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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br> 15 <br><br> SECOND M. E. CHURCH. <br> The Easter missionary dedication services at the Second M. E. church were full of interest last Sabbath. The 6 o'clock meeting in the morning was attended by about twenty-five persons and was a season of refreshing. The Sunday school which met at 9:45 numbered 100. At the 11 o'clock service three persons were received from probation into full membership and six united on probation, making nine in all. After the sermon $60 was subscribed toward the missionary fund. Dr. Iliff conducted the communion service. <br> Dedicatory service at 3 p. m. Prayer was offered by Rev. Hunt, after which Dr. Iliff preached on "Death Produces Life." There was a large audience, notwithstanding the storm. After a brief statement by the pastor the trustees presented the church free of debt for dedication. No appeal was made for money. The pastor stated that last June he presented the matter of a new church to the Lord and received the assurance that his prayer was heard and that all would be well. Since then everything has gone well and he never had an easier time building a church in his life. Notwithstanding the hard times all but four persons have paid their subscriptions and two or three of these will be paid, he thinks, and they will meet all the obligations. He further said that any man could build a church if the Lord led the way and overcame for him all the difficulties and that if there was any glory in this thing it all belonged to God. <br> The Epworth League, led by Sister Bruton, was one of the best. <br> The Easter missionary concert was the best the Sunday school ever gave and everybody seemed to enjoy it. The Sunday school raised about $16 for its monthly offering. The infant class, having the largest amount, was awarded the banner. The total Sunday school collection for the ten months of the conference year is $41.00. <br> Report of auditing committee: We as auditing committee appointed by the board of trustees have examined the receipts and disbursements connected with the building of the new church at Waterloo from July '94 to date and find them correct, the total cash receipts being $1687, $41 labor, material etc. donated $87.59, making a total of $2,575 all of which has been judiciously expended under the most careful management of the pastor in charge, Rev. Geo. E. Jayne. <br> Signed, C. H. CAMPBELL <br> J. A. HEADLUND <br> E. L. RAYBOULD. <br> Waterloo, Salt Lake Co. April 13, '95 <br> Special services every night this week, conducted by the singing evangelist D. Leppert and his wife Mrs. Lizzie Leppert, at a quarter to eight. <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN UTAH <br> What a Pioneer says of Dr. G. W. Shores' Famous Treatment in Complicated Liver and Bladder Diseases. <br> "I am an old settler here," says Mr. Jacob Giersch, of Wood's Cross, Utah. "I have been in Utah for twenty-five years and always enjoyed pretty good health up to a year or so ago, when I found that I was gradually losing my health and strength. I knew of Dr. G. W. Shores, and as soon as I discovered my trouble was something serious, I went right to him for I knew that he would know just what my trouble was, and that he could cure me in the shortest time possible if I could be cured at all. <br> "As Dr. Shores told me my trouble was kidney and bladder disease. I was so bad that every night I would have to get up ten or twelve times, and in the daytime I was hardly able to be on my feet at all, because of the fearful pain and agony over the kidneys; but after the first dose of medicine Dr. Shores gave me, I began to feel better and I improved steadily and rapidly. Now I can sleep all night without being disturbed, and can ride to the city in my wagon without any distress whatever; in short, I am entirely cured. This may not of itself sound very remarkable, but to me it is most wonderful, as can be easily appreciated when it is considered that I am 57 years of age, and when I went to Dr. Shores I was unable to do anything; I could hardly stand on my feet. <br> "I am satisfied that there are many and many men and women, in this country suffering just about as I did, and I am very glad to be able to publicly recommend Dr. G. W. Shores' splendid treatment for the benefit of the many sufferers-that they may know by reading my statement where to go to get cured with little cost and in the shortest time possible." <br> Dr. Shores treats and cures catarrh and all diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys and bladder. Office Hours-Forenoon, 10 to 12. Afternoon, 2 to 5. Evening, 7 to 8, Sundays, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. $5.00 a month for all Catarrhal diseases, Medicine Free. Doctor Shores' motto is: "Low Fee, Quick Cure, Mild and Painless Treatment." If you cannot come to the office send stamp for Dr. Shores' new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and get expert advice FREE. <br> Zion's Medical Institute, <br> DR. G. W. SHORES. <br> CHIEF CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. <br> 34 E. Second South. Salt Lake City. <br><br> If you desire the latest spring and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Bootes, 15 State street. <br><br> The "square statement" made by Walker Bros & Fyler Co., on one of the front pages has doubtless been read by most of the ladies before this, but if any have not they should return to and read it at once. During April, May and June this great firm will have Special Hourly Sales, every Saturday commencing at 7:30 and lasting to 9:30 each evening, when un-heard-of bargains will be offered in various lines. <br><br> Your grocer keeps Hewlett Bros. 3 Crown Baking Powder. Ask for it and take no other. <br><br> |