i 'rol‘s ‘ ' . the Seine, i after0t‘ ‘hc Pm" °f ting iut up 3y the Frencn in ii l'eniiiiula of that river - and Pin-ma" naming ever happened more inortityine; to Henry the qurth But our fed and land commanders liiil'cra beaten :u‘uiy inll id '5‘ .‘ . ‘ ,i.- Victoii ii . . ous Ufa . one, to terry .c‘. , over ,an arm of‘ the 11‘"..., i withou t mining any V7 the leafl apologv. The General h'ivincr at his (mn cheap iittc gott ii poflcflion of the lines, let-ms quite .1teafe ; and, far from expreihng‘ any mortificzition at their c131 0 treats 1. .4 ) . ‘1‘ V‘ K i l . ‘ ‘ b ( tliep‘lthght1 out ot the illztnd as rather :1 matter of triump h " The ie no R0)le 1) Admir L- 1C. al"a 2'ICLOunI ‘ ' runs in ' much ‘ the* fame ' I ' L'Urd Howe's lh‘aini 1d f .e tic , apt. Hammond, was the only lhip that """dl‘fi' ) I ~ . v‘ ‘ v, cou etch high enough to exchange a few random lliot with the battery on Red Hook ; the ebb makingr ilronv‘lv down the Ebb f-‘oos the "\- ~ 7 ‘,\ n ‘7 . -r well lopnpt. x k tci, IOlLlLletl the hpiadmn to anchor 0 ii . On theflccn i A ire 11: o tie 29th, the rebels abandoned all their polls and "101 s on Long Iilzind, andn‘ctireu with precipitation acrolé tie hall River to the town or New York." . Ifa x 1 crow h {id tied . oir"er the‘pnh ' tigt, 'T " LOtllLl ‘ ' he have fpoken of Remarks on it. it run a calmer indillerence r ,3 ()biLt .r.... 1. milk map will .. ." h, trial theyou rnal of the fleet':;‘ pE‘O- Rm 3 divs, fix: 3 s on thca morni' ng 01r tlic,. 27th: WWLimos tf. Lllt . . wncthe ‘ , and which. Wm " r, of flood' {:1 it Wlnd veered duringr the th‘ee tollou'inq days, is not "3 5hr] ""3 "7‘ pt .bbAll, which we at this diti‘iince can know, is, it tn: tide "Cd ("cm "1'" E _L made it llCCElltlI‘y to call anchor, to prevent the flips {1115? earned down , that in thole three days tncre were ll;\ tides 0 Tde to carry them up. CCX """ ' cannon ‘, lll'lnifc fil pltclléo n,‘ leaning their in all ‘,-._ t.l'c‘ll works,"'Lines 0F; miles It {I _ y Lid 5 us to conclude, that they did .iot take any 1.13m 1'" "ll mural"i 1115 "AS tnc cute, and we look tothe hit of the cnnmn taken, mgm‘lfl "l" "‘1‘ Ildllbiat a contemptible light mutt all their; lines, retlor'ots,To"1h,P "5 3 at ..'..tippcai. The" brzils‘ pieces 01} 1 4.ltttiies ' ' the ‘ Arout "V: were titht‘ll 111 ' J a"tie 27th. from that day therefore to the 30th. a gent Emmy, Mth forty pieces ofartillery, befide their tiell eduio'we, 1 a ‘ ‘ . A A 7‘! 6pithd by {I fleet carrying many hundre guns, are ail nopE); 1p the full, career ot Victory, and kept in awe for three days batteries of lift? "/17" "ML": ts and whit-k 5 0bylllnt.1 :iininrr .'11 ofS, thredoub cm wt to ethei‘ onl 2".th -z,r my; 0 ‘ P I mm ordnance. 1 g y j] P f th ete‘k v.arious~ ' andAllCmb'i 1110\Cm . CXltS, ne'cefllt. ‘iily ‘ - ' - attend ‘ - the‘ retreat The rebeism ing ' ove p‘lrt of irhtion ot ten or twelve tnouland men, With the belt 01'! WNW" inour "wt 1341‘ cannon, baggage and ttores, were performed with-"m‘iltwn' 3‘ v f _ tHl.' ne lean inteii option from either army or fleet, whlch -|YV‘ -.. c‘-- ‘v« ' . ". Uncar: 1' m} high "1» or a lull moon. . »«mu t'w Lat. too oi.. the L I do 4)" 1.. L‘. - ne‘hog- 21 1.1.; in... it the fault of the ininilleré at home, that the ‘ebellion was not |