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Show 252 SUMMARY OF MEASUREMENTS. TABLE 0-continued. o5 "d I.!. !l "d S..!<i 0 ,Jj @ 0 o:'l 0:: 0 0 rn ~ ~~ rn ~s Q) Q) oorn ..c:l ..0 0 ,~i 0 +'..o 0 rn .~ .::: O::Q) .:..3 2§ o..,; N A:\IES OF PLANTS AND NATURE 0::~ ..... ..o ..... ..0 ~bO 11""""4 J...l 0 "'"" b.O ll= ..o•-< I P..~.!<i ..o·-< OF' THE EXPERJME~TS. bOQ) Q) c g b lkQ) +'.a ·wr:::= =::w ...... ,.- c....~ Q) ..- 0 p; ~ ~ 1'0 0 ......... s Q) <l) Q) Cfl bO $~~ .D ·n b.() ~ 0:: >-= .0.. . .... .... Q) Is t: -.3 Q) :;l0 p.. p.. z -1 ~~0 ~ ----------------------------- Anagallis collina-offspring from a) red variety crossed by a blucJ variety, compared with the self- .. . . . . . . fertilised offspring of the red variety, in fertility • • . . Primula veris-offspring from long-) styled plants of tho 3rd illegiti-~ mate generation, crossed by a fresh stock, compared with 8 7•03 8 3·21 plants of the 4th illegitimate and self-fertilised generation .) Primula veris-offspring from long-) styled plants of the Ord illcgiti1 mate generation, crossed by a fresh stock, compared with .. . . . . . . plants of the 4th illegitimate and self-fertilised generation: in fertility • • • . • . . Prirnula veris-off'spring from long-) ' styled plants of the 3rd i!legiti-l ~ate generation, crossed by a fresh stock, compared with .. . . .. . . plants of the 4th illegitimate J . and. s~lf-~'ertil ised generation, in fert1hty m following year • . Primula veris (equal-styled, red-) flowered variety )-offspring from I plants . self-fertilised for two I I g~nerahons ~nd then crossed by a~ 3 8•66 3 7•33 1 dtfferent varoety, compared with J plants of the 3rd self-fertilised generation . • • . • • Primula veris. (equal-styled, red-' Bow ered va net y )-o ffs prin g from l . plants self-fertilised for two generations '?d then crossed by a I .. . . . . . . d1fferent vanety, compared with plants of the 3rd self-fertilised generation, in fertility • • , CHAP. VII. - p.,oooo .._. w ~ ..... 0 :;: .... ~ -;:: 0 ~ &; .Sj ]2~ ~o _£ ...,~~ rn ibZS ..o ...... c: 00 Q.>o;j Q) ~A:~ .....~. Q) "' ~~.d • :·:~c: c....ig 0 .... ----- I : as 100 to 6 " " 46 " " 5 " "3·5 t " " 85 " " 1L CHAP. VII. TABLE C. 253 In these three tables the measurements of fifty-seven species, belonging to fifty-two genera and to thirty great natural families, are given. The species are natives of various parts of the world. The number of crossed plants, including those derived from a cross between plants of the same stock and of two different stocks, amounts to 1,101 ; and the number of self-fertilised plants (including a few in Table C derived from a cross between plants of the same old stock) is 1,076. Their growth was observed from the germination of the seeds to maturity; and most of them were measured twice and some thrice. The various precautions taken to prevent either lot being unduly favoured, have been described in the introductory chapter. Bearing all these circumstances in mind, it may be admitted that we have a fair basis for judging of the comparative effects of cross-fertilisation and of self-fertilisation on the growth of the offspring. It will be the most convenient plan first to consider the results given in Table C, as an opportunity will thus be afforded of incidentally discussing some important points. If the reader will look down the right-hand column of this table, he will see at a glance what an extraordinary advantage in height, weight, and fertility the plants derived from a cross with a fresh stock or with another sub-variety have over the self-fertilised plants, as well as over the intercrossed plants of the same old stock. There are only two exceptions to this rule, and these are hardly real ones. In the case of Eschscholtzia, the ad vantage is confined to fertility. In that of Petunia, though the plants derived from a cross with a fresh stock had an immense superiority in height, weight, and fertility over the self-fertilised plants, they were conquered by the intercrossed plants of the same old stock in height and weight, but not |