Show PARALLEL Continumorphic space integrates with nature as a unified whole between man and nature. PARALLEL CONTINUUM Continumorphic space. PARALLEL EFFICIENCY The degree to which individual continumorphs are properly organized. PART-WHOLE RECIPROCATION The moment when parts are wholes and wholes are made up of parts which later become wholes. PARTS Continumorphs. POLYHEDRON Continumorphs. POLYMORPHIC Many forms. QUANTA Parts of the spacial environment. Molecules of architecture molecules of space - continumorphs. RANDOM Devoid of abstraction. REQUIRED DATA BASE The exact continumorphs necessary to assemble a particular plan arranged in their topological sets. SET DIFFERENTIATION A number of continumorphs which are different in qualitative aspects as they reside in their respective set. Also the quantitative differences between sets. SET A group of continumorphs arranged in the topology of that group according to the number of faces vertices and edges. SOCIAL FUNCTION That there is no such thing as architecture as indicated by the fact it has no language. It confuses sociology with environment. We say a building is a hospital a library or a cottage or any number of other nondescriptive social activities. These words say nothing about the space and since the environment is about space first and only we see that there is no language with which to talk about so called architecture. The absence of a language is the clue that we -100- |