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Show The enrollment and average attendance in public schools is shown in Table on page 611, wllile the following table gives a list of snch schools, their location, and the number of pupils for which contracts are made: TADLE 6.-Puhlio sohoob at tuhioh Irtdian ptlpils asre placed under contract cilh tlre Incltun Bzcl'eau duriq~g lhspsoal veal. ended June SO, 1.898. state. / ~nhooldistrict. 1 ~oonty. ipupils California.. .................................. Idah., ........................................ Oklahoma .................................... 1 I Helm ................. Sm Diego ............ AIIIIIUBO .................. do ................ N0.1 .................. Bannook ............. N0.21 ................. Shoshone ............. No.24 ................. Bi u ~ i ~ a.m.. .......... No.27 ................ Xeu Paro6s ........... NO. l .................. Iaabelln .............. N0.38 ................. Enor ................. NO. 67 ...................... do ................ X<o. 91 ...................... do ................ NO. 104.. ................... do ................ NU. 105 ..................... do ................ No.1 .................. Thurston ............. No. 11 ...................... do ................. No. 13. ..................... do ............... No. 14 ...................... do. ............... N0.18 ...................... do ................ N0.17 ...................... do ................ No. SO ................. Olmo l~o d.. ........... Nu.65 ................. Oansdiau ............. X0.301 ................ Pottawatonti ........ N0.36 ................. ao ................ 3 wisoonsin .................................... No. 1. Odanab. ........ l.iiiiLand .............. 1 15 CONTRACT SCHOOLS. It is provided in the appropriation act for the fiscal year ending June 30,1899- that the Seoretsry of the Interior maymake aontracts with aontraot schools, appor-tioning 88 near as may he the amount so oantracted for among the sohoole of varialls denominations, for the education of Indian pupils during the fisoal year 1899, but shall only make such contracts at places where uunsectsrisn ~ohoolso en not be pro-vided for auoh Indim children to an amqontnot exceeding 30 per oant of theamount so used for the fisoal year 1895. For the fiscal year 1895 there was used for 'ol~tract schools of all denominations the sum of $463,505, of wllich amount $53,440 mas appro-priated for schools specifically named by Oongress, which leaves a total of $410,065 as the true amount from which the 30 per cent should be taken. The amonnt allowed for the two schools at the Osage Beserva-tion ($11,250), being paid out of Osage trust money, should not, in the opinion of this office, be included in the amount set apart for contract schools, and therefore, upon your approval, that sum has been deducted from the above total, which would leave a new total for 1895 of $398,815, of which sum I am of opinion Congress inteuded only 30 per cent to be nsed for 1899, thus making the sum of $119,644.50 available for snch purpose. When the schedule for the fiscal year 1898 was prepared, there were |