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Show 110 120 [ 12 J Next, raviili'd from the facred Catacomb, He draws the Ibis from his conic tomb. Foffils he plac'd and gawdy Shells around; The Shield, his Cradle once, the firucture crown'd. High on the corners of the ample Bafe Egyptian fculpture claims an honor' d place. Here bold Ojiris, awful form! appears: Great Ijis there the hallow'd Sifirum bears. Harpocrates, the woriliip of the wife : And proud Canopus, confcious of the prize, The vanquiili'd rival of his pow'r defies. The StruB:ure now compleat, the anxious Chief Brings forth the dry Papyrus' facred leaf: l A Sigh L. 110. Next, ravijb·d from thefacred Catacomb, He draws the Ibis from his conic 'tomb.] One of the Catacombs was entirely fet apart for the Sepulchre of the Ibis. They were called the holy Birds, and had in great Veneration. Being fuppofed to defl: roy the winged Serpents in their way to Egypt, (meeting them i~ the Defart) which would otherwife have infefted the Land. They were embalm d m earthen VefTels, of a conic figure. L. 1 1 3· 'The Shield, his Cradle.) See Mem. of Scriblerus. L. "9· And proud Canopus, confcious of the Prize.) The Wodhippe~s of fire boafted that their God was able to deftroy the Idol! of all other Nations. A fubtle Prieft obtained the Prize for Canopus by this Stratagem. He fill'd his Divinity with Water, and ftop'd with Wax feveral fmall holes which he had bored in him. The Wax foon melted, and gave Paffage to the Water, which extinguifh'd the Flames. [ 13 ] A Sigh from his unwilling Bofom uiu~e ; Then thus, colleB:ed in himfelf, he fpoke : 1 2 5 Illufirious Souls of Munfler and of Greece 1 Tho' here at once my Hopes and Suff'rings ceafe; Nor ihall I, like my Ancefiors at home, My Country poliili with the labor'd Tome; . Nor by my Travel (as the Samian Sage I 30 Enlighten'd Greece) infiruB: the prefent age ; Revive the long-lofi arts of ancient War, The deathful Scorpion, and the fcythe-girt Car ; Or ihare, with Numa, Civic Fame, and found Old Plato's Patriot Laws on modern ground : I 35 Thefe deep-laid fchemes tho' Saturn's Wrath o'erthrow, (His anger rifing as my honors grow) Virtue ihall yet her fure reward receive, And one great Deed my dying Fame retrieve. Then, thrice invoking each aufpicious name, I 40 Thro' the light reed he fpreads the wafiing flame; The melted gums, in fragrant volumes rife, And waft a various incenfc to the fkies; The L. 125. 11/ujlrious Souls ofMunfter and oj Greece!] Scriblerus'• Father was of _'\IJimjler. Sec Memoirs of Scriblm !s, the Beginning. |