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Show INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Executive Corrunittee Meeting March 13, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 8:25 P.M. Present were: Max Lundberg, Dave Larsen, Phil Jones, Dave Parkinson, Clark Parkinson and Ed Pond. Guests were: Bob Autry, John Jenkins, Mary Ellen Parkinson (Exec. Sec.) President Lundberg explained the ski school directors recorrunendations from their meeting in February. They suggested that the Spring Clinic be held at Alta and they wanted a similar program to last year's clinic but wanted the groups broken down smaller than last year. They wanted the racing work to be done so that all instructors could participate. They also wanted some work on the basics of skiing as related to certification. A late fee for those not pre-registering was discussed and it was felt that it should be at least $5.00. Other locations for the clinic next year were also discussed. Discussion was also held as to which weekend would be best for the clinic. $10.00 was set for the fee, MOTION: That we have the clinic May 1, 2 and 3, 1970. (C. Parkinson-Pond). Motion carried. It \,as decided to have the late penalty fee $5.00, not have a spouse fee and not to allow non-members. Advertising would be left to the Chairman and Friday should be optional day. As per Max's outline handed out Bob Autry would be Clinic Chairman with John Jenkins assistin~ Marv Casey would be Arrangements Chairman and Dave Parkinson chairman of Registration. Short swing could be presented at the same time as Certification for ski teaching phases. F-4 (Advanced skiing and teaching;adapting to various terrain) could be beneficial to everyone and also aid certification. The friday morning session could he letl up tIl the ski school directors but it was felt that they should plan a definite: program. It was noted that the Certification Certificates would be presented at the cocktail party. Items 11 and IlIon the attached agenda regard the Demonstration Team that represents ISlA. It was f0J.t that it should he used both for the 9th lnterski and the NASIC team. The cLUe for selection of the Demonstration team consisting of 5 individuals (Male) was set for April 4 and 5. The 4th could be a training day for questions and answers and the 5th the H0lection would be made with the use of examiners. The place for the selection was left to the snow conditions; it probably would be Park City. Phil Jones was left in charge of this to schedule it around examS and snow conditions. ISlA's standing with PSIA concerning ratification was discussed. It was decided that Max would write a letter requestions clarification of ISlA status from PSIA so our dues billing could be made. Motion: That we write the people who were delinquent in their clinic attendance stating that they should attend our Spring Clinic 1970 or other approved clinic and provide verification of attendance at such a clinic by January 1971 to maintain Cheir certificiitillil ~Iili" f ; i -:- r- - • I,' , ,'JI,,: '\ Parkinson) Motion carried. The Executive Conunittee was ;u;iz"ci I I,' ,/1)1''' "'i" L I' ! 'II tli(:' Certification Certificates that were scheduled to be passed out at the Spring Clin.Lc for those passing exams during the year. Motion: That we come up with the money to pay [or the printing and Dave Chaplin's art work which is approximately $135 and that we give these to people who have passed a certification examination this year and charge others $1. (JonesC. Parkil1son) Mouon \vithdrawn. Discussion was held on charging other members $1. Motion: That we appropriate $300 for the purchase of Certification Certificates. (Jones-Larsen). Motion carried. Motioll: That we adjourn meeting (Parkinson-Parkinson). Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION "arch 13. 1970 INTERMOUNTAIN SK~:;::;TORS ASSOCIATION ISlA Ex cut 1v C itt a I. t ln~ • L • • • n • • • • • ---• .....' - II t t I 197 P 40 Clinlc : Jg at d pl • 1n c h T 1 . • • • • . r 11 • ""---- - INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION EXl'ClIlivl' CllllunilLC'l' ML'l'lill~ Mnrdl 13, 11)70 The meeting was called to order at H:25 P.M. Present were: Max Lundberg, Dave Larsen, Phil Jones, Dave Parkinson, Clark Parkinson and Ed Pond. Guests were: Hob Autry, John Jenkins, Mary Ellen Parkinson (Exec. Sec.) Pres ident Lundberg l'Xp lained the ski school dirL'c tors recommenda tions f rom the i r meeting in February. They suggested that the Spring Clinic be held at Alta and they wanted a similar program to last year's clinic but wanted the groups broken down smaller than last year. They wanted the racing work to be done so that all instructors could participate. Tlll'Y <l1s(1 \v<lntL'd somc work on the basics of skiing ,IS related to cerLi,fic<llion. A LltL' fee for those not pre-registl'rillg was discussed and it was felt that it should be at lC<1st $5.00. Other locations for thl' cli.nic next year were also discussed. biscussion was also held as to which weekend would bl' hest for the clinic. $10.00 was set for the fee. MOTION: Thnt we IwvL' the c:I iJ11c M,I)' I. '2 ,lilt! 3, 1970. (C. P'Il-kinson-Ponu). Hotion carried. It was decided to 11Clve till' late pennlty I:ce $5.00, not have a spouse fee and not to allow non-members. Advertising would be lell to the Chairman and Friday should be optional day. As per Max's outline handed out Bah Autry would be Clinic Chairman with John Jenkins assisting. Marv Casey would be Arrangl'llIel1ls Clwi1"l1l,III ,llld ]),IVC P,lrkinson chairman of Registration. Short swing could be presented ,It th(' S<1I1I(' timp as CertiEication Eor ski teaching phases. F-4 (Advanced ski ing and t('nch illg; adilpt ing to various tl'rrain) could be benefic ia 1 to everyolle anu <11so ,lid cl~rtific'ltioll. TilL' Fdd;IY 1II01"1lill).; sl'ssioll could 1)(' lell up 10 I Ill' ski. schuol direcl()rs but it \vas [l'It lh[lt Lhl'Y slwlIld plan ,I definite pro~r;lIl1. It was nllted that the CertiEication Certificates would be presented at the cocktail party. Itl'ms 11 (Illd III 011 thl' <lltilcIH'd ;lgcll(l,1 rq~ard the Demonstration Team that represents ISlA. It W,IS Il' I t tlla tit shuu ld bL' uSl'd hot h lor [hl' l) l It L;-;-LL~=-:";kf-;lild-l.he--N7\S(C--t~;all1:---------' TItI' dill(' I(\r ~;I'll't'lioll 01 I Ill' 1h'IIHlIl:;II'il[ioll I"illlll'(lll~;isli.n)', or:> i.lltii,vitiu'II,c; (~I,lll') was Sl'l 1(\1- Apl-iJ4-:i1id 5. TI\l' (,th '-Ilul.! Ill';t Il";tillill)', d,IY ror qUl'sliollS ;lIlti ilnS\vl'rs <JIlU lhl' 51h thl' sl'Ll'cli()ll \Vould bl' 1lI,ldl' \Vi II! lltl' IISl' or l'X<llIIi,IIl'I-S. The pl,ll'l' for the selectioll \v,IS lell t~--lil7- snow condilions; i l pt:ohnbly would 'bt-;-" Park City. Phil JOlll'S \vas ll'ft ill l'h;lrgl' or this to schl'duLI' iL <I1-uulHI ('XiIlIlS ,Inti snow conditi()l1s. JSTA'~; sLllILiing \vith PSIA cOI1(,l'nJillg r',llificill i()n \Vils di.scussed. Il \ViiS cil'ciciL'd that Hax \VL1Uld \,'rill' il 1~'lll'l- n'qul'sliolls CI;II-ili,';)Liull (11 LS[A stiltUS [1-0111 PS1A S(1 (lUr dues billing c "11 J cI hl' 11I:ldl'. Thill \vl' \"I-itp lh(' 1)('opl(' who wen' dl'liIICllll'llt i.1l their clini.c ;lltl'l1ci<lncl' stating lh;ll Il!l'v ~;lI(1111d ,llll'llll OUI- Sprill)'. Clillic 1970 or othl'r nppr(lved clinic and proviti., ",'I-il i,';11 ion 01 itlll'lld;II11'l' ill ~;ul'h ,I clillil' hy J;IIlU<lI-y J971 lo Illilintain I III' i I' l',' 1'1 iii. ,II i. 'II I I I 'I . I I', II' k i lIS,''') The EXL'culivl' CUllllllitl." \,,1 I,'d I" 1", II", CI'I-lifiL':lli,1I1 Cl'rtiEic<ltes thal \vcre scheciull'd lo hl' pns!;l'd oul at LilL' Spi-Lng Clinic tor those p<lssing exams during the YP'H. Notion: Thnt \v" COIIll' up ",ilh lh,' 11111IH'y In p,ly 101~ till' printjn~ and Il<lVI' Chilplin's art \Vork \"hich is iIPPI-ll)o;il11illl'Jy $lJ) il1ld Ihnl WI' give thl's\;, to rll'llpll' \-Jllll have p,lssl'd iI 1'l'I-Lii"il';lli(111 l'x;lInillilli(111 lhis ),,',11- ;J1ll1 ch,lrgl' ,ll-h"I-s $1. (J,'I1L'S-C. P'll-kiIISOIl) ~I(llillll wilh<iI-;IWIl. Discw;siol1 was hl'ltl Oil l'h,lr:~il1)l, "lill'r members $1. MotLon: Thill \Vl' ;IPP[OPI-i,ll-l' $JOO for Lhl' purchase o[ Certification Certificates. (JL'IIeS-LarsL~II). Motiun cnrt"il'd. MOli.on: Thilt Wl' ;Idjuunl 1lIl'l'1 illg (l'ill'kinSlln-P<lrki.nson). Molion cilrril'd. BeL'ling W,IS ,ldjUlll'llcd ill 1U: ';() P.M. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION July 13, 1970 TO: Executive Committee, I. S. I. A. FROM: Max Lundberg, President SUBJECT: Meeting re: Fall Seminar Gentlemen: There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee of I. S. I. A. on Friday, July 17, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. to finalize plans for the upcoming Fall Seminar of 1970. The meeting will be held at the Forum Plaza Building, 466 East 5th South, Salt Lake City. We would appreciate your attendance at this important meeting. ML:mep cc: Lex Kunau, Glenn Evans Sincerely, . ) /t'c.i iii(';lj.iLl~f!I Max L~ndberg, presi~~nt L S. I. A. CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I. S. I. A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION September 29, 1970 TO: I.S.I.A. Executive Committee FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President Dear Committee Hember: It is my intention to utilize the Executive Committee as advisers to the President in determining overall Association policy in addition to the duties that the Committee has performed in the past. I personally feel that the Committee should function as the "engine" of the Association and that we should together formulate the direction that the Association should go. Since all members of the Committee except one live in Salt Lake, we can get together frequently, and by so doing, eltminate many small items that, in the past, have had to be presented to the Board, and by careful consideration and preparation, we can present well thought out programs to the Board of Directors, thereby, eltminating long, drawn out, inconclusive Board Meetings. In addition, many projects should now be underway. Accordingly, I would like to schedule an Executive Committee Keeting on Thursday evening, October 15. I will contact you personally on the time and place later. The topics for discussion will be as follows: Committee Assignments, Revised Budget, Pepi Steigler, Demonstration Team, P.S.I.A •• and I.S.I.A. Hovie. Between now and then, if any pertinent items should develop, we will discuss them also. The meeting should be short. Sincerely, .tIadu Clark T. Parkinson President CTP:ld -""-----_._-------' INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION October 5, 1970 TO: Executive Committee FROl-1: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: Executive Committee Heeting Dear Committee Member: Due to a conflict in schedules, the Executive Committee Meeting has been set for Friday, October 16. It will be held at my house. Buffet dinner will be at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will start at 8:00 P.M. sharp. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Executive Committee Mee ting October 16, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 8:45 P.M. Present were: Clark Parkinson Dave Larsen Dave Parkinson Lou Lorenz Max Lundberg Ed Pond Phil Jones Guests: Dave Chaplin Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary Clark noted that Dave Chaplin was invited beca use he had a contribution to make regarding the ISlA movie. Clark stated that he intended to use these Executive Committee meetings as a policy forming board. He wants everyone Lo state their opinion and let him know how they feel. ISA Report: (See attached) Clark and Mike Wilson attended this convention to see if there was any way to further r elationships between ISA and ISlA. Keith Lange's award plaque was brought up - il w"s noted that he would be presented with it at the BOD meeting in conjunction with the Examiners Clinic. Clark read a letter from PSIA regarding their new Executive Secretary and their new policy. He wrote to Pat Swenson ano indicated lhat Lou Lorenz would be our repre-ssentative to PSIA. He noted lhe article that was in the October issue of Ski magazine. He said that the Intermountain Division was quoted as not wanting Qur Associate members to become members of PSIA. Clark \vondcrcd if he should write the magazine or PSIA and straighten them out about our position as to the Associate instructors. PSIA had a meeting September 19-20 and ISlA did not have a representative at that meeting. Clark read a letter from Pat Swensen regarding our position with PSIA. Lou suggested drafting a letter to PSIA to outline that we were not in attendance because we were not aware that we were invited, that we have not ratified their by-laws because we have not seen them and let them know we were the first division to ratify a set of by-laws and that we are not F1gainst having associates as members. Clark said that he would take ca re of this over the Board of Directors name. Phil Jones fell we should also send a leller lo Doug Pf eiffer regarding our position. Lou felt it would not be a good idea to direct mail to any s ki magazines. Committee assignments were brought to the floor . Clark stated that it was his idea to reorganize ISlA into con~itlees under vice presidents. He will try the committees for one year set up as we have been doing in the past. Committee policies were gone over. Lou Lorenz stated that committees that require continuity should be coordinated. If the new committee can gain experie nce from the f ormer committee it will be helpful. Clark discussed the pohcies for lhe committl'cS <Inci said that they should be used as and ouLiine and not as law. Mot ion: That we accept committee outlines wiLh the ammendments Lou suggested as part of the po licy of the Associatinn (Pond- Lorenz). Motion carried. Lou suggested that it be the responsiblity o[ the Secretary that all committee reports are kept on file, Ed Pond s uggested that perhaps Fred Finlinson could become the new By-Laws Committee Chairman. As a member of the bar' h e 1' S very we 11 qua l 1" f'1 ed . Bob Autry was suggested i r Executive Committee Meeting Minutes-10/16/70 Page 2 as chairman of the Racing and Coaching Committee. Clinic Committee - Dave Parkinson felt that tl'l' small areas and Idaho areas needed only one or two men to put on these clinics beCalJSe of expenses and the number of people involved. Perhaps one member of the Demonstration Team could be used along with the committee chairman. Dave stated that this committee was origina lly formed to operate for the sma ll areas and help them . Phil felt that the Association should subsidize the expenses of the clinic committee and give the chai rman money to operate so we do not have to charge the people too much. Lou felt that the first thing the Clinic Committee should do would be to make a study of what these people want a nd how they want it presented . and also their financial expectations . He felt that perhaps some of the members of the committee should be from Idaho--we should go over it with the Idaho people and find out what they expect. Dave reminded Lou that he had sent out a letter to the ski school dire ctors and had them tell him when, how and why they wanted these clinics. Awards Committee - Clark read his brief outline in regard to the committee. He would like to have a Ski Instructor of the Year Award and also a Ski School Director of the Year. (Perhaps one who certifies or registers more candidates than any other school.) Di scussion was held regarding ISA represenLative a nd Lhe politics involved. Dave felt that someone who was not race oriented would be a good representative. Clark said he would call Mike and let him know a new representative had been appointed. Phil felt we shou ld not change it because one person felt a certain way. Lou felt a neutral person would be a better person to represent ISlA. The Pres ident of ISlA would be the ideal person to represent us. Election and Nomination Committee - The question was raised as to whether or not it should be a standing committee or left as a special committee. Newsletter Committee - The RMSIA newsletter was shm'lln to the members. Discussion was held as to the pros and cons and \'IIhat the memi)('rs expec t of the news lett er . It was suggested that perhaps Marilyn Shearer ';Quld he good [or the job. ISlA Movie - Dave Chaplin has done soo1(' research on making a movie for ISlA. We could make a movie for about $1,000. Dave felt he "as noL technically able to make the movie b"t with cooperation of various people could coordinate the effor t. A 25-30 minute film wou ld require five to fifteen full days on the hill. Dave presented to the committee a format regarding some ideas for the making of Lhe promotiona l movie. Do we want a promotional film or a certification oriented film? Lou felt that the association should not finance a film because of expenses. The Ski School Directors should do this or some other committee and raise their own financing. Discussion was held regarding the feasibility of doing it. We shou ld contact some of the other divisions and see what their ideas are on the subject. Clark is going to Aspen a nd will research their movie. Nothing further will be done pending research. Budget Committee - Discussion was held regarding the proposed budget and exactly what was expected from the different committees . Lou felt it was hard to project expenses es-pecially in the certification area . HO\'II much of the registered fee is going to certi-fication and how much to administration? Max ;,"ggcsLcd making and study and suggesting to the Executive Committee or BOD the resulls (or their approval. The budget should merely be a guide line; some commiLtees must function on a stric t budget and others are variable. Demons tration Team - A proposal was accepted by the BOD. Max reviewed the proposal with the Committee. He would like to have a uniform and get the se lection done as soon as possible; could be done in conjunction with the Examiners Clinic either the day before or the day after. He felt the Certificat i on Chairman a nd the Technical Chairman should select 6 examiners to choose the Demonstration Team as well as preparing a written test for all ca ndidates to take. A completely new select ion should be made this fall of the Team; start anew so that we don ' t have a ny problems. It should be stipulated tha t Team Members must be fully certified and a member in good sta nding with the Association. Also put in the letter that is senl ol ll tha t r esulLs \'IILl l be final. Spell out what requirements Executive Committee Meeting MinllLres - 10/16/70 Page 3 are expec ted. Phil felt a new team s hould be picked each year. Study should be made of th e expectations of the D01llonstra l ion Team. Mo l ion: Method s of 9.:'l(' c t ion a nd methods of keep i ng r eco rds s honld be to the discretion of the commi tt ce clw ir11len subjec t Lo a pproval of the BOD (Lore nz-J ones) . Motion cnrr t ed. It '.Jas [(,IL a s tud y should be IlI;Hh~ uf th e expectatiuns of the Demonstration Team. Pe pi Steigl e r - Ph i l talked La Rill Lnsh to fi nd out if these people are certified. PSIA r~ccivcs notice from Austrian syslem each year with their certified people on it. Steigler is certjfied ; communl ca ti ons dre t ied up. Bill felt it was safe to go ahead witlt St e igler's cer tifica tion IOi.th ISlA. Clark en t ertained a motion t hat he be allowed to write Pepi a letter indicaLing t hat lIe had been accepted as a member and explain why '''- had such a de la y in ac cept ing him. How would the SlIn Valley people get transferred into the J\ssocia tion? He should seL li p some way of transferring these people into our divi s ion. We could change th" bylaws o r make it a spec ific way of doing it. Cl a rk wondered what the othe r di visio ns did. Clark said lIe would find out what the others do in rC'ga rd to t ilis probl em . Ethics Committee - The prohlC'1Il of people interrupt ing mee tings was di.scussed and some sorL of so l u tion should be com(' "I' w LLh. Perlta ps a lette r to K. Smith s hould be sent over the BOD's signature. This was [nelllded in the meeting of the BOD on Sept. 20. LOll felt we should write a l etter Lo the effect that th e BOD felt K. Smith's conduct at tile Seminar was non-pro fess ional in t he [orin of a reso lut ion that if conduct of tllis nature co ntinues some action will be talten. Cl ark was given direction to do t h i s . Examiners Clinic - will be he ld Dec('mh. r 6-7 at Park City, weather pe rmitting. PNSIA Examiners Clinic at Mt. Hood in Novembcr arol1l1d the · 15th . Dis cllssion he ld. H.H i o n: That we send Lou Lorcnz to th e' PNSTA Exam in e rs Clinic and pay hi s air fare, lod g ing and food l'XPl'IIS('S (.IUlll'S -l ... lllldhpl")',). Notion carried. HO Li on: That we send tlte P res id l- nL to Lhe RHSIA Semi nar and that we pa y his tra vel and lod g ing expenses (Lorenz-Larsen). Motion carried. Clark sa id he had a man call r egard i ng Austrian people a ppl ying for jobs with Sun Va l ley . He fe lt that they shoilld not be allowed to f ill positions that Ame ri can instr uc tors can fill. Discus sion \.Jas held . Max fell tJ taL we needed a reasonable policy regarding thiS, but at this time we could not take a position. MoLion: That meeting adjourn . (Jones-Pond) Ho t i on carried. Meeting was ad journed a t 11: 50 P.M. f ;-:;;-;;;;1'; SKI TEAU lI'R I I ~: I A , -- INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Executive Committee I.S.I.A. FROM: Clark T. Parkinson , President SUBJECT: President's Report October 16, 1970 Intermountain Division, U. S.S.A. Heeting. October 3 Mike Wilson, I.S.I.A. Rep r esent ative to I.S .A., and I traveled to Idaho Falla and attended the I.S.A. Board Heeting. The purpose of my trip was for me to become acquainted with the Board and to express my interest in the I.S.A. and to dete rmine if there were any areas in which the two organizations could cooperate in activitie s of mutual interest. President Wes Deist suggested tha t the ski instructors se l l memberships for I.S.A., and I suggested that we concentrate on selling memberships to the i ns tru e tors through the ski schools. I indicated that I would di sc,,,,s with the Executive Committee of I.S.I.A. and the Boa rd methods of imp l ement ing TJIPlllbe rship sa les to 1.5 .1.A. members. Old Business , Board Meeting , Septembe r 11) Letters of thanks were sent to the Ponderosa Inn management and staf f and to Lex Kunau and Harold Stanger from the Pre s ident thanking them for their effort. during the Fal l Seminar. Letters were sent to Keit h Lange, Bill Haskins, and Bob Bybee thanking them for their services. Letters were sent by Dave Parkinson, former Secre tary, to those individual s dona ting gif ts to our Fall Seminar. Mary Ellen Parkinson forward ed letters, 1.0. c<lros, and pins to John Herbert and Sverre Engen . All Ski Instructors Division s , P.S .I .A., and ski publications were notified of the change of officers and new members of the Board . Secretary, Ed Pond, forwarded a credentials l e tte r to AL I members whose dues a re not paid, giving them until December 1st t o pay t heir dues and l atc f i ne . Keith Lanp,e was invited to t.he Oecember Bo . .1rd t-lee t1ng, and Dave Parkinson has gone ahead and purchased it pl;Jq~'e and had il engraved t o show our appreciation to l\e ith for his service over the years. CTP : ld Respectfully submi tted, (/~C( / Cl ark T. Parkinson President • -, · . INTERNOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Executivf Committee M~eting Ol t " ber 16, 19 70 Pre scnt i.Jcrl'. : Clock Park i nso ll OLive Llr !-;(-n Dave P.1rkinson Luu Lucenz Max Lundberg Ed Pond Phi 1 J ones GUL·s t S : Dave Chaplin 1'I;lry F.llcn Pa r ki nsun, Exec utive Secretary Clark noted that Dave Ch3plin wa~ invi ted because he had a cont ribution to ~ake re~ a rdi ng the ISlA mov i e . Clark s tated that he intended to use these Executive Committee meeti ngs as a policy form i llg board . He wants evt'ryone t o s tate their opinion and let him know how they f le 1. ISA Report: there \.;a5 .:lny (See attached) way to f urther Clark and Mike Wilson at tended this convention to see if relati ons hips between ISA and ISlA. Keith LC111::'L t 5 a\v.J.rd p l rtquL' \.J~l~ bt·v ught up - i l \,],IS not ed that he would be presented \vilh it ;It the BOn mL'L'tin~ ill Lllllj\lll\ ' L illll \.J ith thL' EX.1miner s Clinic. Cla r k [(,,1d <1 l etter f t-om PSlr\ l"1'h,lrding th e'i r nl'h' I~xl'c utive Secretary a nd t hei r net,) policy . He wrote tv Pat Sh'L'nSL!ll ;I l lll intiic;'lte J 111;lt Lou Lorenz would b e our re pr e - S sl! nt a ti ve to PSIA. He noted the dfl ic le thai \oJas in the October issue of Ski magazine . He said that th e Inl crllluulltdin Di visil'l1 \..]as quoted as not wanting our Associate members to become members of PSIA . Clark wondered if he should write the magazine or PSIA and s traighten them out ilb oUl our position as to the Associate inst ruct ors. PSIA had a meeting September 19- 20 ;Jilt] ISlA did not have a representative at that meet i ng . Cla rk read a l et t e r from P.:.Jt S\"]L'IlSen regardinb our pos ition with PSIA . Lou sugges t ed drafting a letter LO PSIA to outline that we were not i n attendance because we were not awa r e th .:.J t we w~ r e invited) l hat we have not ratified their by-laws because we have not seen them and let them k llUh' \", (:! \.Jere the first division to ratify a set of by-lm..]s a nd th i-It \-Je ;lre Ilut again~t having associates as member s . Clark sai d that he \oJuuld takl: cat-l' uf thi s UVl' r the Board of Directo r s name. Phil Jones felt we should also send a l etLer Lo Doug Pf eiffe r rega rding our positi on . Lou felt it \\'ould not be a good idca to direct mail l l) ;lny s ki magazines. Commit t ee aSSignments were brought to the floor. Clark s tated that it was hi s idea t o reorganize ISlA into committees under vice presidents. He will try th e committees for one year set up as \-Je have been doing in the past. Conunittee polici es were gone over . Lou Lorenz stated that commit tees tha t r equir e continuity should be coordinated • . lf the ne\.J committee can gain expcri enc0 from the former committee it will be helpful. Clark di scussed the pol i cies for tllC committees .,.d so id that they should be used as and ou tline and not as law . Moti o n : That t-Je accept CUlllIllitt<.'l' outlinl's \vith th e ammendments Lou s ugges ted as part · of the pu li cy of the ~.sl l ci.tiun (Pond - Lorenz). Mo ti on car ried. Lou suggested that it be the r e~,;p ll' ls ib iit y u f the Secretary that all conun i t t ee r ep orts ar~ kept un f i le. Er! POild su~~~st~d that perhup s F_~d Finlitlsol1 l.;l~l [', ill, A~ a member o( rhL.' l),:_ "I.' is ',1(:- couid become the net..] By- Laws Conunittee .. :,_,1 1 qU:I Lifi eci . Bot Au :.!':. '~IS ;:)u~g(~ sted -- as cha irman of the Racing and Coaching Committee. Clinic Committee - Dave Parkinson felt that the small areas and Idaho areas needed only one or two men to put on these clinics because of expenses and the number of people involved. Perhaps one member of the Demonstration Team could be used along with the committee chairman. Dave stated that this committee was originally formed to operate for the small areas and help them. Phil felt -that the Association should snbsidize the expenses of the clinic committee 5nd give the chairman money to operate so we do not have to charge the people too much. Lou felt that the first thing the Clinic Committee should do \vould be to make a study of what these people want and how they want it presented and also their financial expectations. He felt that perhaps some of the members of the committee should be from Idaho--\ve should go over it with the Idaho people and find out what they expect. Dave reminded Lou that he had sent out a letter to the ski school directors and had them tell him when, how and why they wanted these clinics. Awards Committee - Clark read his brief outline in regard to the committee. He would 1 ike to have a Ski Instructor of the Year A\vard and also a Ski School Director of the Year. (Perhaps one who certifies or registers more candidates than any other school.) Discussion was held regarding ISA representative and the politics involved. Dave felt that someone who was not race oriented would be a good representative. Clark said he would call Mike and let him kno\,; a ne\v representative had been appointed. Phil felt we should not change it becallsc one person felt a certain way. Lou felt a neutral person would be a better person to rljHesellt IST1\. TIle President of ISlA would be the ideal person to represent us. Election and Nomination Committee - The question was raised as to whether or not it should be a standing committee or left as a-special committee. };Hlsletter Committee - The Ri'ISIA ne\.;sletter \vas sho\vo to the members. Discussion \.Jas held as to the pros and cons and what the members expect of the newsletter. It was suggested that perhaps Marilyn Sbearer \oJOuld he good for the job. ISL\ Movie - Dave Chaplin has done some research on making a movie for ISlA. We could make a movie for about $1,000. D"vl' felt he \v3s not technically able to make the movie bllt with cooperation of various people could coordinate the effort. A 25-30 minute film would require five to fifteen full d:IVS on tl!e hill. Dave presented to the committee a format regarding some ideas [or l11l' III:lkin).; or LI\(, promotional movie. Do we want a promotional film or a certificaLioll ori"lll('d filll1': LOll felt that the association shollld not finance 3 fi 1m because of expenses. Till' Sk i Slltool Di.rectors should do this or some other committee and raise their v\m fillancjng. Discussion was held regarding the feasibility of doing it. We should contact SOmE' of the other divisions and see what their ideas are on the subject. Clark is going to Aspen and will research their movie. Nothing further will be done pending research. Budget Committee - Discussion was held regarding the proposed budget and exactly \oJhat was expected from the different committees. Lou felt it \vas hard to project expenses especially in the certification area. How much of the registered fee is going to certification and ho\v much to administration? Max ~i'ggested making and study and suggesting to the Executive Committee or BOD the results for their approval. The budget should merely be a guideline; some committees must function on a strict budget and others are variable. Demonstration Team - A proposnl \vilS acccptC'd hy th<' BOD. Max reviewed the proposal with the Committee. He would lik(' to 1tavl' [l ItnifOrIli ilnd ).;et the selection done as soon as poss ible; co,uld be done in conjunct ion \vitll till' I~xaminers Clinic either the day before :H tf't: day after. He felt the C"rtii'ication CllairnlLlll and the Technical Chairrr,an should scll'ct I) examiners to clloose the Dl'moI1stration Tl'Clm <15 well as preparing a written test for :111 (,;Indidatcs to take. i\ (,0f11pj(>lciy 11('W s(,lection should be made this fall of the 1"'-.111\; slart 3ne\, so tilc1t \vl' dOl1'L i:,I.l' ilny prohlcms. It should be stipulated that Team :l",rlh,rs must be fully certifivu in<! 1 member ill good standing \vith the Association. Also plit ill t\ e It:ttc'r that is sellt [that re~)\llts ',viII be final. Spell out ~'ihat requirement _--". E:<eclltive Committee Meeting Ninlltes - 1O/1()/70 Page 3 are expected. Phil felt a ne\v team sl10llld be picked each year. Study should be made 8:: L,e expectations of the Demonstration Team. Notion: Hethods of a>lectioll and methods of keepin~ records should be to the discretion of the committee cLain,en s'lhject to approval of the BOD (Lorenz-Jones). ~!'Jtion clrri('d. It \,<1:0 fell a study should be Illade of the expectations of the Demonstration Team. P~pi St('j~ler - Phil talked to nill L<1Eh to find out if these people are certi~ied. PSL\ receives notice from Allstrian system eac;, year with their certified people on it. Stc. L~:ler is certified; commlwications are tied up. Bill felt it was safe to go ahead ,vith Steigler's certificatic'll "ith IST\. Clark entertained a motion that "e be allowed to ,Hite Pepi a letter indicating that :Ie bad heen accepted as a member and explain why ,lie had such a delay in accepting him. Hmo} '.JOuld the SlIn Valley people gEt transferred into the Association? He should set !'p some hay of transferring these people into our division. He could change the bylaws or make it a specific way of doing it. Clark \vondered what the other divisions did. Clark said he would find out what the others do in regard to this problem. Etllics Committee - The prol,lC'TIl of people intcrn'pt-ing meetings was discussed and some SLHt of solution should be come up \vith. l'erl:nps a lptter to K. Smith should ~e sent over the BOD's signature. This WetS included in lIiC meeting of the BOD on Sept. 20. LO'1 felt we should write a letter to the effect that the BOD felt K. Smith's conduct at the Seminar was non-professional in the form of a resolution that if conduct of ti,is nature continues some action will be taken. Clark was given direction to do this. Examiners Clinic - will be held December 6-7 at Park City, weather permitting. PNSIA Examiners Clinic at Mt. Hood in November around the'15th. DisCllssion held. Motion: That we send Lou Lorenz"to the PNSIA Examiners Clinic and pay his air fare, lodging and food expenses (Jones-Ltmdherg). Hotion carried. Motion: That we send the President to the ~ISIA Seminar and that we pay his travel and lodging expenses (Lorenz-Larsen). Motion carried. Clark said he had a man call regarding Austrian people applying for jobs with Sun Valley. He felt that they should not be allmved to fill positions that American instructors can fill. Discussion ~vas held. Hax felt that we needed a reasonable policy regarding thiS, but at this time we cOllld not take a position. Motion: That meeting adjourn., (Jones-Pond) Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 P.M. lcIR TIFlED SKI TEACHER J ~ 1. s. 1. A. L Wf'MIII INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INST~UCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Executive Committee I.S.I.A. FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: President's Report October 16, 1970 Intermountain Division, U.S.S.A. Meeting, October 3 Mike Wilson, I.S.I.A. Representative to I.S.A., and I traveled to Idaho Falls and attended the I.S.A. Board Meeting. The purpose of my trip was for me to become acquainted with the Board and to express my interest in the I.S.A. and to determine if there were any areas in which the two organizations could cooperate in activities of mutual interest. President Wes Deist suggested that the ski instructors sell memberships for I.S.A., and I suggested that we concentrate on selling memberships to the instructors through the ski schools. I indicated that I would discuss with the Executive Committee of I.S.I.A. and the Board methods of implementing membership sales to I.S.I.A. members. Old Business, Board Meeting, September 19 Letters of thanks were sent to the Ponderosa Inn management and staff and to Lex Kunau and Harold Stanger from the President thanking them for their efforts during the Fall Seminar. Letters were sent to Keith Lange, Bill Haskins, and Bob Bybee thanking them for their services. Letters were sent by Dave Parkinson, former Secretary, to those individuals donating gifts to our Fall Seminar. Mary Ellen Parkinson forwarded letters, I.D. cards, and pins to John Herbert and Sverre Engen. All Ski Instructors Divisions, P.S.I.A., and ski publications were notified of the change of officers and new members of the Board. Secretary, Ed Pond, forwarded a credentials letter to all members whose dues are not paid, giving them until December 1st to pay their dues and late fine. Keith Lange was invited to the December Board Meeting, and Dave Parkinson has gone ahead and purchased a plaque and had it engraved to show our appreciation to Keith for his service over the years. CTP:ld Respectfully submitted, ad Clark T. Parkinson President 1 N T E R M 0 U N TAl N SKI 1 N S T R U C TOR S ASS 0 CIA T ION A. President's Report B. P.S.I.A. C. Conmittees 1. Policy EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA October 16, 1970 2. Election and Nomination D. Newsletter 1. Policy 2. R.M.S.I.A. 3. Next Publication E. I.S.I.A. Movie 1. Objective 2. Budget F. Budget G. Demonstration Team H. Pepi Steigler ... . ... . 2 I. Ethics J. Miscellaneous 1. Examiners Clinic 2. Travel Expense A. Policy B. P.N.S.I.A. Examiners Clinic C. Sun Valley Symposium 3. U.S. Department of Labor--Hanpower Administration INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Certification Committee Meeting November 18, 1970 Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were: Woody L\nd('r~()n Clark P:lrkillS<lll Andy SiH';Jr"I- ]I1;J)( [,1111(11)('1')', .11111 i ()r 1'.()llIl()l1~; Phil Jones Lou Lorenz Tlave Parkinson Ed Pond Phil reviel,ved last Ivc('k'~; 111l"'[ iil)', j()l- I Ill' 1"'IIl·lit or those not attending last time. It "vas pointed out t l1;lt LIst 1""I'k IS I1H"'[ ing had not resolved the question of what the SLlllcLlrd 1"l,"ld I,,' j,'r ,',;ll11ill;l[ iOlls tillS year. The Illl','1 ill!: 1,-;1" "!,l'II"" j,'r SII~',)',l'1-;li()ns and after discussion it was determined that till'r,' \,-,'1-,' (""1- ;Iil,'rlldtivl's: I. ,'. l'sl' till' IlL'lv PSI1\ Illanual and adhere rigorously to it. D,' 11L1t liSt' the PSIA manual at all. llse til,' PSIA manual but print our own definitions. lTSl' the PSIA manual as a guide only. The' -'lth alternative seemed to be the orientation point of the discussion. ~ere expressed that the Examiners in their judgment and discretion should 3 candidate should pass without any objective standard. Opinions decide if The question of what demonstrations should be required was discussed next. It was the feeling chat while teaching shollid be emphasized and demos de-emphasized, that basic maneuvers should be a part of the candidates preparation for the exam. It was determined that on Saturday, the 5th of December, 1970, the tryouts for the Demonstration Team would be held at 8:00 A.M. and that Andy wOllld prepare a written exam for the candidates. Max Lundberg presented a list of those he felt should select the team and left it open for further additions. A Board Meeting was also scheduled for Saturday, December 5 at 4:00 P.M. and an attitude adjustment period from 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. On Sunday, the 6th, the Ski School Directors will meet at 8:00 in the morning; the clinic will begin at 9:00 and will be open to past Examiners, hackllps, and Ski School Directors. No charge will be made for attendance. The morning will be spent indoors on procedur~ policy, etc. and move out on the hill at 2:00 P.M. The meeting was adjourned. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Certification Committee Meeting November 13, 1970 Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M" i>y Cilninn:1TI Pi,i I .1011(':;, Present were: Woody And l' r SOil LOll Lorell /. Ed 1"'l1d fv1;J ;.. , 1.1111.1 1)(' IT. I: 1.1 r I, \':1 r-I< i II::()II Phil Jones Dean Roberts LOll Loren/; repent <,d "11 h i~: 1"""111 .11 1"11.1,111('1' :11 l'NWSTA Cl inic at Mt. Hood. Their (,X;ll11illl'l'~; <,lilli,' \v;I~; Upt'll 10 ollly Cl'rtjfjed members, examiners and Sk i S,'h",,1 ]l i 1",','/ ","~; - :)()() ,II 1<'11111'<1. Plll'j,,1Sl' \\;l~; II' ,',111"<'\, lile cerLification committee and technical committee pl,li.,\" ,Ill.! Il','hlliqll<' for the year. Lou described in detail what occurred ill 111,' ,'I illi,", Phil r,':ld ;l ll'ltl'r H'cently received from Sid Jensen. (See attachment A), Discussion ,,'as h,'ld ilS to Sid's suggestions and as to how the exam could be bettered. Phil Lllsed the matter of a critique in written form for candidates who have taken the' l'xam Ivherein scores and general comments could be listed. The possibility of not llsing numbers 12 and 16 on scorecards was considered. LOll displayed a copy of the new PSIA manual. Clark reported on exam costs and gave a breakdown on them. (See Attachment B). Motion: That we raise the cost of examinations to $30.00 and limit the number of applicants to 8. (Lorenz-Lundberg). Motion carried, Upon Phil's suggestion it was determined that the Demonstration Team tryouts be held on the 4th of December and the Examiners Clinic of the 5th and 6th. On the 5th of December we will go over policy in the morning and spend the afternoon with Ski School Directors on the hill. The 6th would be open to the entire membership including the Registered members. A discussion was held as to the coming season's certification program. It was decided that further thought would be appropriate and after scheduling a further meeting one week away, the meeting was adjourned" 1 ~, \ I .0 { .; c .,';" .:. > r 1 ~ (~' ,i I"~, 1 r'ij, tl I";"; "l.:l,' ','j: I,i '1-, \. \' t. r,·,· r 1 (' "c or ..... I.' ,. '. '- j. " " '.) r'r; 1: " l' 1 ' : ~, J j ..-. '\,1 . ' (. ~; " ('-S> I')] , to ., . ,. , . \ •. ! .1, 1\ I. S. LA. CERTIFICATION . 't, '"'' 1967-70 THREE YEAR 1969-70 1968-69 -._--. 1961-68 TOTAL AVERAGE Number of Candidates 74 114 151 '339., 113 Number of Exams 8 13 16 37 12 Exam Expen&e Examiners' Fees $ 790.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,780.00 $ 3,870.00 $ 1,290.00 Exam Expense 1,131.00 1,030.00 736.00 2,897.00 965.00 TOTAL $ 1,921.00' $ 2,330.00 $ 2,516.00 $ 6,767.00 $ 2,255.00 Expense per Candidate $ 25.95 $ 20.43 $ 16.66 $ 19.96 Expense per Exam Examiners' Fees $ 98.75 $ 100.00 $ 111.25 $ 105.00 Exam Expense 141.38 79.23 46.00 78.00 TOTAL $ 240.13 $ 179.23 $ 157.25 $ 183.00 Average Number of Candidates 9.25 8.8 9.4 9.1 Exam Fees $ 1,894.00 $ 2,865.00 $ 3,374.00 $ 8,133.00 $ 2,711.00 Income per Candidate $ 25.59 $ 25.13 $ • 22.34 $ 24.00 Income per Exam $ 237.00 $ 220.00 $ 211.00 .$ 220.00 Expense per Candidate 19.96 Percentage Decrease in Exams 1967-70 - 1041- Income per Candidate 24.00 Percentage Decrease in Exams 1968-70 541- Expense per Exam $ 183.00 Average Number of Candidates 1964-70 i 135 Income per Exam 220.00 Percentage Decrease 1969-70 from Average 821- Average Yearly Expense $ 2,255.00 Projected Number Candidates 1970-71 120 Average Yearly Income 2,700.00 Percentage Increase from 1969-70 + 34% AGENDA OF PUBL I CITY OJi,',i'Ji\ TTEE i'/IEET 1 N G FRIDAY, NOVEMBEfi 27, 1970 DAV I D CHAPLI N, CHA I Rr,~AN 1.. REV I E'i'I OF COf;;:',':!TTEE SYNOPS I S ,,;~~~~,-- . A. IDENTIFICATION OF POLES BY INDIVIDUAL j','1EL1BERS B. OUTU ~'lE OF SYSTEkl CF COM).'lUN I CAT IONS BET'I'iEEN i&:~.iBERS NiB/OR OFF I CERS C. IDENTIFYlr'W OTHER NEEDS FOR FUNCTION WITHIN THE COL1r~1\TTEE 2. REVI EVi OF THE ROLE OF THE I.S.I.A. NEWSLETTER - A. THE ROLE OF THE PRESIDENT 8. THE ROLE AND THENEEDS OF THE EDl TOR 3. NIGhT SI(IING PARTY FOR THE I.S.I.A. r,'lEf'J1BERS ----~ ....... A. .PLANt',ll NG __ 1. FOOD & REFREO~~ENTS G'\MES AND AWAf'mS INVITATIONS AND PROMOTION ARRANGEMENTS WITH RECORT FOR PASSES AND UCE OF FAC1LtTIEO OTHER |