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Show [116] [H7] capacity in this rebellion, fhall, at any time duringr the continuance of this manifetlo and proclamation, withdraw Congrels, the General Affemblies or Conventions of the Colonies, plantations and provinces, and to feveral petfons himfelf or themfelves from fuch civil orl military ferviee, both in civil and military capacities within the faid colo- nies, plantations and provinces. And, for the further fecurity in times to come of the feveral perfons or numbers or deferiptions of perfons who are or may be the objects of and {hall continue thenceforth peaceably as a good and faithful fubjec‘t or fubjects to his majefly, to demean hiinu felf or thcmfelves, fuch perfon or perfons, or fuch number and defcription of perfons, {hall become and be fully entitled to, and hereby obtain all the benefits of, the pardon or pardons hereby granted , excepting only from the faid pardon or pardons every perfon, and every number or dtfcription of perfons, who, after the date of this main. fello and proclamation, fhall, under the pretext of au- thority, as judges, jurymen, minilters, or officers of civil jull'ice, be inllrumental in executing and putting to death any of his 1najel'ty"s fubjeéts within the faid colonies, plantations and provinces. t (W " \s\ tsl‘l . " AND we think proper farther to declare, that nothing herein contained is meant, or (ball be conflrued, to fet at liberty any pcrfon or pcrfons now being a prifoner or priv font-rs, or who, during the continuance of this rebellion, {hall become a prifoner or prifoncrs. this manifefto and proclamation, we have fet our hands and feals to thirteen copies thereof, and have tranfmitted the fame to the thirteen colonies, plantations and provinces above-mentioned ; and we are willingr to hope that the whole of this nianil‘eflo and proclamation will be fairly and freely publifhed and circulated for the imme- diate, general and molt fei‘ious conr'ideration and benefit of all his majel‘ry's fubjects on this continent. And we earneflly exhoit all perfons who by this inttrument forthwith receive the benefit of the king's pardon, at the fame timethat they entertain a becomingr fenfe of thofe lenient and affectionate meafurcs whereby they are now freed from many grievous charges which might have rifen in judge- ment, or have been brought in quel‘tion againll them, to make a wife improvement of the fituation in which this n'ianifell‘o and proclamation places them, and not only to recollect, that a perfeverance in the prefent rebellion, or " AND we cffer to the colonies at large, or feparately, any adherence to the trealbnable connection attempted to a general or feparate peace, with the revival of their antient governments fecurtd againft any future infringe- be framed with a foreign power, will, after the prefent grace extended, be Confrdered as crimes of the molt aggravated kind, but to vie with each other in eager and cor~ ments, and proteéled for-ever from taxation by Great- Britain. And, with refpecft t0 fuch farther regulations, whether civil, military or commercial, as they inav with. to be framed and cllablithed, we promife all the concur.- name and affiltance that his majef'ty's commiffion au‘» thorizes and enables us to give. " AND we declare, that this manifcll'o and proclamation lhall continue and be in force jbriy day; from the date thereof, that is to fay, from the third day of October to the eleventh day of November, both inclulivc. " AND, in order that the whole Contents of this im- nifeflo and proclamation may be more fully known, we lliall dircét copies thereof, both in the Englifh and Ger man language, to be tnuifmitted by flags of [lute to the Congrefs, dial endeavors to fecure their own peace and promote and etl‘ablifh the profperity of their countrymen and the gene». ral weal of the empire. " AND, purfuant to his majcf'ty's commiflion, we hereby require all oflicers civil and military, and all others his majefty's loving fubjeets whatfoever, to be aiding and affilling unto us in the execution of this our mauifelto and proclamation, and of all the matters herein contained. Givm at New-Yam, Ibis 3511M} ofOiF/a/wr 1775. CARLISLE, (LL) H. C 1. I N 'r o N, (L. 5.) WM. ED 1: N. (L. 8.) By t/Mir excel/emits mmmaml, A D A M F E R e U s o N, form/42y." BY WWI-Drug '01- -- ~..- |