Show Complaints about "urban sprawl" are made by planners who protest the randomness of subdivision housing. Doesn't nature sprawl randomly across the land. The out cry dies down though as the subdivision folks start planting trees and shrubs to bring on the subconscious desire for tree sprawl. The tree is a visual consideration but is ignored during the design process. The building is visual the object of design. In the end the tree suddenly becomes the design object of adoration and the house an object of contempt. The attention to nature in the scheme is to secretly elevate the tree above the house. If the same tree were by itself it might be ignored as an incidental object on the land possibly even a nuisance. If the tree has a house adjacent it is suddenly sublime and serves as the foundation of comfort and ease - the tree gives life. This is the contradiction ingrained deeply in the twentieth century. On the one hand man rejects nature then turns and worships at its roots. A religion of hypocrisy. The door is the battle line where man makes his stand in the face to face confrontation between man and nature - a broken continuum. -31- |