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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> WE NEVER SLEEP <br> THE C. B. DURST GROCER CO. <br> 74 EAST 2ND S. ST. <br> SALT LAKE CITY <br> Axle Grease.... 20c <br> Corn, Archers.... 10c <br> Fairbanks Soap.... 5c <br> Clariet Soap.... 5c <br> Olive Queen Soap.... 5c <br> Tomatoes 3 for.... 25c <br> Scrub Brushes.... 25c <br> Norwegian Herring 6 for.... 25c <br> Owl Brand Parlor Brooms.... 35c <br> Owl Brand Tea.... 15c <br> Owl Brand Coffee.... 25c <br> Evaporated Peaches, 3 for.... 25c <br> Rose Syrup very best.... 75c <br> New Orleans Molasses.... 75c <br> Best Sweet Clover Drips.... 40c <br> Commercial Bar Soap, 3 for.... 25c <br> Grenade, loose.... 5c <br> Rye Flour, sk. $1.15 <br> Corn Meal 10 lbs.... 25c <br> German Sausage.... 25c <br> Dry Sweet Corn.... 8c <br> Potatoes, bu.... 40c <br> Valencea Raisins.... 12 1/2c <br> Vermacilla, im. 20c <br> Brie Cheese.... 50c <br> Swiss Cheese.... 40c <br> Prunes, 2 for.... 25c <br> Ceylon Tea.... 60c <br> Fresh Ranch Butter.... 25c <br> Home Made Lard.... 12 1/2c <br> Cake Frosting.... 20c <br> Puritan Maple Syrup.... 40c qt. <br> Log Cabin prepared Buckwheat flour.... 20c <br> Plain Pickles.... 15c <br> Mixed " .... 15c <br> Bulk Olives.... 40c <br> M. M. Tea 20, 3 for 50c <br> Pure New York Maple Sugar.... 20c <br> Curtis Bros. Jam per can.... 15c <br> Finest Pearl Barley.... 12 1/2c <br> Broken Java Coffee.... 25c <br> Merry War Lye.... 10c <br> Self - wringing Mops.... 50c <br> 1/4 Cocoanut.... 10c <br> 1 " fibreless.... 15c <br> Glycerine toilet Soap.... 8 1/2c <br> Ambrosia toilet Soap 3 for.... 25c <br> Armour's 1 lb. Soap.... 20c <br> Cavier.... 35c <br> Plumb Pudding.... 30c <br> Green Gages.... 15c <br> Egg Plant.... 15c <br> Economy Cream.... 12 1/2c <br> Gal. Heniz Preserves.... $1.20 <br> Gal. Heniz Jelly.... 90c <br> " Heniz Apple Butter.... 90c <br> Silver Dust.... 8 1/3c <br> Goldine.... 8 1/3c 1/4 lb. Spices, round cans.... 10c <br> Monyne Gun Powder.... 40c <br> Good Cheer B. F. 40c <br> ................ <br><br> Fill Your Prescriptions <br> And buy your Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, and everything else carried in a first class drug store at <br> G. E. Wright's, <br> Cor. 5th East and 3d So. <br><br> RUPTURE CURED. NO KNIFE, NO OPERATIONS. For circulars or information call upon or address RUPTURE SPECIALIST, Room 207 Constitution Building, Salt Lake, UT. <br><br> Salt Lake housewives are known for their good sense and judgment in husbanding their means and getting the most for their money. They generally acknowledge that there is no other place in the city where they can get as much for their money as at the Palace Meat Market, 265 S. Main. If you haven't seen it yet, it will pay you to call. <br><br> Gold medal Awarded Hewletts "3 Crown," Baking Powder. <br><br> Bed Room Suits, Lounges, Parlor Suits, Chiffoniers, Wardrobes, Extension tables, Brass and Iron Beds, Center Tables, Chairs, etc. Freed Furniture and Carpet Co. 30 to 40 East Third South. <br><br> If you wish elegance and correctness of design fit and finish, at reasonable prices, go to Mrs. A. C. Bootes dress making parlors, 15 So. State Street. Evening toilet and tailor gowns a specially. Particular attention will be given to executing orders with promptness. You are invited to call and get the latest ideas of materials and styles before making selections. <br><br> The Manitou Turkish Baths. <br> For Ladies and Gentleman. Ladies hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sunday. Also ladies hair dressing parlors open same hours. Mrs. Mary Stjernstrom, masseuse. Graduate from the college of royal Burgeons, Stockholm, Sweden. Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 127 East Third So. <br><br> James H. Bacon, President. <br> H. M. Bacon, Vice President. <br> F. L. Holland, Cashier. <br> W. R. Holland, As'st Cashier. <br> Bank of Salt Lake <br> 232 MAIN STREET, <br> SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. <br> A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. <br> Interest paid on Time and Savings Deposits from date of deposit, compounded quarterly. Safe deposit boxes to rent. <br><br> HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM <br> SWIMMING POOL <br> SALT LAKE CITY <br> 52 West Third South Street <br> The water is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Miners Leading, Indigestion, Catarrh, Constipation, Chrone Diarrheas, Palpitation of the Heart, and all Kidney and Nervous Troubles. Towels and suits washed by Empire Laundry. <br><br> PROFESSIONAL CARDS. <br><br> LAVANDA M. ARMSTRONG, <br> ATTORNEY AT LAW <br> 61 Commercial Block, Salt Sake City. <br> Practices in all courts of the Territory <br><br> JOHN M. BREEZE., C. W. BURRIS <br> BREEZE & BURRIS, <br> ATTORNEYS AT LAW, <br> Rooms 77 and 78 Commercial Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> ERNST G. ROGNON, <br> ATTORNEY AT LAW. <br> Notary Public. <br> Rooms 12 and 13 Union National Bank building. Residence 959 Third Street. <br><br> RICHARD B. SHEPARD, <br> ATTORNEY AT LAW. <br> Rooms 37, 38, 39 and 40, Commercial Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> Chas. J. Pence, C. E. Allen. <br> PENCE & ALLEN, <br> ATTORNEYS AT LAW. <br> 23, 24 and 25 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City. <br><br> JAMES L. LOAR, <br> ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. <br> Rooms 310, 311, and 312, <br> Utah Loan and Trust Bl'dg, OGDEN, UTAH. <br><br> IRA W. KENWARD, <br> ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 11 and 12 Union Block, <br> PROVO CITY, Utah. <br><br> DR. W. H. HODGES, <br> DENTIST. <br> Rooms 1 and 2, Comm block. Telephone 199. Salt Lake City. <br><br> D. J. CHADWICK, <br> LAND AND MINING ATTORNEY, <br> Homestead and Desert Land Entry Papers prepared. Conteits and Mining Applications a specialty. General practice in all courts. Office-Rooms 305 in U. S. Land Office Building, 54 W. First South St., Salt Lake City, P. O. Box 554. <br><br> Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company, <br> Salt Lake City, <br> 5 percent paid on Deposits. Insure Titles. Make Abstracts. Loans Money. <br> J. E. DOOLY, President <br> W. S. McCORNICK, Vice President <br> A. L. THOMAS, Secretary <br><br> MERCHANT TAILORS <br> BUCKLE & SON <br> ESTABLISHED 1876 <br> MAIN ST SALT LAKE <br> Buckle & Son, Popular Tailors. <br> 235 So. Main St. <br><br> |