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Show PAPERMAKIN IN INDO-CHIN 3 papermaker packed into the first-class seat surrounde by a conglomeration of animate and inanimate objeds The endless procession of heavily-laden women an girls trudged along the road and continued to make wa for the hurrying stage by throwing themselves down th steepembankmentsand clinging to the stony sides. The must have been relieved when the mechanical monste was well beyond sight. For a moment I turned my eye from the winding road and that instant there was a dull nauseating thud,-the inattentive driver had forceabl struck one of the pedestrians. The carwasat last brough to a sliding stop and the Eurasian driver condescende to look back, but not a single native passenger though it expedient to leave the uncomfortable bus, nor did th driver move from his seat. At once a crowd of peasant gathered in the roadway encircling in their midst who ever may have been run down by the heedless operato of the omnibus. I walked back to the black and brow clothed group,and, thinking that I might be of help, the opened the circle so the lone white man might reach th unfortunate person. A young Anamese woman had bee thrown to one side of the road by the concussion and could see that she was mortally wounded; only faint lif remained. The barefooted girl was dressed in the usua sleek black trousers, her thick tresses of hair braided wit whitesilk. She was nearing twenty, well formed and matured beyond her years as are all Anamese women. Wit glazed eyes she stared at me appealingly, but she did no |