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Show 318 INDEX. Digestion of worms, 37 ---- extra-stomachal, 43 Disintogrn.tion of rocks, aided by worms, 240 Distribution of worms, 120 Down, amount of earth hero brought annually to tho surface, 137 Downs ncar Winchester, valleys in, 301 Dust, distance transported, 235-237 Earth, amount of, brought to tho surface by worms, 129 --amount of, which flows down a given slope, 2GG --swallowed as food, 100 --weight of, ejected f!'om a single burrow, 11H Eisen, number of species of worms, 9 ---depth of burrows, 110 Ejection of castings, 116 Embunkmcnts on hill-sides, 278, 282 Encampmouts, ancient, 290 Ernst, Dr., on worms at Caracas, 121 Excavation of tho burrows, 98 Fabre, M., on the instincts of Sphex, 93 Farrer, Mr. T. II., on tho Roman villa at Abingor, 178-18H Fat eaton by worms, 37 Fields formerly ploughed, 292 Fish, Mr., criticisms on my views, 6 Flints, standing vertically in tho residue over tho chalk, 138 --acted on externally and internally by atmospheric agencies, 245 Flowing down of castings, 261 Fluid, digestive, of worms, 37 INDEX. Food of worms, loaves, 3G earth, 100 319 Foster, Michael, on tho pancrco.tic ferment, 37 ----- --on tho acidity of the contents of tho intestines, 52 Foundations, deep, of tho Romo.n buildings at Wroxctcr, 227 Furrows on old ploughed fields, 292 Galton, Mr., on the number of dead worms, 14 Geikic, Archibald, on Denudation, 233 ---- controverts E. do Beaumont's views on Denudation, 289 - --, James, controverts Uichthofon's views, 237 on glo.ciatcd rocks, 245 Geographical distribution of worms, 120 Gizzards of worms, 246 <.:Hands, calciferous, 17, 44 -----function of, 49 Glen Roy, evidence of rarity of debacles, 260 Haast, Von, on aboriginal instruments in Now Zealand found buried, 148 Hearing, sense of, 2 6 Heat, perception of, 25 Heo.ths, inhabited by fow worms, except whore paths cross them, 10 Hensen on tho number of worms in gardens, 5 ---on worms not subsisting on earth, 108 ---depth of burrows, 110 ---on number of worms living in a given area, 159 ---on tho composition of mould, 238 --- on the amount of humus formed by two worms, 310 |