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Show [ x8 1 Six anxious days they t~ace the dreary plains With fruitlefs fearch; fo Saturn's. wrath ordains. His murm'ring Friends the fcan.t ProvHion mourn,_ 2 1 o And urge th' unwilling Hero to 'return. But fl:ern refentment fires his glowing breafl:. ; While thus his Wrath th' indignant Sage exprefs'd. 0 dafl:ard Slaves, from glory's field to fly, And bafely tremble et:e the danger's nigh I - ' Cc • :115 Can you, full-feafied, mutter difcontent, Ignobly faint ere. half your fl:o_res are fpent? Return, unworthy of the gerr'.iom ~oil; ' ; r Back to the :lluggiffi borders of tne Nile. Faithful Alberttts fhaH alone ·partake 2 20 Thofe dear-bought b.onors which your fears forfake: Cowards, reflect on Cato's fl:eadier hofl:, Unmov'd and dauntlefs on this dreary coafl: : Like L 2 13 . 0 dajiard Slaves,&c. ]_ In this Speech the Heroe difcovers a moll: amazing Greatnefs of Soul, join'd with wonderful Art. C.efar, in a parallel Cafe, told his fearful Soldiers, He would march actompanied only with his Tenth Legion : And Alexander, with lefs Art, tho' more Rafhnefs, faid, He would go alone. Salus ire perfe-"erabo, Ite reduces domos. Ite, diferto Rege, ovantes. Ego hie a vobis deJPera/ -e viflori-e, aut honeft<t: morti, locum inveniam. Q:. Curt. ix. 2 . L221. --Cato'sfteadierhoft.] LvcAN.l.ix. [ 19 ] Like them, in all our travel, have we found Afps in the well, or Serpents in the ground ! ~25 Have we th' invading Bafiliik to fear? Or winged Poifons darting thro' the air ? Yet not thefe perils ihook their firmer fouls ; While your refolves a difl:ant fear controuls : Dm:npt with the profpt;Ct of a .:liuture dearth, 2 30 Nor dare ye" trufi the all-fufl:aining Earth. Nigh to thefe plains, a nation feek their Food. High ijl the branches of the lofty wood ; From the green boughs they crop the re.cent fpr:ou~~ And feed luxurious on the tender Jhoot. 2 3 5 Southward the hard Rhizophagi prepare With madhy Roots, their coarfe yet wholefome fare. From flimy Nile the rank unfav'ry Reed, l A pounded mafs, in artlefs loaves they knead : And in the fun-beams bake the bulbous bread. C 2 T he L. 2 j i· This Nation, called the Ulopbagi, is defcribed by Diodoms Sict1!us, L iii. c. 24- L 235. Diodorus Sicult1s, 1. iii. c. 23· |