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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> SECOND M. E. CHURCH. <br> Bro. and Sister Carr have moved out to Calder's Park. Mrs. Carr walked in to service last Sunday morning. We hope they will be able to drive in and spend Sundays with us. <br> New articles of furniture are putting in an appearance at the new church. This week some necessary articles have been added and we hope to have all our needs supplied ere long. <br> A friend handed the pastor the other day $50 to help meet the obligations he had taken on the church. Such friends are valuable these hard times. Now let the balance of the subscriptions be paid and we will be in splendid shape. The indebtedness on the old organ claimed by Mr. Hawkes was paid by the pastor last week. <br> Rev. S. Allison preached at Murray to an appreciative house last Sunday evening and the pastor the Thursday night previous, and will be there again tonight. <br> Rev. Mr. Shaw, of the First M. E. church, will preach at Waterloo tonight. Come out and hear him. <br> We didn't have a crowd last Sunday evening. Some of our people were downtown. We had a good service, however. Our people don't play truant very often. We forgive them. We urge them to attend the services during the week as much as possible. <br> The Epworth League is planning to have one of the Leppert grand concerts in the near future. Bro. and Sister Leppert have entertained an audience for four hours and were then urged to keep on singing. Five weeks more and we will be to the end of the conference year. We are all growing older and the years are flying very rapidly. Soon we will be singing the new song! <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> A REMARKABLE CASE. <br> Treated for Fifty Years for the Wrong Disease-One Doctor Gave a Barrel of Medicine. <br> Joseph E. Weller, who resides at 349 South Second East street, Salt Lake City, says: "I have had catarrh continually since I was 19 years old. It always affected my stomach. When I was a young man learning my trade as a blacksmith, my stomach was so bad that I could not tie my apron strings tight, so great was the pain, but I never knew then it was caused by catarrh. I have been treated by a great many of the most eminent physicians in the United Stales, but they all said I had dyspepsia, neuralgia and some said it was chronic gastritis. Repeatedly I have placed myself under regular treatment and took regular courses of medicine without the slightest benefit. Often every dose of medicine seemed to make me worse. One old and prominent physician in Ohio gave, at the least calculation, a barrel of asafetida. But in those days I was a railroad engineer and was not afraid of anything, not even medicine. Another very prominent physician told me that my case was incurable, and that I would have to endure the suffering as long as I lived. My stomach would bloat up until I could not button my clothes. Gnawing pains would shoot through my bowels, causing me to feel deathly sick. <br> "I want to go on the record as stating positively that Dr. Shores' treatment for catarrh relieved me after the first dose of medicine, and almost every symptom of my disease passed away as if by magic, and now, after two months, I feel as well as I ever did in my life, and fell that I can live and enjoy life, and as if I would exceed the age of my father, who is now living and enjoys good health at the age in 95 years. But I have to thank Dr. Shores and his wonderful treatment and medicine, which has made me free from pain, so that I can enjoy life in my declining age." <br> Dr. Shores treats and cures catarrh and all diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys and bladder. Office Hours-Forenoon, 10 to 12. Afternoon, 2 to 5. Evening, 7 to 8, Sundays, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. $5.00 a month for all Catarrhal diseases, Medicine Free. Doctor Shores' motto is: "Low Fee, Quick Cure, Mild and Painless Treatment." If you cannot come to the office send stamp for Dr. Shores' new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and get expert advice FREE. <br> Zion's Medical Institute, <br> DR. G. W. SHORES. <br> CHIEF CONSULTING PHYSICAN. <br> 34 E. Second South. Salt Lake City. <br><br> Your grocer keeps Hewlett Bros. 3 Crown Baking Powder. Ask for it and take no other. <br><br> If you desire the latest spring and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Bootes, 15 State street. <br><br> A sermon in order to be both edifying and profitable must be founded on truth. So is every statement made regarding the Bargain counter at the Palace Meat Market as to the cheapness and fine qualities of its meats. The purest of home rendered Lard sold cheaper than adulterated products. Try it once and you'll not use any other. <br><br> A SNAP. <br> A beautiful church organ cost $400 when new for $150, this organ is in every respect as good as the day it left the manufacturers, has six sets of reeds and double octave couplers, it is as powerful as a small pipe organ and has a regular pipe tone and imitation pipe top, which gives it the appearance of a genuine pipe organ, is just the instrument for a large hall or medium-sized church; will give terms if necessary. Apply or call at the Temple of Music, Post office block, 208 South West Temple street and examine. <br><br> Gold medal Awarded Hewletts "3 Crown," Baking Powder. <br><br> SPECIALTIES <br> Balsam Tolu and White Pine.................... 25cts <br> For Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. <br> Marshallow Lotion.............................. 25cts <br> For Chapped Hands, Freckles, etc., Little Cascara Tablets. <br> Little Cascara Tablets.......................... 25cts <br> For Constipation Biliousness, Headache, etc., purely vegetable and pleasant in action. <br> Manufactured by <br> BENTLEY & HILL. <br> Post Office Corner, Dooley Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> |