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Show ) -81.- iian in eleven different banks, with a bended capacity of Moneys. 7 §420,000.00. Those deposits of individual moneys have fluctuated between $286,000.00 end y3S0,C0C»X, and tho special Individual deposits, between $6,000.00 and $15,0O0.C0» It will be noted,,-therefore, from thia statement, that the Indians of tho Uintah Basin aro net generally in a bad way, , ' *"' y O.-y -' .; P 0, :'•••'' o ..'•'-.,: financially. Tha Agency buildings at Fort Duchoano are tha same as thosa constructed by ths army for it3 use when tho fort was a post for United States troops. Tho buildings ara only in fair condition. Lany of them need repairs and nearly all of them need painting. Little has boon dcr.o ia thi -say of repairs to tha buildings sinco ihe Agency was removed frcm r?hite Rocka to Fort Tuchosne. That removal was made, primarily, for tho purpose of facilitating" the develcpcment cf the Indian allotments, as it placed the Superintendent and tha Agency force practically in the centar of tho field of operations. During , , 7y.' |y.| '-'• , • OA, w . ' flfipny- the laat year,/-a farm station, consisting of a farmer's dwelling, yAfli:....... _ oP;w.wP ,, y piOyy-fly -flyy-fiy • -. wy .i."; ; ' t,.,: li granary and barn, was constructed at lyion, at a cost of *3,l<!6.-33, . 3 3 ' • < ': Building Repairs to the amount of 32,031.31 were made on other Agency OperationS. buildings and upon an improvement of the water system* Tha Agency Hospital, containing eight beds for patisnts, waa opened in Eoptomber, 1313* The resident force of hospital .- -. t - ( ,< employees consists cf one nurse, one male laborer and one female |