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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 85 copy of which would oont $45. Authority was gratited by the Depart-ment, July 31, to have certified copies made of such conveyances of land, whether the same were held in trust or otherwise. On the 12th and 14th of November, 1896, Agent Rebok forwarded certified copies of thirteen deeds for land in Iowa purchased by these Indians, viz: 1. Deed, dated July 13,1857, from Philip Butler, David Butler, and Isaac Butler, guardian for William Butler aud Ozias Butler, minors, conveying to James W. Grimes, governor of the State of Iowa, and his successors in office, in trust for the following named persons, Indians, and their heirs, forever, viz: Eath a link wah, En no chalk, Eaha nah, Ma ta na quash, and Pol a cato, for $1,000, the W. 6 of the SE. &of sec. 30, T. 83 N., R. 15 W., of the fifth principal meridian, Iowa, containing 80 acres. 2. Deed, dated October 31, 1865, from James Burge and Ellen S. Bnrge, his wife, conveying to W. M. Stone, goveruor of the State of Iowa, in trust for the tribe or band of Musquaka Indians, living in Tama County, Iowa, for certain timber trees on the Butler tract and 011 tho laud conveyed, the NE. of the SW. & of sec. 30, T. 83 N., R. 15 W., containing 40 acres. 3. Deed, dated May 31, 1867, from Hannah King aud Samuel A. King, her husband, conveying to Leander Clark, special United States agent for the Sac and Pox Indians, and his successors in office,in trust and for the use and benefit of said Indians, for $2,000 the SE. & of the NE. 4, the N. of the NE. & of the SE. &, and the N. g of the BE. 14 of the BE. & of sec. 30, T. 83 N., R. 15 W., containing 80 acres; also 19 acres in the NE. & of the SE. & of the same seotion. Commencing at a point 8 rods north of the southwest corner of NE. of SE. a; thence east 20 rods; thence sooth 8 rods; thence east 60 rods; thence north 40 rods; thence west 80 rod; thence sonth 32 rods to the place of begin-ning, containing in the aggregate 99 acres. 4. Deed, dated May 14,1868, from William Croskrey and Rachel J., his wife; Wesley Croskrey and Sarah, his wife; Joseph Croskrey and Sarah Ann D., his wife, and Jacob Croskrey and Caroline, his wife, conveying to Leander Clark and his successors in office, in trust for the use and benefit of said Sac and Fox Indiaus, for $3,500, the W. + of the SW. & and the SW. & of the NW. & of sec. 29, T. 83 N., R. 15 W., con-taining 120 acres, excepting therefrom the 100 feet right of way to the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company. 5. Deed, dated June 2,1869, from Philip Butler and Emmn, his wife, and David Butler, conveying to Leauder Clark apd his successors in office, in trust for the use and benefit of the Sac and Fox Indians residing in Iowa, for $1,600, the W. 6 oE the SW. 4 of sec. 30, T. 83 N., R. 15 w., Eontaining 80 acres. 6. Deed, dated November 3,1876, from Lewis Oarmichael (single), conveying to the governor of Iowa, in trust for the use and benefit of |