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Show 1902.] QUAGGA OP THE VIENNA MUSEUM. 33 Fig. V.-The woodcut in Flower and Lydekker's ' Animals Living and Extinct,' p. 384, fig. 160 ; copied in W . L. Sclater's ' Fauna of S. Africa,' Mammals, ii. p. 295, fig. 74. Fig. V I . - A woodcut in Brehm's ' Thierleben, Saugethiere,' Bd. iii. fig. p. 49. Fig. VII.-Noack's drawing (Zool. Garten, 1893, fig. p. 293), taken from the figures in the ' Gleanings of the Knowsley Menagerie,' pi. liv. Fig. VIII.-The woodcut in Lydekker's' Royal Natural History ' (vol. ii. fig. p. 507), perhaps representing the specimen now in the British Museum. Fig. IX.-The portrait of a Quagga's head in Bryden's ' Great and Small Game of S. Africa,' pi. ii. fig. 2. Fig. X.-Copies of York's photographs (P. Z. S. 1901, i. p. 166, fig. 47) of the Quagga in the Society's Gardens in 1870, and two photos of the same animal kindly sent to m e by Dr. Sclater. Fig.~ X I , - A n original photograph of the Quagga in the Museum at Tring, being the same individual as the last^(no. x.). Text-fig. 7. The Quagga of the Vienna Museum. (Prom a photograph.) PROC. ZOOL. S O C - 1902, VOL. I. No. III. 3 |