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Show 482 INDEX. VANDELLIA. v. Vandellia nummularijolict, 90, 278; H cds, 315, :~22 ; self-fertile, 369 Vanilla, secretion of no 'ta1·, 403 Verbascum lychnitis, 89, 341, 369 -- nigrum, 8D, 3HO, 341 --phceniceum, 330, 341, 36± -- thapsus, 9: measurements, 90; solf-f riil , 341, 369 Vorlot on Convolvulus t~·icolor, 5.5 ; intercros ing of NPmophila, 183 ; of Leptosiphon, 394 Veronica agrestis, 369 -- chamcedry. ·, 36 -- hedermfolia, 369 Vicia faba, 360, 4 04 -- hirsuta,, 367 --sativa, 367, 403, 404: Victoria reaict, 365 Villarsia pcwnas ijolia, 3fl0 Vilmorin on transmitting charaf'tor to offspring, 451 Vinca majo1·, :-;62 -- rosea, 3G2 Viola canina, 357 -- t'rir·olor, 123; measm·eQJents, 12G, 127 ; superiority of crossed plants, 286, 2 9 ; period of HowerinCY, 292, 296 ; effects of cross-fertilisation, 304; seeds, 316, 325; partially sterile, 358; corolla removed, 420 Violacem, 123 Viscaria oculata, 130; measurement, 132; average height of ZEA. cro sed and self-fertilised, 276; simultaneous flowering, 295; seeds, 3H>, 323; self-fertile, 367 w. Wallace, Mr., the heaks an l faces of brush-tongued lories covered with pollen, 371 Wn. ps attracted by Epipar·tis latifolia, :375 Weights, rebtive, of crossed and self-fertilised plant , 244, 283; and period of germiuation of seeds, 352-355 Wilder, .Mr., fertilisation of flowers with their own pollen, 341 Wilson, A. J., superior vigour of cro sed ccdling-s in Brassica camp t'ris rutct bctga, 353 TVi~>taria sinensis, :no, 427 Y. Yucca moth, -1:48 z. Zea mays, 16, 233 ; measurem~nts, 16-1 , 234; difference of he1ght between crossed and ~el f-fertiliscd, 2 8; early flowering of crossed, 293; self-fertile, 369; prepotency of other pollen, 397 LONDON: l'RINTED UY WII,LLUf ('LOWE 'TA:!IIFOltD STR.KET AND CHARING CROS , |