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Show 5o ZOOLOGY OF TilE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. incisors are slender; those on the upper jaw are yellow, and those of the under yellow-white. In. Lines. 1 ,cngth from nose to root of tail of tr~il ln. Lines. 4 4 2 Length of tarsus (claws included) of e:u from nose to car Habitat, Coquimbo, Chile, Clliay.) This mouse is remarkable for the great length and softness of its fur, even among the species here described, most of which have very loose, long and oft fur. The molars of the upper jaw are figured in Plate 33, fig. 6, b.-molars of the lower jaw, fig. 6, a. "Inhabits dry stony places, which character of country is general in this part of Chile."-D. 19. Mus NASUTUS. PLATE xvn.-Fig. 2. l\lus na utus, Waw·k., Proceedings of tho Zoological Society of London for Febru:u·y 1837, P· 16. 11l. supdt obsc1td!jlavescentijusc1tS, ad latemfulvescens; sublus obscu1·ejitlvo tiuctns: pedibus pilis obscure fnscis tectis; ungnibus longis ; aw·ilJ'uS rnediocribus; cauda corpore b1·evim·e, st,pdi fusca, subtus sordide albd: 1"ltina1·io p1·oducto. DEsCRIPTION.-Muzzle very lonO' and pointed ears small tail shorter than the body, claws long and but slightly arched;' inner, rudi~entary toe of the fore foot furnished with a pointed claw; fur moderate, and slightly glossy: general colour yellowish brown, of the sides of the body yellow, of the under parts pale yellow ; the chin, throat and chest whitish: feet brown ; ears well clothed with hairs, those on the inner side are most of them yellow, but some are black. All the fur is of a deep lead colour at the base ; the hairs on the upper parts and sides of the head and body are broadly annulated with deep golden yellow near the apex, and blackish at the apex; on the upper parts long bl'Ownish black hairs are thickly interspersed with the ordinary fur, but on the side of the body they are less numerous, hence on this part |