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Show [ [no] poflible change of fortune we will adhere to this our determination. Dam in Concert/3, [7y unanmlam [Ch/4:711, the lliii‘Iivf/li (Jay {2/ 067055;, om- : mound/aw: [waned andfiwm'yvriglrt. HENRY LAURENS, jm/Z/lmt. flog/I. CHARLES THOMSON, fecn‘taly." THUS all negotiation for dependence being at amend, Great-Britain and America are now to contend on the following points : Ifl'. On the part of Great-Britain it is declared, that as we will not tubnzit, and {he ((Jiihflf liubdue, {he will attempt to ruin and deliroy. idly. On the part 121 ] from being a conelufive argument why they will not adopt them; 19:. Becaule their whole conduct, with re~ lation to this country, bears liuch {trong marks of follv, that to fuppofe they will not obttinately perfifi in it, would argue a degree of weaknefs and infidelity. 2dly. Becaute it is perhaps necellin'y that they {hould make a vilitation to every itate, in order to purge it of the molt turbulent part of the dilafl'eéted, and punilh the remainder by the deltruetion of their property, thereby bringing home to, their feelings that conviction which was nth to be efl‘eéR'd in the common way of reafoning. gdly. Ben caute fomething mutt be allowed to the anguilh of difappointed avarice and ambition; for, fince no hope remains of acquiring that dominion which was the objtét of their fervent delires, it is perfectly natural that men, of America it is declared, that if the war is prolccuted in a manner not conformable to the laws of nations, the Conw free from the influence of jultice or humanity, fhould take any and every method to fatiate the vengeance of duet of her enemies fliall be retaliated. defeated delpotilin. IF our enemies were under the guidance of reafon, they would delifi' from thofe efforts with which they threaten us ; Ill. Becaufe, although they may burn many delence-~ lets towns, and ravage much of the open country, the at~ tempt to ruin us mutt be unt'uccelilul, and the expence of it (normous, not to mention that their whole force is ntccllary for their own defence, which necefiity will daily And 4thly. Becaufe, as they flippofe, they have offended us beyond forgivenels; f0 they conclude that we {hall be ltimulated by paflions like their own, to profecute their ruin: In which cafe, being too haughty to afk our friendlhip, they have no alternative but to endeavor to render our enmity as little dangerous as pofhble. adly. Becaufe their barbarity, by exalipcrating ON the other hand, the determination of America to retaliate, is dictated by every motive of policy andjuf'tice, more the minds of the Americans, will more elleéiually wean them from all attachment to, and conntélion Vt ith, Great-Britain, as well political as commercial. gilly. BecautT they mull expect that our allies will ali‘irr'd evtry aid in their power to vindicate the violated rights of nations; which indeed they are bound to do, not only in common with all other lovereigns, but by the powerful principles of and mutt terminate to the great prejudice of Britain, and the ruin of her adherents on this tide of the Atlantic: Nor can the means be wanting; the towns on her coafl: are at leal'c as defeneelefs as ours; and their citizens, unufed to arms, are utterly incapable of repelling an allhult. A finall firm of money would wrap their metropolis in increale. t'aith and affection. And athly. Becaule fuch conduct on their part wouldjufl'iiy on ours not only the breach of any compails which might be entered into, but even the molt flames. Their {ubjeets and adherents may eafily be found in any part of the earth, and the dreaded fcalping-knife iirnguinary nreafures at the molt diflant period 3 nay more, itlelf may, in the hands of our riflemen, fpread horror through their illand. Thefe and many other methods may readily be devifed; and certainly fomc Critical mo- would demand a remembrance el" the injury, until {rich ment will offer itfelf in the flow of time to proclaim to» ample vengeance would be taken as would in future pre- xent iimilar infults from others. them the injuries of America in the rough {ounds of merited batbarity. Bur the unrcafcnablencfs of thefe meafu es is very far from Q_ CONSIDERING |