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Show September 2013 • Volume 33 • Number 3 The Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society 209 OCT and NMO: Are There Methods to Our Madness? Laura J. Balcer, Steven L. Galetta 213 Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in NMO Patients Alex P. Lange, Reza Sadjadi, Feng Zhu, Samir Alkabie, Rona Costello, Anthony L. Traboulsee 220 ~ The Retinal Nerve fiber Layer of Patients With Neuromyelitis Optica and Chronic Relapsing Optic Neuritis Is More Severely Damaged than Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Denis B. Bichuetti, Andre S. de Camargo, Alessandra B. Falcao, Fabiana F. GonQalves, Ivan M. Tavares, Enedina M.L. de Oliveira 225 Maculopathy and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1: A New Association? Pierre Lebranchu, Guylene Le Meur, Armelle Magot, Albert David, Christophe Verny, Michel Weber, Dan Milea 232 Nonarterltic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Gorkem Bilgin, Yaran Koban, Anthony C. Arnold 235 A Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Patients With Benign Essential Blepharospasm Bo Zhou, Jinyu Wang, Yulan Huang, Yousong Yang, Qiyong Gong, Dcing Zhou 241 A Prospective Photographic Study of the Ocular Fundus In Obstructive Sleep Apnea Clare L. Fraser, Donald L. Bliwise, Nancy J. Newman, Cedric Lamirel, Nancy A. Collop, David B. Rye, Lynn Marie Trotti, Valerie Biousse, Beau B. Bruce 24 7 Acquired Oculomotor Nerve Paresis with Cyclic ~ Spasms in a Young Woman, a Rare Subtype of Neuromyotonla Avi Gadoth, Svetlana Kipervasser, Amos D. Korczyn, Miri Y. Neufeld, Anat Kesler 249 Optic Disc Edema in an Astronaut After Repeat Long-Duration Space Flight Thomas H. Mader, C. Robert Gibson, Anastas F. Pass, Andrew G. Lee, Hanspeter E. Killer, Hans-Christian Hansen, Joseph P. Dervay, Michael R. Barratt, William J. Tarver, Ashot E. Sargsyan, Larry A. Kramer, Roy Riascos, Deepak G. Bedi, Donald R. Pettit 256 Low Prevalence of Bilateral (Presumed Nutritional} Optic Neuropathy as a Cause of Blindness In The Gambia Abdirisak A. Dalmar, Katherine E. Hodson, Gordon T. Plant 260 A Case of Isolated Susac Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis 263 ~ Mark E. Seamone, Michael Relden Partial Third Nerve Palsy and Ocular Neuromyotonla From Displacement of Posterior Communicating Artery Detected by High-Resolution MRI Franz Marie Cruz, Ari M. Blitz, Prem S. Subramanian 266 Bilateral Optic Neuritis due to Malaria Joseph .G. Chacko, Sanjeeva Onteddu, Eric R. Rosenbaum 268 Restricted Diffusion of the Superior and Inferior Ophthalmic Veins in Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis 271 ~ Lindsey B. De Lott, Jonathan D. Trobe, Hemant Parmar Congenital Mydriasis Associated With Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperlstalsls Syndrome Collin McClelland, Ryan D. Walsh, Kudakwashe R. Chikwava, Mark P. Johnson, Peter Mattei, Grant T. Liu Continued on next page Visit www.jneuro-ophthalmology.org to view ~ Supplemental Digital Content ~ Video 276 Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Patient With Mitochondrial DNA 11778G>A Point Mutation Yuwei Da, Xuxiang Zhang, Fang Li, Xiaoping Yang, Xinqing Zhang, Jianping Jia 279 Perineural Optic Nerve Enhancement on Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Giant Cell Arteritis Katy C. Liu, David A. Chesnutt 282 New and Emerging lnterventional Neuroradlologic Techniques for Neuro-Opthalmologic Disorders Philippe Gailloud, Neil R. Miller ~i?ifi:J'IDW~il~ 296 An Elderly Woman With Difficulty Reading and Abnormal Eye Movements Virginie Desestret, Nathalie Streichenberger, Muriel Panouilleres, Denis Pelisson, B. Plus, Charles Duyckaerts, Dennis K. Burns, Christian Scheiber, Alain Vighetto, Caroline Tilikete 301 Are We There Yet? Is Neuro-Ophthalmology at the Cusp of a Paradigm Shift? Lessons From Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Erratum 302 Literature Commentary Mark L. Moster, Michael S. Lee 307 Invasive Thymon:ta In Ocular Myasthenia Gravis: Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications Cynthia !shin Tung, Diana Chao, Nagham Al~zubidi, Monica Yalamanchili, Andrew Go Lee 308 Idiopathic Sclerosing Orbital Inflammation: Presentation of an Unusual Case With Isolated Bilateral Optic Nerve Involvement Alberto Galvez-Ruiz, lmtiaz Chaudhry, Hind AI Katan 310 Intracranial Hypertension in a Patient Preparing for Gestational Surrogacy With Leuprolide Acetate and Estrogen Joshua Alexander, Leah Levi 311 Pseudo-doubling of Optic Disc in a Case of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Tapas Ranjan Padhi, Karamjit Singh, Krushna Gopal Panda, B Optom Taraprasad Das, Soumyava Basu 312 Isolated Horizontal Gaze Palsy With Congenital ~ Pontine Hypoplasia D. Vrushali, R. Muralidhar, P. Vijayalakshmi, K. G. Srinivasan 313 Parenchymal Anaplastic Astrocytoma Presenting With Visual Symptoms Due to Bilateral Optic Nerve Sheath Involvement Kelly M. Bui, Asim V. Farooq, Heather E. Moss, Amy Y. Lin, Tibor Valyi-Nagy, J. Lee Villano 316 Linezolid-Associated Optic Neuropathy In a Patient With Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Jinu Han, Kyungsik Lee, Soolienah Rhiu, Jong Bok Lee, Sueng Han Han l!i!l§1{J!~l!J®~ e13 The Founding of the International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Michael D. Sanders, H. Stanley Thompson e17 Neuro-Ophthalmology in Israel Ruth Huna-Baron, Eitan Zvi Rath e19 Neuro-Ophthalmology In France Caroline Tilikete, Alain Vighetto Listed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, SCISEARCH, Biomedical Database, Ocular Resources Review, and in Automatic Subject Citation Alert; listed and abstracted in Ophthalmic Uterature and In Stroke. 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