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Show Klamith Resmtim, 0reg.-The work on this reservation has been continued by Special Agent John E. Rankin, who prior to July 23 last had made 305 allotments, which, added to the 755 made by Special Agent Worden, makes a total of 1,060, or 42 more than the total number of Iudians of the reservation as given in the last annual report. Doubtless many absentees have returned to the reservation in order to claim their right to an allotment thereon. It is thought that the field work should be completed at an early date. By decision of the circuit court of the United States,puhlished in full on page - of this report, the lands in this reservation which are covered by the grant to the State of Oregon have been declared sub-ject to allotment to Iudians. Umatilla Reservation, 0reg.-May 4, 1897, this office instructed Agent Harper, of the Umatilla Agency, to allow certain Indians, some 40 or 50 in number, who were not present when allotments were made to the Indians on the Umatilla Reservation, to make selections of lands to be allotted them there. Agent Harper failed to complete this work before his successor, Mr. Wilkins, was appointed, and May 28 last this office instructed Agent Wilkins to take up the work where Mr. Harper left off and carry it to conclusion. Agent Wilkins has not yet submitted his report. Lower Brnl6 Reservation. 8. D&.-It was stated in the last annual report that about 550 of the Lower Brul6 Sioux had gone to the Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak., and that it was expected that these Indians would finally be settled on that reservation, sonth of and near White River, where they had formerly resided. Also that, in view of the removal of these Indians, it would be necessary to readjust the allot-ments made to the Iudians remaining on the Lower Brul6 Reservation. Under a clause contained in the Indian appropriation mt of 1897, Inspector James McLaughlin was sent to South Dakota to negotiate agreements between the Lower Brul6 and Rosebud Indians for the surrender by the latter to the former of the lauds selected by the Lower Brul6s south of White River. Agreements were concluded byhim by whieh the differences between those two bands of Indians were adjusted, and a bill to ratify these agreements was drafted by this office and introdneed into the Senate (Senate bill 4623, Fifty-fifth Congress, second session), and was favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. A fuU history of this matter, with agreements, reports, council proceedings, map, etc.,.may be found in Honse Doc. No. 447, Fifty-fifth Congress, second session. For further information, see also Senate Report No. 1266 of the same session. When these agreements shall have been ratified by Congrass, steps will be taken to readjust allotments on the Lower Brul6 Reservation, and also to make allotments to the Lower Brul6s located on the Rose bud Reservation. Rosebnd Reservation, 8. D&.-The work on this reservation has con-tinued during the year under the direction of Special Agent William |