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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> Now is the Time <br> To take a good spring medicine. Out Compound Extract of Sarparilla purifies the blood, creates an appetite and is a general tonic. <br> L. U. KING & CO. <br> N. E. Cor 1st So. & State. <br><br> C. Cartwright D. D. S., <br> DENTIST. <br> Fills and Extracts Teeth without pain. Has had & successful practice for 36 years. Reduced rates to Ministers and their families. <br> Progress Building, 148 Main St., (Opposite Auerbach's Store) Salt Lake City, Utah. <br><br> ELLIS & GOODWIN, <br> Photographers. <br> All our work is Satin Finish and Guaranteed. <br> If you want a Crayon Picture call and see us. <br> We Can Save You 50 percent. <br> 56 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City <br><br> The Washington Market <br> MEATS, GROCERIES, <br> POULTRY, FISH, <br> AND PROVISIONS <br> Orders Solicited. Prompt Delivery. <br> DAY, ROWE & CO. Proprietors, <br> Phone 574, 313 So Main. <br><br> Stinger's Bakery <br> Received First Prize on bread at the Territorial Fair. Try his Cream Bread. <br> LEAVE ORDERS AT 472 E. 2ND So. <br><br> Wasatch - Hotel, <br> (Under New Management.) <br> COR 2d SOUTH & MAIN <br> Steam Heat, Electric Light. <br> Elevator Day and Night. <br> Everything First Class. <br> Prices to suit the times. <br> Mrs. M. F. VanGilder, <br> Office Room 48 Proprietor <br><br> WISCOMB & CO., <br> The Family Grocer <br> 58 EAST FIRST SO <br> We carry everything in the grocery line. <br> Choice Teas, Coffees and Pure Spices our Specialty. <br><br> For Fine Work <br> Patronize the <br> Empire Steam Laundry <br> Tel. 94. 21 Commercial St. <br><br> It will pay you to call on <br> W. P. Holman, <br> The New Grocer <br> Low prices, courteous treatment and prompt delivery is our motto. <br> 245 MAIN STREET <br><br> Mrs. Alice Thompson, <br> Capital City Dress Making <br> Parlors. <br> First class work positively guaranteed. <br> A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. <br> 422 P. O. Block. <br><br> F. AUERBACH & BRO. <br> Early Closing out Sale of <br> Our Entire Stock of Ladies' Capes and Jackets <br> AT A SACRIFICE-NOTHING RESERVED <br> Ladies' Black Circle Cape with black or white Vandyke Silk Embroidery, very knobby, for...... $1.50 <br> Very pretty all wool Double Capes, trimmed with black Sontache Braid value $4.50 for...... $2.65 <br> Our regular $6.00, $7.00, $7.50 Capes are reduced this week to...... $4.00 <br> An elegant line of very stylish Capes in black, navy, tan or brown, finely made and trimmed, value $8.00 to $10.00, for...... $5.00 <br> GREAT VALUES -57 of our fine velvet Cloth and Serge Capes, lace or jet trimmed, very knobby and stylish, worth $13 to $20, this week...... reduced to $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 <br> CHILDREN'S JACKETS-Entire stock at closing out prices. <br> Reefers 2 to 5 years, at...... 75c <br> Reefers, all ages, from...... $1.25 to $1.75 and up <br> Nicely trimmed with Braid, stylish large sleeves, <br> FOR 85 CENTS-All wool triple cloth Capes in Tan, also a line of dark Capes for...... 85c <br> Very neat Navy Blue Cape, handsomely trimmed with white braid, for...... $1.35 <br> JACKETS-at immense sacrifice. <br> All wool Blazers and Jackets for...... 53c <br> Fine line of double breasted Jackets, excellent cloths were $5.00 and $6.00, for...... $1.25 <br> READY MADE SUITS-a special Bargain <br> 33 Ladies' Suits of elegant Covert cloth and Serges, a chemisette with each suit, value $7.00 to $11.00, this week at...... $3.90 <br> LADIES' WAISTS-our tremendous assortment of Ladies' Laundried waists in all colors, from 45c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25 up to $2.50 is unsurpassed for style and quality. <br> Our line of handsome Silk waists from...... $3.85 up in Black and colors, cannot be beat. <br> PARASOLS-We are showing the most elegant at lowest prices. <br> Carriage Sunshade in Black Gloria, for...... 70c <br> Fine line of Parasols and Umbrellas for...... $1.00 <br> All our finer lines at exceptionally low prices. <br><br> |