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Show [ 8 ] 4 5 When thus : Dread Monarch of this drear abode, Hear my requefr, affifr a fuppliimt God. If, by my friendly aid, the mould'ring tow'r c.. Totters, at length, a viCtim to thy pow'r :. · If e'er my influence to thy force was join'd, so 0! calm the pangs of my long-fufF'ring mind. : Torn from my arms, a daring traitor bears The labors of ·a thoufand anxious years .. Loaded with thfi:fe, his facrilegious bands, From eldefr Egypt, trace the Libyan fands. 55 Halte then the friendly office to perform : Call all thy winds and fwell th' impetuous frorm. Roll the dry defart o'er yon impious hofr, Till, with thei~ Hopes, their Memory be lofr. So fpake the God. Th.~ aerial king comply' d, 6o And, with his fceptre, frnick the mountain's fide. Loud thunders the 'rent rqcK ; and from within, Out ruili refifrlefs·, with impetuous din, The hoarfe rude winds : and [weeping o'er the land, !n circling eddies whirl th' uplifted fand. 6 5 The dufry clouds in curling volumes rife, And the loofe mountain feems to threat the ikies. Th' I ' I ' [ 9 ] Th' altoniih'd band behold, with ghaltly fear, T heir fleeting grave fufpended in the air. Thus they unmanly, while the dauntlefs Chief 70 Betray'd no paffion but indignant grief; [N.am~, Which thus broke forth : How blefs 'd the man whofe From glorious death affumes its brightelt fame. 0 ! had kind fate ordain' d me to expire, Like great Empedoclu in /Etna's fire I 7 5 Had I partook immortal Pliny's doom; (Had fam'd P" efuvio's Allies been my Tomb :) B Or L. 68. '!'heir jleeti11g Grave fujpended in the Air.] ---- ----Pars plurima terr-e 'l'ollitur, & nunquam refoluto verticependet. Lu(:AN.I. 9· The whirling Duft, like Waves in Eddies wrought, Riling aloft, to the Mid-heav'n is caught ; There hangs a fullen Cloud; nor falls again ; Nor breaks like gentle Vapours into Rain, &c. Rowr. L. 7 I . See the Speeches of Ulyifes and /En~as. OdyJT. B. v. lENE!D B. i. L. 74· - ----- - -Deusimmortalishaberi Dum cupit Empedocles, ardent em, frigidus /Etnam lifrluit. --- - HoRACE. L. 75· T he Death of Pliny, the Natural H iftorian, is finely defcribecl by his Nephew, Pliny the Younger, in his Epiftle to'l'acitus. _Jam navrbus Clll/S rncrde-. mt,jam pumices & Jrafti igne Iapides. ---Gubernatorr ut retro j/efleret; moncnlt Fortes, inquit, jortu11a jttvat. - -Deindejlarmnte, jlammarumque prt£ntmc!u:f' ordor jidphuris, alios in fugam vertu11t, excitant ilium. ----~ Cancrdrls m1}ivre wligine Spiritu objlruflo. Lib. vi. Epift. I 6. |