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Show 44 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Jan. 14, Fam. REDUVIID*. Subfam. ACANTHASPIN^E. PLATYMERIS RHADAMANTHUS. Platymeris rhadamanthus Gerst. in v. d. Deckens's Reise, iii. (2) p. 419, pi. xvii. fig. 8 (1873). Baringo, 4000 ft. A species known only from East Africa. H0M0PTERA. Fam. CICADID^E. PLATYPLEURA RUTHERFORDI. Platypleura rutherfordi Dist. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (5) xi. p. 173, pi. ii. fig. D (1883). Entebbe. A species originally described from West Africa, and since received from Mashonaland. Fam. CERCOPID.E. Subfam. APHROPHORIN^E. PTYELUS FLAVESCENS. Tettigoniaflavescens Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. p. 24. 30 (1794). Entebbe. A most variable species distributed over the greater part of tropical and subtropical Africa. 6. On two Collections of Lepidoptera made by Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., in the Uganda Protectorate during the year 1900. By A R T H U R G. B U T L E R , Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. ; Senior Assistant-Keeper, Zoological Department, British Museum (Nat. Hist.). [Received November 12,1901.] (Plate I.1) The two collections of which the following is a list were obtained at Entebbe, Port Alice, Port Ugowe, Busiro ; and from Ruwenzori, Toro, and the Congo forest, respectively. The first consignment consisted chiefly of well-known and widely distributed forms ; but the second not only included a good sprinkling of rarities, of species new to the Museum Collection, and even of undescribed species, but was especially interesting from the strange commingling of Eastern and Western types which it contained. For explanation of the Plate, see p. 51. |