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Show 120 RESEDA ODORATA. CHAP. IV. . d'd ot receive any pollen, for t.hcy were because their s~I~mas .1 n ollen from the same plant with IJO repeatedly fertilised wit~ Ptl fertile with pollen from any other effect; but they were P~:l~~fe;.tiliscd seeds were saved from one plant. Spontaneously_ lants and other seeds were collected of the highly sclf-fcrtll~ P t~ide the nets which had been h 1 nts growmg ou ' . · d . fl'om t e P a Th ceds after o·crmmatmg on san crossed by th~ bee.s. on ~~: ~pposite sid~s of five pots. The were planted In_ paus f k nd measured to tho summits of plants were tramed upfls lC ~~t~ms not being included. W c here their leafy stems-the ower have the result:- TABLE XXXVII. Re se da od or· ata ( seed l·t.n gs from a ldghly Self-fe1'tile Plu.?d ). No. of Pot. Crossed Plants. Self-fertilised Plants. - - - - - - - lnch s. Jnchr . 22 4 I. 20i 34~ 28~ 26 a 2:3~ 32* 30~ --- -- - -- -- - II. 34~ 28 g 34~ 30~ 11 ~ 23 33H 30~ - - -- 17 ~ III. 44b 27 25 30~ 2G ~ 30g 25~ -~ IV. 21§ 22 a 28 25 32§ l~b 32g 24a --- V. 21 ua 25§ 19g 26~ 1oa --- --- - --- Total in inches. 522 ·25 428·50 'I1lle average height of the ni.n eteen cr,o ss cd pl.a nts is h.e re no 2'7. 48, and that of the nineteen self-ferti·l i·s e d. 22 ·55 InrcJ heas ~· tOuI m(n'"' 100 to 82. All these plants were cut down In the ca Y ' CHAP. IV. RESEDA ODORATA. 121 and weighed : the crossed wcig heu 11 · 5 ounces, and the selffertilised 7 · 75 ounces, or as 100 to 67. These two lots having been left freely exposed to the visits of insects, did not present any difference to the eye in the number of seed-capsules which they produced. The remainder of the same two lots of seeds were sown in two adjoining rows in the open ground; so that the plants were exposed to only moderate competition. The eight tallest on each side were measured, as shown in the following table:- TABLE XXXVIII. R eseda odorata, g1·owing in the open g·round. Cro sed Plants. 'elf-fertilised Plants. - lncues. Inch 2+ 26 ·5 27 ~ 23 !J 24 25 26 6 28 ~ 25 29~ 26 2 2.5 ~ 27 ~ 2G~ 25k 28~ '~ot a l ill} mcheo. 2061 . 13 216 •75 The average hdght of the eight crossed plants is 25 · 76, and that of the eight fertilised 27 · 09; or as 100 to 105. We here have the anomalous result of the self-fertilised plants being a little taller than the crossed; of which fact I can offer no explanation. It is of course possible, but not probable, that the labels may have been interchanged by accident. Another experiment was now tried: all the self-fertilised capsules, though very few in number, were gathered from one of the semi-self-sterile rlants under a net; and as several flowers on ~hi~ ~arne plant bad been fertilised with J?Ollen from a distinct Individual, crossed seeds were thus obtained. I expected that the ~eedlings from this semi-self-sterile plant would have profited In a higher degree from a cross, than did the seedlings from the fully self-fertile plants. But my anticipation was quite wrong, for they profited in a less degree. An analogous result followed in the case of Escbsoholtzia, in which the offspring of the plants of Brazilian parentage (which were partially self-sterile) did not |