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Show Governors' Representatives, and from other sources, and also to assure a review of all possible aspects of each of the individual subjects, we will first prepare an analysis of each subject, which, for convenience, we will designate as a profile, consisting of the following: 1. Brief summary of all study suggestions related to the subject. 2. Identification of the issues relating to the subject. 3. Identification of the factors involved in the issues, including areas of law, practice, procedure, resource characteristic, user characteristic, and economic considerations. 4. Enumeration of type of facts and data deemed necessary as a base for evaluation of past and present public policy, or to permit judgements to be made concerning future policy guidelines, for each field of study and each subject within the fields of study. VIII. Coordination With Advisory Council and Governors' Representatives 1. There will be constant liaison to keep the Commission fully informed of staff activity and to assure that the staff is aware of the Commission's views. 2. There will be recurring coordination with the members of the Advisory Council and the Governors' Representatives in order to permit consideration of their views by both the staff and the Commission at each step of the program. a. The specific means of coordination by the staff at any particular phase of operation will depend upon circumstances. However, aside from giving to Advisory Council members and Governors' Representatives a reasonable time within which to express their views on matters to be referred to them, as indicated above, actions will not be withheld solely because an inquiry to a member of the Advisory Council or Governors' Representative has remained unanswered. Attachment No. 3 Letter to Chairman Senate Interior Committee dated April 22, 1970 REGIONAL PUBLIC MEETINGS Those interested in the retention, management, and disposition of the public lands were urged to submit their views for inclusion in the research program. In order to provide the greatest possible opportunity to the people, meetings were held in each region of the country and testimony was heard from over 900 witnesses. The meetings were held at the following times and places: June 7-8, 1966 Rocky Mountain Region Salt Lake City, Utah Alaska Juneau, Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Kotzebue (Informal meetings at Nome and Kodiak) July 1-11, 1966 Northeastern Boston, Massachusetts August 18-19, 1966 Southwestern Albuquerque, New Mexico November 10-11, 1966 South Pacific Fresno and Palm Springs, California February 14-18, 1967 Southern New Orleans, Louisiana and Asheville, North Carolina May 26-30, 1967 Northwest Billings, Montana July 13-14, 1967 Pacific Northwest Seattle and Spokane, Washington September 1-2, 1967 Midwest Milwaukee, Wisconsin Middle Atlantic Washington, D.C. October 6-7, 1967 Washington, D.C. January 11-12, 1968 April 5-6, 1968 317 |