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Show [84] {85} C‘ AND, that no let or hindrance may happen from the vacancy of the office of governor and commander in chief in any of the faid colonies, provinces or plantations refpeétively, or from the abfence of fuch oflicer from his government, Be itfm‘t/m'mafied [y the authority aforejrzid, " YOUR Lordfliip may be alfured, that when the King of Great-Britain {hall be ferioufly difpofed to put an end to the unprovoked and cruel war waged againft thefc United States, Congrefs will readily attend to fueh terms of peace as may confll't with the honor of independent nations, the interel't of their conflituents, and the facred That it [hall and may be lawful for his Majef'ty, by fuch letters patent as aforefaid, to authorife and impower the faid Commiffioners, or any three of them, in any of the find colonies, provinces or plantations refpec‘tively, wherein his Majefty hath ufually heretofore nominated and appointed a governor, to nominate and appoint, from with all due confideration, time to time, by any infirument under their hands and Lardlfiwg. hals, a proper perfon to be the governor and commander in chief in and for any fuch colony, province, or plantation : to have, hold, and exercife the faid ofhce of governor and commander in chief in and for fueh colony or plantation refpeétively, with all fuch powers and authorities as any governor of fuch province horetofore ap- pointed by his h/lajefty might or could have exercifed, in as full and ample manner and form as if fuch governor and commander in chief had been nominated and ap~ pointed by his Majelly's letters patent or commifli on; and for that purpofc, if nerd be, to revoke, annul, and make void, any commiflion or letters patent heretofore gratifiedffor appointing any fuch governor and commander regard they mean to pay to treaties, I am, my Lord, Yams Lord/bip'r file/2 (Median! frrwmt, HENRY LAURENS, Prffldm! qf Congrr/i." Tent-Town, 71mg 6, 1778. S I R, 5‘ HAVE had the honor of laying your letter of the 3d inftant, with the aé'ts of the Britifh l'arliament which came inclofed, before Congrefs; and I am infirué'ted to acquaint you, Sir, that they have already exprefied their fentiments upon bills, not ell'cntially dif- ferent from thofe ae‘ts, in a publication of the 22d of April laf't. in e 1e . ‘ " flux! [2: it fun/arr mafia/1', That this act {hall conn tmue‘to he in force until the firft day of June, One thouiand leven hundred and feventy-nine." To which the following anfwers were retur ned 2 Tort-Town, yum 6, I778. M Y L o R D, " IIAV E had the honor of laying your Lordflnp's letter of the 27th of lWay, with the acts of the Britilh Parliament incloli‘d, before Congr cfs, and I am inltruéted to acquaint your Lordfhip, that ulr‘eadyVe‘xpl‘ellifd their fentiments upon bills, they have not drennallv dillerent from thoie 34316, in a publication ofthe 22d oi April lail. " YOUR " BE affured, Sir, when the King of Great-Britain {hall be ferioufly (lifpofed to put an end to the unprovoked and cruel war waged againft thefe United States, Con- grefs will readily attend to fuch terms of peace as may eonfift with the honor of independent nations, the interefl' of their conf'tituents, and the facred regard they mean to pay to treaties. I have the honor to be, Sir, 127w mafl obedient, and [We/2‘ bumble firwmt, HENRY LAURENS, Prtfidmi of Congnfi." Hi5 Ema/[wry ' Sir [fairy Clinic", Kt B. P/Jllfld. ON |