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Show I - 64 - of Euperintendsnt Kneale, and, under thia plan, tha Indiana who now have allotments of 320 acroa would not be obliged to call upon tho Indian Office and the Department for the expenditure of so great on cmauni of reimburcable money for the sub- P'i '' _ jugation of thoir allotments, aa ecjas necessary under existing :. ' • ' '.'• • • ' . - ! conditions. , On Tuesday, October 31, 1 vi3it^d and viewed tho allotted Other Peer Land, lands on tha ea3t side of tha Lako Fork River, six miles northwest cf Lyton. The land thero haa bean on tho market for a long period at an aopraised value of $12.50 an acra. ^So offora \ havo boon received. After .^oing over it, I am convinced that no salo oan ba made of thoso lands at the appraised valua. Liio all the other Indian allotments, these lands havo a so-called water ri;;ht appurtenant to them, but that is of no consequence In present conditions, and will be of no consequence in ths future, Unless the lands can be subjugated. Concerning these lands, Superintendent Kneale said to me: The Govornmant farmers who appraised these lands fixed a value at a figure lower than that at which they ars bcin^ offered for sale, but they realized that thoir judgment in their appraisal of tho value of the land waa being influenced by the fact that it was not posaiblo to secure the approval of the Indian Office of 3alos at a lowor figure. Several of theae tracta have been approvod for sals, by tho Indian Offioe, with the reservation that thoy bo not sold for loss than $12,50 on acre* It is quite possible, although I am not aortaln How They Were O.ccraised. |