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Show 266 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Apr. 15, and is contained 2| to 3 times in the length of the head ; maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye ; prremaxillary teeth 16, in two rows, the outer tricuspid, the inner quinque-cuspid ; mandibular teeth 8 in the outer row, tricuspid. Gill-rakers short, 12 or 13 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal II 8, originating above ventrals, at equal distance from the tip of the snout and the root of the caudal, 1| as deep as long and about •£ the length of the head. Adipose fin 2 to 3 times as distant from the rayed dorsal as from the caudal. Anal III 15-16, deeper and with more convex border in the males than in the females. Pectoral longer than the ventral, f or 4 the length of the head. Caudal forked, with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales 22-24 =|, 2 between lateral line and base of ventral. Brownish above, white beneath, with a silvery lateral band. Total length 75 millim. Numerous specimens. 15. DISTICHODUS FASCIOLATUS Blgr. 16. DISTICHODUS SEXFASCIATUS Blgr. 17. NANNOCHARAX FASCIATUS Gthr. 18. NANNOCHARAX ELONGATUS Blgr. 19. NANNOCHARAX TAENIA Blgr. CYPRINHLE. 20. LABEO GREENII Blgr. 21. LABEO PARVUS Blgr. 22. BARB us KESSLERI Stdr. 23. BARBUS HUMERALIS Blgr. 24. BARILIUS UBANGENSIS Pellegr. B. fasciolatus Blgr. is identical with this species. The fascicle of the Bulletin du Museum containing Dr. Pellegrin's description was not received in London until March 3rd of this year, after my description had gone to press in the Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. ii. p. 34 (March 1902). 25. CHEL,ETHIOPS ELONGATUS Blgr. SILURID,E. 26. CLARIAS ANGOLENSIS Stdr. 27. CLARIAS BYTHIPOGON Sauv. 28. EUTROPIUS CONGOLENSIS Leach. / |