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Show Pub. Law 88-606 - 4 - September 19, 1964 78 STAT. 985.________________ APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENSES, AND PERSONNEL Sec. 9. (a) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums, but not more than $4,000,000, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and such moneys as may be appropriated shall be available to the Commission until expended. (b) The Commission is authorized, without regard to the civil 5 use 1071 note, service laws and regulations and without regard to the Classification Ante, p. 400. Act of 1949, as amended, to fix the compensation of its Chairman and appoint and fix the compensation of its staff director, and such additional personnel as may be necessary to enable it to carry out its functions except that any Federal employees subject to the civil service laws and regulations who may be employed by the Commission shall retain civil service status without interruption or loss of status or privilege. (c) The Commission is authorized to enter into contracts or agreements for studies and surveys with public and private organizations and, if necessary, to transfer funds to Federal agencies from sums appropriated pursuant to this Act to carry out such aspects of the review as the Commission determines can best be carried out in that manner. (d) Service of an individual as a member of the Advisory Council, as the representative of a Governor, or employment by the Commission of an attorney or expert in any job or professional field on a part-time or full-time basis with or without compensation shall not be considered as service or employment bringing such individuals within the provi- 18 use 201 et sions of the Act of October 23,1962 (76 Stat. 1119-). seq. DEFINITION OF "PUBLIC LANDS5' Sec. 10. As used in this Act, the term "public lands" includes (a) the public domain of the United States, (b) reservations, other than Indian reservations, created from the public domain, (c) lands permanently or temporarily withdrawn, reserved, or withheld from private appropriation and disposal under the public land laws, including the mining laws, (d) outstanding interests of the United States in lands patented, conveyed in fee or otherwise, under the public land laws, (e) national forests, (f) wildlife refuges and ranges, and (g) the surface and subsurface resources of all such lands, including the disposition or restriction on disposition of the mineral resources in lands defined by appropriate statute, treaty, or judicial determination as being under the control of the United States in the Outer Continental Shelf. Approved September 19, 1964. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY; HOUSE REPORT No. 1008 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs). SENATE REPORT No. 1444 (Coirati. on Interior & Insular Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 110 (1964): Mar. 10: Considered and passed House. Sept. 3: Considered and passed Senate, amended. Sept. 4: House agreed to Senate amendments. 294 |