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Show - 50 - A G 0 JJ D I T I 0 3 - 8 0 T A THEORY. Other Ead Scattered over the Basin there is a con3idarable number Allotments. A of allotments of lands to Indians quite as bad as the Tokanna Unca Sam Allotment. On ry trip of Konday, October 30, I visited certain allotments located on tine lower end of the Leland Ditch, .7 south of Fandlett, and in the Duchesne P.iver bottom. I have particularly in mind the Wamiore allotments in this district. One of these allotments, the Towoe r.amiore Tract, described as the £H»£ HI*!, Sec. 34, T. 3 3., R. 2 2., haa been on the market for a long time, at an appraised value.of rl2.50 an acre. As ia the e**se with all the Indian allotments, this particular allotment ia theoretically under a Government ditch.\) Cn account, however, of the topography of the allotment, it would be quit** imnoasible to subdue it and place it under cultivation at any coat within reason. * v-*ry gravely dcubt whether the land could be lev^lsd and beneficial use made of the water for less than •$100.00 an aore. It would be manifestly impossible for the Indian allottee to expend that amount of money in the subjugation S bdui-~ °^ *"'le allotment. He has not that amount available, either of, Toe Expensive - individual, or of reimbursable funds, and, if he had, neither tha Indian Office nor the Department would be justified in authorizing tha expenditure of any such amount upon the reduction of the allotment, |