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Show 4u ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. The principal points of distinction between this and the two preceding species are pointed out in the account of JJf. elegans. Upon comparing the skull of M. gmcilipes (Pl. 34, fig. 4. a.) with that of Mus JJfuscuhts, the most striking differences consist in its shorter and broader form, the upper surface being more arched, the interparietal bone has a relatively smaller antero-posterior diameter, the occipital region is more convex, and continued more gently and gradually into the upper region of the skull. The zygomatic arch, which is unusually slender, is more dilated (especially on the anterior part) thus giving a squareness to the general form. The nasal bones are not so much attenuated posteriorly. The length of the skull is 87 lines, the greatest width is 5k lines, and the distance between the outer side of the incisors and the front moh.H' is 2i lines. The dentition is figured in Plate 34, :figs. 4. b and 4. c. "This specimen was given me by Mr. Bynoe, the surgeon of the Beagle, ·who caught it amongst some long dry grass."-D. Mus FLAVESCENs: PLATE XIII Mus fl:wcsccns, 1-Vated t., Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for l<'cbruary 1837, p. 19. lJf. supra colore cinnamomeo, laterilms capitis, cmp01·isque, ceque ac pcct01·e, aumtis; gullt abdomineque jlavcscenti-albis : pedibus sonlide albis : auribus mediocribus Totwulalis, pi lis flavis obsit~·s: cauda, corpore, capiteque l01tgi01·e, sup1·a fuse a, subtus s01·dide alba : tar sis longis. DgscRIPTION.-Fur long and moderately soft; general colour of the upper parts bright brownish yellow; on the sides of the head and body bright yellow; towards the rump of a deeper hue, and inclining to orange ; unuer parts pale yellow, or yellow-white; chest yellow. The fur both of the upper and under llarts of the body deep plumbeous at the base. Feet flesh colour, covered above with white hairs: tarsi long, naked beneath. Ears small, tolerably well clothed with hairs; those on the inner side yellow, but many of them blackish at the base; on the outer side, the hairs arc blackish on the fore part and yellow on the hinder part. The hairs of tho ordinary fur of the back are of a deep 1·ich yellow colour at the tip, and the longer hairs are blackish. The tail is long, deep brown above and whitish beneath; the hairs of the |