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Show {QC/If "(0.7 E92] [93} nominated and appointed, conflituted and ailigned, and perfons or bodies politic as aforefaid, whom you or any tinte of you ihall have judged meet and iilfiicient to enter into {uch agreement, {hall be fully and dif'tiné'tly {ct forth by thefe prefents we do nominate, appoint, conflitute and ailign you, the raid Frederick Earl of Carlifle, Richard Vifcount Howe, Sir William Howe, William Eden, and George Johnftone, or any three of you, to be our Commifiioners in that behalf, to ufe and exercife all and every the powers and authorities hereby entrul'ted and committed to you, the {aid Frederick Earl of Carliflc, Richard Vii:count Howe, Sir William Howe, William Eden, George Johnfione, or any three of you, and to fo perform and execute all other matters and things hereby enjoined and committed to your care, during our will and pleafure, and no longer, according to the tenor of thefe our letters patent, and ofluch further inf'truétions as you {hall from time to time receive under our iignet or fign manual. And it is our royal will and pleafure, and we do hereby authorife, empower and require you, the [aid Frederick Earl of Carlille, Richard Vifcount Howe, Sir William Howe, William Eden, George Iohnl'cone, or any three of you, to treat, confult and agree with fuch body or bodies pow litic and corporate, or with fuch allembly or aileinblies of men, or with fuch perfon or perfons as you, the {aid Frederick Earl of Carlifle, Richard Vifcount Howe, Sir William Howe, VVilliam Eden, George Johni'tone, or any three of you, {hall think meet and fufiicient for that purpofe, of and concerning any grievances, or complaints of grievances, exifiing, or fuppofcd to eint, in the go. vernment of any of the colonies, provinces or plantations above mentioned refpcétively, or in the laws and flatutes of this realm, refpeéting them or any of them, or of and concerning any aids or contributions to be furnifhed by any of the {aid colonies, provinces or plantations re- fpeétively, for the common defence of this realm, and the dominions thereunto belonging; and of and concerning any other regulations, provifions, matters and things, ne- ceilary or convenient for the honor of us and our l'arlian ment, and for the common good of all our fubjeéts. And it is our further will and pleafure, That every regulation, proviiion, matter or thing, which {hall have been agreed upon between you, the faid Frederick Earl of Carlifle, Richard Vifcount Howe, Sir \Villiam Howe, William Eden, George johnftone, or any three of you, and fuel] in writing, and authenticated by the hands and feals of you, or any three of you, on one fide, and by fuch kale and other Ignature on the other, as the occaiion may re- quire, and as may be fuitable to the charaéler and autho- rity of the body politic, or other perfon fo agreeing; and {uch inftruments lb authenticated {hall be by you, or any three of you, tranflnitted to one of our principal Secreta- ries of State, in order to be laid before our Parliament, for the further and more perfect ratification thereof ; and until fuch ratification, no fuch regulation, proviiion, matter or thing, [hall have any other force or effect, or be carried further into execution than is hereafter mentioned. And we do hereby further authorife and empow- . er you, the {aid Frederick Earl of Carlifle, Richard Vii"count Howe, Sir William Howe, V/illiam Eden, and George Johnflone, or any three of you, from time to time, as you, or any three of you, {hall judge convenient, to order and proclaim a ceflation of hoililitics on the part of our forces by {ea or land, for {uch time and under fuch conditions, refiriétions or other qualifications, as in your difcretions {hall be thought requifite, and l‘uch order and proclamation to revoke and annul in the fame manner and form. And it is our further will and pleafure, and we do hereby require and command all our ofiicers and mi- niiiers, civil and military, and all other our loving {ubjeéts whatfoever, to obferve and obey all fuch proclama- tions refpeaively. And we do hereby, in further pur. {uance of the {aid aft of Parliament, and of the proviiions therein contained, authoriie and empower you, the {aid Frederick Earl of Carlifle, Richard Vifcount Howe, Sir William Howe, VV. Eden, and George Johnflone, or any three of you, by proclamation under your refpeé'tive hands and leads, from time to time, as you {hall fee con- venient to fufpend the operation and efl‘eét ofacertain act of Parliament, made and pafled in the 16th year of our reign, for prohibiting all trade and intercourfe with cer? tain colonies and plantations therein named, and for the other purpofes therein alfo mentioned, or any of the pro-: vilions or refirifiions therein contained, and therein to perfons fpecify W: V." _, -«-» |