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Show Evidence [37" Mr. G A L I. o w A Y. I1m: Mime 5.f A"1-. bM L LOWAY. ' neighbourhood, fl. He had given an anfiver before to that qucfhon ; he tea membered no particulars but thol‘e he had before mentioned. Manny-r or rap ‘ M r.G alloway proceeded: he laid, there were llrong debates upon in; l" ‘~5‘4‘1‘U"~'13~ every particular article and {everal oivnions, tho by the pIOCeedings, as publillied, the votes were llated as being carried unam- Q After Sir ll Illlatn Howe [proceeded up the country, previous t0 the battle at the firandywme, did great numbers ofpeoplc, as the army left them, they would be litlbicft to the Oppl‘ellious ' of the Congrefs party. Q Is then iV'Ir. Galloway of opinion, that the loval inhabitants of the four lower counties, unprotected by: the royal army, were able to proteEt themlblves 9 A. Yes, if they had arms ; and that the royal army had remained 3 month with them, to dilcipline and einbody them. the majority including the whole, and he believed in. no one Q, W313 Mr. Brown as good as his word ; did he oli'er him- He percelved the inllance without oppolition and divilion. inconvenience of this mode of proceeding, and endeavoured all in his power to counterafl it. He and another member, whofe felfaccompanied by {everal perfons of fortune, weight, and influence in thofe counties, to Sir William Howe, on his arrival, or on his march towards the Brandeine, Ste. E ‘iCWS 311d Will‘lCS COl'ltinUCd tl'lC {211116, applied fill} in the COm- [1' He did not, beg‘fiufc \g'hhout :IX‘HXS 01‘ difcipline, of DH)- mittce for permilhon to enter a protelt, containing their reafons t66ii0n, the loyalifis muft have remained at the mercy of the, of didi-ut, in order to have thofe rations made public; but it was refuted; and the report was dated as having been agreed Congrels party. (L Did any confidm-flble number of loyal Americans offer He and his friend applied afterwards in lull tlicnilElves to Sir \Villiam Howe, after hisitaking politifion of COIlgrefS, bUt "2 no better efleet, both l'l‘OBOfiUODS being OYCT' ruled; and to this, as much as any other circumfiance, he im- Philadelphia, either within or without the province of Penn{ylvania 3 ‘4. He could not fay there did. 3" un:-;nimoully. Q; Does Mr. Galloway know what were the whole number putt-d the fuccefs of the delufion and impohtions that had been put upon. the peogle Without dOOI‘S- . 3k \\ Ill Mr. Galloway undertake to fay roundly that Sir of recruits or corps raifed in the province of Pcnnlylvania, dur- mg Sir William Hovve's flay at Philadelphia? " "1'11"" HOWC COl‘ld have {OYC‘Cd hls way to lhllad‘ill'hmv ‘l‘m the JCHCYS and 0V" the Delaware, by "and route -' 44. He could not pretend to fay diret‘lly. He. could fay thus as") much, that the army under lVIr. IXVaflungton, encamped near (Lnnlileton, by the "101i 111131011th accounts, did not exceed 1;,ooo ~men, independent of oflicers, commiflioned and non~ musty. incommnhtmed, and drummers, that he underflood the royal numben Sul":~ army CUR-{lil'cd or an equal force; and though he could not .4. Two troops of cavalrv, and three battalions of infantry? Q_ \Vhat was the amount of this force, and what number of men was each battallion of infantry compofed of? 14. He could not exactly fay; he believed the infantry a- ,Ocofm,&zoo mounted to one thoufand, and the cavalry to fomewhat under l1t>1'ferdiIEd. two hundred. (LlVould the witnel's undertake to fa)", that the whole force {0 railed amounted to one thoufand? no; m dilurl- {peak decni‘vely on the fubJec}, he was {0 far warranted to give an opinion, that the luperior Vdilcipline, (kill, and. ap- A. He believed it did. Q Was not the witnefs in :1 fituation, from a place HS‘MHBY h? 1,: equal in - and he‘ N"we or ,omy rp_"‘li$ ' believed; I" number [rm d 11.1.in i' ijune . 31 when d d , in1, the f h Jerfe 313 ,h h 5 "1")qu 3mm ‘ it )\ 1 1 1 It 4, me u e 111 ns amount 0ft 6 mm G ":4.' precrfion on the {Ubjefibamiinformed what was'that i i He had nodocumenewhich him‘lo Fume as'toreturn :1 fpecrfic anfwer to the uellion , hIS lace was that 0; provxdmv burs ot the rebel army, were Without arms. Q; When Sir 'William Howe landed at the head of the Elke; perlbns of weight and confet "ch6 or an confide' did many . ,q.). ,- 'P " o q "er £01 {heVt19"}1 I rovincmls. A , in; defeated the rebels at .Gerr‘n‘an-tu ilhanr t (1% fitter Sir table number of perfons of an Y defcri P1tion ' defort toythe royal ? flandard :0 kediBimk' 8103an number Of pet-10,153 mnwitfiuti or O the lroclamatlon, in under >came lower counties, Algeria" ‘4- NO; but a Mr. Brown, a man of greatpropertyin 311‘" ~ ncxgh- ' . tm- the new conditution, that was not really the fact. Some provinces had three reprel‘entatives, foiue five, .lomeleven, and others nine. "Then therefore they deliberated in their Committees, what nailed in the Committee never made its way to the He remembered perfcfily well, that the members 0f 10"." counties on the Delaware would, as foon as a force appeared, repair to the {0y-;,1T.fi};}m1,,rd_ armed or unarmed, Join the royal army 5 ,4. N0 ; becaufe they were afraid, dreading, that as foot) one Colonv coniifiing of nine, there were liVC for the confedera- tion, and tour ag‘ainll: it. So it was in leveral other. infiances, 67 fpring, and Informed him, that great numbers in the four lowdr «mimics loyal, moully they were frequently carried by ailingle voice. Forexample,whcn it was {aid that mneot the provmces voted unammoully public, u, » came over to New-York in the preceding; szr ua to take up mm: ' V I 2 A. None 1 |