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Show I 30 J 3 6 5 At Cairo fojourns a Phrenetic Sage, Infpir'd with all this Theomantic Rage. I mark'd where'er the Morofoph appear'd, (By crowds furrounded, and by all rever'd,) . , How Young and Old, Virgins and Matrons krfs d 3 70 The footfl:eps of the blefl: Gymnofophifl:. The eager Bride touch'd each propitious Part That belt prolific virtue might impart. Whilfl: on the facred raptures of his tongue The lifl:'ning multitudes, afl:oni!h'd, hung. Then L. 370. '.(be ble.ft Gymnofophi.ft.] The Gymnofophi!l:s were Indian Philofophers, who went naked; from whence their Name. L. 367. Morofoph.] This Word, fo admirably expreffive of that Species of 'Wifdom defcrib'd in the foregoing Lines, was coin'd by Rabdais. See his Works, Book iii. Chap. 46. L. 371. The eager Bride.l According to Thevenot, the Touch of thefe Santos was Sovereign in Cafe ofBarennefs in Women. But we have chofen to tranfcribe the Account from the Defcription of the Eajl. " I fi1w in Rofetto two of "thofe naked Saints, who are commonly natural Fools, and are had in great " Veneration in Egypt; one was a lufiy, «lclerly Man; the other a Youth about " eighteen Years old. .ffs the latter went along the Street, I obferved the Pee" ple kilfed his Hand. I was alfo told, that on Friday, when the Women go to " the Burial-places, they frequently lit at the Entrance of them ; and that they " not only kifs their Hands, but !hew them the fame Refpect that was paid to " a certain Heathen Idol, and feem to expect the fame Kind of Advantage " from it. I myfelf faw one of thefe Saints fitting at a Mofque Door in the "high Road, without the Gates of Cairo, with a Woman on each Side of him, " at the fame time the Caravan was going to Meua, and a Multitude of People "" opfaf iftin."g by, who are fo accuftomed to fuch Sights, that they took no Notice Vol. i. Page 14. I I . f [ 31 ] 3 7 5 Then hafl:e we back to Cairo, I advife, And let the Fool give counfel to the Wife. An hope-born fmile the Chief's affent exprefs'd, And drove defpair, fad inmate, from his breafl:. Fir'd with the wi!h'd Return, the wearied band 3so With !houts of joy receive the glad command: Already flighting the dimini£h'd toil Of fcorching Sirius, and the faithlefs f6il". The E N D of the Firfl B 0 0 K. ' |