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Show ' - 72 t«> Superintendent Kneale as follows: .. . .•. o' Orders from /7y7i : Tho Indian Appropriation Act for tho Fis- . xhe office. '<• " ' ca* ^ e a r ^9 1 7 c0"^3^3 a n i_tem °? 510,000.00 ",'"'• for tho purchase of seeds and implements for 0; 0 Or- "_ allotted Ute- Indians. On a per capita basis, '''..'."•'.' ! 3. 'ry ycur Indians will be entitled to $7,600*00 of thia amount* Picas© submit your reeommenda-fl- '• ry p..'•'";'';•••• tion as to the expenditure thereof undsr the con- Oy' ditiona set forth in the Appropriation. ;•; ).;( ;. . .. W-i . ' ,*• ; , . ' • In compliance with this direatlon, Superintendent Kneale, w'.7 ' | ' '< \ the third time,, forwarded to the Indian Office suggestions as to the implements to be purchased, although ha did so with a mental reservation that tho purchase was quite unnecessary. :. \ fl In consideration of this question, it should be understood - 0 fl- 0 A that the Indians in ths Uintah Basin, generally speaking, are thoroughly independent. Among then, ara some of the host cattlemen, seme of the boBt sheepmen and 3oms cf tho best farmers 1 have any knowledge of among Indians. Hundreds of them live in thair csrn homes and farm their own lands and hava their own individual bank accounts. They are citizens cf the United Statos In the p Osama sense that a white man may be*; i Sany of then, exercise right , ''/,<' ;-'•."• 3 ' 0,4: "."••',.- •> :• o, :•' ... w P .', , ' '. .. ;.'- P • p -o- ' of franchiso,', o They.do not want/'and they do not need, a, free '••'. ',-7 . , ' iasue of agricultural, implements as a general practice. There "yy : y p ' ! ' • .' yy Fre*. TE 3 u e f ere, among them, individuals who noed assistance and to -»hom, to !iot Ee sir able. good advantage, some farm machinery and seeds for their lands well might be isaued free. \i To have it understood* generally, however, ihat free implements |