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Show Introduetion P* 15 mMl*% »1-A»frlff> aLJtoti^¿aé**km^ ** our knowledge, this insti- A tution is one ofJ00f three in th^ country t© posses the important review aUMashriq from the first issue in 1898. Eecently aoquired oíd periodicais include al-Janln. which is not yet processed. In this volume, our Arabic cards are alphabetically srrangeé by author and transliterated titles for easier handling within the general categories of the Library of Congress classification. Some ©f the categories, howev#r, have been grouped together for economy and ready access. Stress has been made in the Arabic coilection on the huiftanities* History, literatura, ian-guage and dictionaries, rhetoric, ppiosophy, t&eoiogy, politics, culture, encyclopedic works and original source material are among the many categories of the coilection* Bxcept for older works ©f cultural and historie significance, the fields of modern science and technology have been avoided. Selectivity has been our guide in collecting works translated from a foreign language. It would be presumptúous to contend that we have more than a good research library. We feel that we still have a long way to go in many |