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Show 470 INSECTA. in the preceding subgenera, the inner side of the last joints of the antennre are dilated like the teeth of a saw, and the thorax is plane(t). AoANTHOPus, Meg. Dej. Shorter and rounder than the Insects of the preceding subgenus, with simple antennre terminated by a larger and ovoid joint; the anterior thighs inflated and dentated, at least in one of the sexes, and the tibi::e almost linear with ve1·y short spurs, or almost none; anterior tibire arcuated(2). AMARYGMus, Dalm.-Cnodalon, Helops, Chrysomela, Fab. Allied to Acanthopus, with simple but filiform antennre, and the anterior thighs neithe~ inflated nor dentated. All the tibire are straight and terminated by very apparent spurs(3); Those, in which the thorax is inflated above, ovoid and truncated at both ends, narrower throughout than the abdomen, with simple antennre enlarging towards the extremity, and aU the tibic:e narrow, long, and curved or arcuated, form the SPH.J£ROTus, Kirby( 4 ). The same naturalist comprises under the generic appellation of ADELIUM, Kirb.-Calosoma, Fab., Helopii, of an oval form, with the thorax wider than it is long, almost orbicular, emarginated before, truncated behind, dilated and arcuated laterally, and with almost filiform antennre, of which most of the joints are in the form of a reversed cone. They more particularly inhabit New Holland( 5). Those species, in which the body forms an oblong oval, insensibly arcuated and convex, or almost straight above, with simple antennce, either filiform, or somewhat larger towards the extremity, particu· larly in the females, and the thorax is almost square, or in the form ( 1) Splleni8CUB erytoloidu, Kirb. 1 Lin. Trans., XII, xxii, 4; Encyd. Method., .article Sphenisque. The Helopii suturalis and geniculatus of Germar form the passage from this subgenus to Helops proper. (2) Helops dentipes, Panz., Ross.;-Helops dentipu, Fab., another species, but from the East Indies. ( 3) Dalm .1 Anal. Entom. 1 p. 60. The Helops ater, Fab., should also be referred to this subgenus. ( 4) Spluerotus curvipu, Kirb ., Lin. Trans., XXJ, 15. (5) .JJ.delium calasornoide11 Kirb., Ibid., XU, xxii, 2. COLEOPTERA. 471 of an elongated heart, truncated posteriorly, form two other subge .. nera( I)· In HELOPS, Fab. Or Helops properly so styled, most of the joints of the antenn<£ are almost obconical or cylindrical, and attenuated at base. The thorax is transversal, or hardly as long 'as it is wide, either square or trapezoidal, or cordiform, abruptly narrowed posteriorly, terminated by pointed angles, and always exactly applied to the base of the elytra(2). LENA, ~1eg., Dej.-Helopa, Fab.-Scaurua, Sturm. The antennre generally composed, at least in the females, of short turbiniform joints, the last of which is thicker than the preceding ones and ovoid. The thorax is almpst in the form of a truncated heart, elevated or convex ab<>tve, separated from the abdomen by a considerable hiatus, and"with the angles obtuse or rounded. The thighs, particularly the anterior ones, are inflated(3). , The last Helopii have the body elongated, narrow, almost of the same width throughout( 4), and either thick and almost cylindrical, or much depressed. The thorax is nearly square, or almost in the form of a truncated heart. Those, in which the body is tolerably thick, almost cylindrical or linear, with the thorax nearly square, and not narrowed posteriorly, form two subgenera. STENOTRAOHELUs.-Dryops, Payk. Where the head is elongated, and narrowed posteriorly almost in the manner of a neck; the antennre a1·e abruptly terminated by three joints, shorter and somewhat thicker than the rest; the third is much longer than the following ones( 5). (1) The two ot• four anterior tarsi are dilated and pilose beneath in several males. (2} The Helopa cterU/ew, lanipu, caraboide8, Fab.; the Helops arboleua, gracilil • of Fischer-Entom. Russ., II, xxii, 4, 5-and several other species foreign to Fl'ance. I also refer to it the Oatops jlavipu of the first, which, as well as his Helops obliquatus, seems to form the transition from Amarygmus to the H cat'a· boidu. (3) Lma pimelia, Dej., Catal.; Helops pimelia, Fab.; Scaurua viennensi1, Sturm; lena pukhclla, F.isch., Entomog. Imp. Russ., IT, xxii, 8; var.? (4) Rather narrower before. (5) Dryopa ;mea, Payk.; Oalopua mneus, Gyll.; f:Edemera amea, Oliv. The /J.gIIIUhtU rkcoratus of Germar-Faun. Iusect. Europ., fascic. XII, fig. 4-a speci- |