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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> PRUDENT <br> People <br> PREPARE <br> The Best of Everything to Eat. <br> for emergencies and daily use by keeping constantly on hand a complete supply of our <br> Superior Canned Goods. <br> We have everything in cans that ever comes in cans, and can and will sell all canned goods for less money than any other Grocers will or can. You may wonder why we can. We buy direct from the canning factories in car load lots for cash and sell strictly for cash. <br> W. S. HENDERSON's <br> CASH GROCERY. <br> Salt Lake City. <br> Nos. 267-269 Main. <br><br> American Biscuit and Mf'g. Co. <br> Manufacturers of the Celebrated Silver Brand of Fine Crackers. Silver-Flake and Snow-Flake Soda our specialty. Ask your grocer for them. <br> P. O. Box 1335. HENRY WALLACE, Mgr. <br><br> The Worst Luck <br> A person can have is to be compelled to eat and pay for a meal which is an insult to the inner man. No such befalls him who eats at the <br> GOOD LUCK CHOP HOUSE, <br> There you can get a good, wholesome meal for from 15c up. Open day and night. SHIRK & WOOD, Props. <br> 314 25th St., Ogden. <br><br> Victor's Cherry and Pine Cough Syrup, soothing, healing, and curative. For sale at Lion Drug Store. 40 East 2nd South. <br><br> GRAND REMOVAL SALE <br> Is now on at the <br> AMERICAN CLOTHING Co. <br> E. J. WOLTER, Prop., 25 W. 2d So. one Door East of Cullen Hotel. <br> This is no humbug, but come and be convinced. Prior to moving we will sell all goods in the store, at <br> Actual Cost or Below. <br> And as our store-room will not be as huge as the present one, we have decided to close out our entire stock of boots and shoes at a great sacrifice and quit selling shoes. Remember the place, 25 West Second South street, one door east of Cullen Hotel. <br><br> CATARRH! CATARRH! <br> Its pain I cannot endure. You need not, my friend, If you use Victor's Catarrh Cure. For sale at Lion Drug Store, 40 E. Second South street. <br><br> Goods sold on the installment plan at Webber's 211 State. <br><br> The wise housekeeper will read the Durst Grocery Co.'s statement on page [19]. <br><br> Best imported teas and coffee also bamboo factory. Yokahoma Tea Co., 69 W. 1st So. <br><br> Robert B. Quay, vocal teacher. Studio Rooms 55-56 Mercantile Block. Specialties, Respiration, Tone Location, Voice Building. Student N. E. Conservetay, Boston; pupil of Adams, Boston. <br><br> Strong Bros. Co., dealers in general merchandise. Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausage, Smoked Meats and Poultry. Orders called for and delivered promptly. No. 813 East 4th South Street. <br><br> E. G. Holding, dealer in Electric Supplies, and Contractor for all kinds of Electric Wiring. Good reliable work at a reasonable price, 49 W. First So. <br><br> CULLEN HOTEL. <br> I have used "Three Crown Baking Powder" and can say it is a powder of excellent merit. I want to use no better, and the reliable firm manufacturing, it is a guarantee to the public. <br> WALTER RYAN, Pastry Cook. <br><br> SALT LAKE <br> Livery and Transfer Co. <br> Stylish Broughams and Coupes for calling. <br> Fine Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, and Saddle Horses. <br> Our Prices are Reasonable. <br> SAMUEL PAUL, MANAGER. <br> Telephone 211, Salt Lake City. <br><br> MONTGOMERY BROOM Co. <br> Manufacturers of <br> All Kinds of Brooms, Brushes, &c <br> Also Dealers in Broom Corn. <br> J. W. Montgomery, Manager. <br> 325 S. W. Temple St., SALT LAKE, UT. <br><br> Salt Lake Silk Factory! <br> JOHN LYLE, Proprietor. <br> 72 East Third South St., Salt Lake City <br> SILK Handkerchiefs & Dress GOODS. In various colors wholesale and Gents Neckwear in Variety. <br><br> Salt Lake Wire Mattress Co., <br> Manufacturers of <br> Woven Wire Mattresses, spiral Springs, Iron Beds, Wire Cots. <br> F. Eberhardt, Supt. & Gen. Mgr. <br> 171 So. 3d East, Salt Lake City. <br><br> SAY, Did you know that Spring is now at hand? And that now is the time to give us your orders for <br> Iron Fences and Lawn Furniture? <br> We want to warn you to not delay your orders until we get so busy that we cannot accommodate you promptly, for we want to make all the Iron fence that Salt Lake wants, and we manufacture it right here at home. Don't forget that! <br> THE CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, <br> 52, 54 and 56 Market St. <br><br> |
Further Information |
This page has advertisements for businesses around Salt Lake City, Utah. The ads are for W. S. Henderson's Cash Grocery, American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company, Good Luck Chop House restaurant, cough syrup at the Lion Drug Store, American Clothing Company, catarrh cure at the Lion Drug Store, Webber's furniture store, Durst Grocery Company, Yokahoma Tea Company, Vocal Teacher Robert B. Quay, Strong Brothers Company's meats, Electrician E. G. Holding, 3 Crown Baking Powder, Salt Lake Livery and Transfer Company, Montgomery Broom Company, Salt Lake Silk Factory, Salt Lake Wire Mattress Company, and the Crager Wire and Iron Works. 3 Crown Baking Powder |