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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br> 13 <br><br> and last but not least the report of the Salt Lake City Chinese mission by Mrs. M. E. Jones. <br> The annual election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. W. S. Hawkes, 135 Sixth East street; Vice president, Mrs. C. T. Brown, 416 East First South street; Secretary, Mrs. H. K. Warren, 508 East Third South street; Treasurer, Mrs. John D. Nutting, Third North and Quince street. <br> Executive committee: First church, Salt Lake City, Mrs. L. E. Hall; Phillips church, Salt Lake City, Mrs. M. E. Jones; Plymouth church, Salt Lake City, Mrs. Love; Burlington, Salt Lake City, Miss Baker; Ogden, Mrs. C. A. Luck; Lynne, Mrs. T. Bailey; Provo, Mrs. S. Rose; Park City, Mrs. Allen; Coalville, Mrs. Cardess. <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> PEOPLE'S GOSPEL MISSION. <br> "Victory through the Blood," has been our battle cry this week. Over 5,000 people were at the open air during the week. Some came to the cross and sought the pardoning power. <br> The open air workers desire to thank Mr. Fyler, of Walker Bros. and Fyler Co. for the kindness shown them in open air service. <br> "The Song Soldiers of the Cross," Bro. Leppert and his wife, are now with us for a season. Wherever they have been they have done grand work in the Vineyard of the Lord. Precious souls have been brought to Christ through song. <br> Bro. Harry McCullough is still with us and a blessing to the work. The organ for street work we must have, so send us a check to help along. <br> Remember special service every night. Come early if you don't want a back seat. <br> Praise the Lord that kind friends have started the fund for our street organ and for the gospel wagon. The order has gone in; the amount we must pay is $50. Who will be next to enroll their names; call or send your subscription to the mission, No. 31 West-Third South at old Independence Hall. <br> Walker Bros. and Fyler Co. $5, Ed W. Duncan $2, Geo. A. Lowe $1, W. C. Lyne $1, John McDonald $1, Shang Hai Co. .50. <br> J. B. L. <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> The Ministerial Association, composed of the evangelical ministers of the city, meets every Monday morning at 10:30 in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. All ministers visiting in the city are cordially invited to a seat among us to hear and share in our deliberations. <br> JOSIAH McCLAIN, Pres. <br>J. D. GILLILAN, Sec. <br><br> The price of carpet at the Utah Carpet and Drapery Co. will make a great rush the next 30 days. <br><br> If you like good coffee try Pride of Utah, roasted fresh daily by the Salt Lake Coffee and Spice Mills Co., No. 12 E. 3d So. You will be astonished at its superiority over the ordinary package coffee which has been roasted weeks or maybe months before you get it. Also their genuine Dutch Java is unsurpassed by no coffee grown. <br><br> St. Clair Stoves and Ranges are unexcelled for cooking and baking. Also kitchen utensils. Freed Furniture and Carpet Co., 30 to 40 E. 3rd South. <br><br> Success does not come undeserved, either in great or small things. Though phenomenal, the success of the bargain counter at the Palace Meat Market is deserved in every way, as besides being the cheapest place in the city, the very best that money can buy only, is sold if its patrons, and will convince anyone of the truth of what we say. <br><br> "It is as good as any and better than most imported baking powders" is the universal verdict of those who have used Hewlett's 3 Crown Baking Powder. <br><br> Coal <br> We continue to ask for patronage on the old grounds - good service and good coal. We screen our coal and deliver it promptly. A trial order will convince you - and then you'll stay with us. <br> Miller <br> & <br> Miller, <br> 38 West and South. <br> 'Phone 88 <br><br> Now is the Season for <br> Lawn Hose, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves, Ice-Cream Freezers, Etc., <br> Please remember that we are headquarters for all seasonable goods and can sell them to you for less than any one in the city. <br> SIGN OF BIG GUN, <br> 42-44 W. Second South. <br> Salt Lake City. <br> Salt Lake Hardware Company. <br><br> |
People |
Duncan, Ed W.; Lowe, George A.; McClain, Josiah; McCullough, Harry; McDonald, John; Allen (Mrs.); Bailey, T. (Mrs.); Baker (Miss); Brown, C. T. (Mrs.); Cardess (Mrs.); Fyler (Mr.); Gillilan, J. D.; Hall, L. E. (Mrs.); Hawkes, W. S. (Mrs.); Jones, M. E. (Mrs.); Leppert (Mr.); Leppert (Mrs.); Love (Mrs.); Luck, C. A. (Mrs.); Lyne, W. C.; Nutting, John D. (Mrs.); Rose, S. (Mrs.); Warren, H. K. (Mrs.) |