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Show March 2005 • Volume 25 • Number 1 14 22 EDITORIAL 25 Autonomic Disorders and the Eye Cory Toth and William A. Fletcher ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS Segmental Facial Anhidrosis and Tonic Pupils With Preserved Deep Tendon Reflexes: A Novel Autonomic Neuropathy Freny B. Kalapesi, Arun V. Krishnan, and Matthew C Kiernan 29 Nonarteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Developing Soon After Use of Sildenafil ( Viagra): A Report of Seven New Cases Howard D. Pomeranz and Abdhish R. Bhavsar 33 Predictors of Recurrent Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in Giant Cell Arteritis Colin C K. Chan, Mark Paine, and Justin O'Day 37 Optic Neuropathy Associated With Linezolid Treatment Steven H. McKinley and Rod Foroozan A Comparison of Risk Factors for Postoperative and Spontaneous Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic 40 Optic Neuropathy Timothy J McCulley, Byron L. Lam, and William J Feuer Bilateral Optic Neuritis in Wegener Granulomatosis Mario Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro, Wander Inturias Sergillo Borges, Carolina do Val Ferreira Ramos, Leandro Tavares Lucato, and Claudia Costa Leite PHOTO ESSAYS Bilateral Simultaneous Central Retinal Artery Occlusions in Wegener Granulomatosis Fiona Costello, Steven Gilberg, Jacob Karsh, Bruce Burns, and Brian Leonard The Elusive Nature of Primary Intraocular Lymphoma Daniel K. Fahim, Rodney Bucher, and Mark W Johnson Multiple Bilateral Extraocular Muscle Metastases as the Initial Manifestation of Breast Cancer Stephen G. Spitzer, Thomas A. Bersani, and Luis J. Mejico VIEWPOINT A Mechanical Theory to Account for Bitemporal Hemianopia From Chiasmal Compression Gawn G Mcllwaine, Zia I. Carrim, Christian J Lueck, and T Malcolm Chrisp ( continued on next page) Listed in Index Medicus/ MEDLINE, Current Contents/ Clinical Medicine, SCISEARCH, Biomedical Database, Ocular Resources Review, and in Automatic Subject Citation Alert; listed and abstracted in Ophthalmic Literature and in Stroke. Journal of Neuro- Ophthalmology ( ISSN: # 1070- 8022), is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, at 16522 Hunters Green Parkway, Hagerstown, MD 21740- 2116. Business and production offices are located at 530 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106- 3621. Periodicals postage paid at Hagerstown, MD and at additional mailing offices. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Address for subscription information, orders, or change of address: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, P. O. Box 1580, Hagerstown, MD 21741- 1580; phone 800- 638- 3030 ( outside the United States 301- 223- 2300; fax 301- 223- 2400). 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Jong Seok Bae and Hong Ki Song 53 Unilateral Involuntary Eyelid Closure Induced by Diplopia That Did Not Remit With Contact Lens Occlusion Eugene Tay and Gordon T. Plant 55 Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy: A Rare Association Pramod Kumar Sahu, V. A. Rao, Renuka Srinivasan, and S. Thanikachalam 56 See- Saw Nystagmus as the Presenting Sign in Multiple Sclerosis Soupramanien Sandramouli, Hani T. Benamer, Mark Mantle, and Randhir Chavan BOOK REVIEWS 58 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke Valerie Biousse 58 Ophthalmic Surgery, Principles and Practice, Third Edition Anil D. Patel 59 Clinical Neurology Shelley A. Cross 59 Field of Vision. A Manual and Atlas of Perimetry Valerie Biousse 60 Localization in Clinical Neurology, Fourth Edition Eric R. Eggenberger 60 Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Second Edition Swaraj Bose 61 Essentials of Clinical Neurophysiology, Third Edition Syndee J. Givre 62 Management of Pituitary Tumors: The Clinician's Practical Guide, Second Edition John W. Gittinger NANOS NEWS 63 Cheryl R. Zaret 64 CALENDAR Chloe Tyler Winterbotham Instructions for Authors appear in this issue or online at www. jneuro- ophthalmologycom Lippincott Williams & Wilkins cannot be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this journal. The appearance of advertising in this journal does not constitute an endorsement or approval by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins of the quality or value of the product advertised or of the claims made for it by its manufacturer. PERMISSION TO PHOTOCOPY ARTICLES: This publication is protected by copyright. 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