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Show 52 ZOOLOGY OF TilE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. In the collection there are three specimens of the present species ; in one of these the hairs of the upper part and sides of the body are annulated with yellowish white, instead of yellow ; hence the general hue of these parts is nearly gray. Mus Renggeri is larger than Mus Muscultts, and much stouter in its proportions; the fur is shorter, much less dense, and less soft than in lYlus bracltiolis. "It inhabits dry stony places, where only a few thickets grow."-D. 15. Mus onscunus. PLATE XV.-Fig. 2. Mus obscurus, lVatedt., Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for February 1837, p. 16. Jl. suprafnsco-nigrescens, sublusjlavescens; pedibus obscure jttscis; unguilms longiusculis; au1·ibus rnediocribns; cmtcla cmpore breviore, sttprd nigrescenle, subl·tis sordicle albd; vellere mediocri, molli. DEscniPTION.-Head large; ears moderate; tail shortet· than the body; fur rather long and glossy; the general hue of that of the upper parts and sides of the head and body is blackish brown, and that of the under parts is dirty yellowish white. The hairs on the upper parts are of a deep lead colour at the base, black at the apex, and narrowly annulated with dark yellow near the apex; those of the throat and belly are lead colour at the base and yellowish at the tip ; the chin is white: around the eye, and on the lower part of the cheeks a deep yellow tint prevails. The ears are well clothed with hairs both externally and internally, and these are for the most part of a deep brown colour, as are also the hairs which cover the feet. The tail is well clothed with hairs, those on the upper surface are black, and those on the under are dirty white. Both upper and lower incisors are yellow, but the lower are paler than the upper. Length from nose to root of tail of tail from nose to ears ln. Lines. 5 3 2 7 2k Habitat, Maldonado, La Plata, (June.) Length of tarsus (claws included) of ear ln. Lines, 114 4 The present species, like the foregoing, is much stouter than the common |