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Show INDIAN TERRITORY, REGULATIONS. Everv anolioation should be accomnanied hv a dnlveertified cheek u ~ o nth e ~lnired.S%c., depository at St. Louii, Jli~iouiio, r nbau some solveut Gational bank in thc UrnreJ States, f.?r on0 hondrrd Jo:lnrs. payable to thoorrrrr of thu 1,nired Stntes Intiinn went at the ITnion -4rence. lndilrn Territon'. in nurrntmt of ~~ ~ . .- ~ advanced rovaltv on lease for one vear. ind in addition, if thG'a~~iicatiobne illowed, the-a~dicantw ill be requfred t o pay the cost of executing the lease, including the i,ilr-rrven~~osriiurp~ieq~~1,i). rleudw . 11. .\I) xl,l,licatio~rf or it ininin;. lea-o under said section 13, Elell by an asiucia-tienof in,lividuals. must rive tlr6 nnmu of all of ild metuberaand beverified 1,s the principal officer thereof,'&nd any incorporated company applying for a mfning lease under said section must ?Is0 file with it4 appbcakion- (a) A copy of its articles of Incorporation duly certified by the proper officer of the comnanv under its cornorate seal.. or by. the secretary of the State or Territorv where oryanized. (b) A copy of the State or Territorial law under which the company wasorgan-ized, with the certificateof thegovernor or secretary of the State or Territory that the same is the existing law. (c) When said law directs that the articles of association or other papericon-nected with the organization be filed with any State or Territorial ofticer, the cer-tificate of such officer that the same have been filed according to law, with the date of the iiling thereof. ROYALTIES, RENTS, ETO. 12. AU. royalties accruing under leases entered into formining purposes under these regulations, including advanced royalties, provided for in section 3 above, in accordance with said section 13 of the act of June 28,1898, shall be payable in lawful money of the United States or exchange issued by a national bank in the United States to the United States Indian agent at the Union Agency, in the Indzan Territory. who shall be at all times nnder the direetlon and super-vision of the United States Indian inspector for the Indian Territory. Said advanced royalties shall be payable $100 on the mak~ng of the lease, 8100 in one year thereafter, $?00 in two years thereafter, $200 in three rears thereafter, and S;,OO on the fourth and each succeeding year until the end of the term thereof. All other royalties in accordance e t h the schednle prorlded in these regnlations (unless modified in any particular case by the Secretary of the Interior, aa here-inbefore provided) shall be ayable to said United States Indian agent monthly, and shall be paid an or before the 25th day of the month succeeding the date when such monthly royalty shall have accrued. All such monthly royalties shall be accompanied by the sworn statement, in duplicate, by the person, corporation, or company paying the same, as to the output of themine, oil well, or quarry of suoh person, corporation, or company for the month for which royalties mapbe tendered. One part of said sworn statement shall be filed with the United States Indian agent, to be transmitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the other part thereof shall be filed with the United States lndian inspector located in the Indian Territory. 13. The said United Ststes Indian agent shall receive and receipt for all royal-ties paid into his hands when accompanied by the Sworn statement as provided in the preoeding regulation, hut not otherwise, and it shall also be his duty to collect, under the supervision and direction of the United States Indian inspector for the Indian Territory, all rents, permits, revenues, and taxes, of whatsoever kind or nature, that may be due and payable to toy Indian tribe or tribes to which these regulations may apply, as provided for by the laws of snch tribe or tribes. 14. The rents and permits, taxes and revenues provided for by the foregoing repulation, to be collected by the United States Indian agent, shall be due and payable to him in lawful money of the United States at the time when snch rents, permits, taxes, and revenues would, under the laws of the particular nation, have been due and payable to the authorities of such nation had not the act of June 28, 1898, and especially section 16 thereof, been passed. 16. All moneys collected by the United States Indian agent, as provided in these regulations, shall be, as soon as practicable, deposited by mid agent with the assistant treasurer of the United States at St. Louis, Mo.. in the like manner as moneys lmown in the regulations of the Indian Office as "~iscellaneeus receipts, Class 111," are deposited, with a statement of the tribe or tribes to which said moneys belong, the proportionate share of each tribe, and the particular souroe from which the same is derived-i. e., so much from mining leases, so mnchfrom rents, ete. |