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Show l l [49] to Britifh and American freedom) have added to their former op'prefiions an attempt to reduce us by the fword to a bafe and abject fubmiflion. On the lword, therefore, we are compelled to rely for protection. Should ticipate and fympathize in yours. We grieve that rafh and inconfiderate councils fhould prCClpltfltC the de- flruéi'ion of an empire, which has been the envy and admiration of ageS, and call God to witnefsl that we victory declare in your favour, yet men trained to arms would part with our property, endanger our lives, and factificc every thing but liberty, to redeem you from ruin. "' A CLOUD hangs over your heads and'ours; ere this from their infancv, and animated by the love of liberty, will afford ncitlzeria cheap or eafy conquef't. Of this at lealt we are aftiircd, that our llruggle will be glorious, cur fuccef‘; er ain ; fince even in death we {hall find that freedom which in life you forbid us to enjoy. " LET us now afk what advantages are to attend our redué'tion? The trade of a ruined and defolate country is always inconliderable, its revenue trifling; the expence of fubieeiiii: and retaining it in fubjeétion certain and inevitable. HVVhat then remains but the gratification of an ill-judged pride, or the hope of rendering us fubfervient to dengue on your liberty. " SOLDIERS who have lbeathed their fwords in the bowels of their American brethren, will not draw them with more relutftance again"; you. VVhen too late you may lament the lofs of that freedom, which we exhort you, while hill in your power, to preferve. " ON the other hand, {hould you prove unfuccefsful ; fhould that connexion, which we mod ardently with to reaches you, it may probably burfl upon us; let us then (before the remembrance of former kindncls is obliterated) once more repeat thofe appellations whici are ever grateful in our ears ; let us entreat Heaven to avert our ruin, and th': deliruf'tion that threatens our friends, brethren, and countrymen, on the other tide of the Atlantic." THE conducct obferved towards the Indian nations was in perfect coniifh‘nce with that difpofition for p:ace f0 openly declared, and fo fully manifei‘ted. 'l‘aught by adv veriity to feel for the woes, and by f1 eedom to refpeet the rights of mankind, we wie'hetl to avoid that favage war which knows no laws but iiidilbr'iiiiinate flaughter. And altho' our enemies have endsavoured to fligmatize us with the delign of employing the hatchet againlt them, in maintain, be diflolved ; fhould your minil'rers exhauf't your treafures and wafl'e the blood of your countrymen in order to caf't a veil over their own barbaiity; yet the fact is, that we feduloufly avoided it, and have at length been expofed to the fury of thofe tribes, becaufe we would not take advantage of their inhuman thirll: of blood againll: vain attempts on our liberty; do they not deliver you, our fellow men. weak and dcfencelefs, to your natural enemies. " SINCE then your liberty mutt be the price of your viiotm'ies; your ruin, of your defeat :---what blind fa- tality can urge you to a purfuit deftrucftive of all that Britons hold dear ? " IF you have no regard to the connexion that has for ages fubfified between us ; if you have forgot the wounds we have received fighting by your fide for the extenfion of the empire; if our commerce is not an object below your conlideration; if jufiice and humanity have loft their influence on your hearts, f'till motives are not want- IT was not until the 25th of November, 1775, that: the Congrefs determined to retort upon our enemies the praétice of taking property on the high feas. They con- iidered us as rebels, they had no laws in exiftence whereby our property was forfeite . Unlefs we were conlidcred as independent, their fovereign could not authorize the capture of velTels ; and yet, in defiance of law, of reafon, and of jui‘tice, they helitated not to plunder indifcriminately all thofe who relided in America, among)r whom not a few were adherents to their caufe. ing to excite your indignation at the meafures now pur« fired : your wealth, your honour, your liberty are at flake. " NOTWI'I‘HS'I‘ANDING the dilltrefs to which we are reduced, we fomctimes forget our own affliétions, to an- ticipzite NOR did the Congrefs even then make reprizals upon private property, but leveled their refentment at thofe only who were engaged in aiding and aflifling the armies } employed |