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Show largely a question of taete-but that they are a badge of eervitude to eavsge ways and traditions which are effectual barriers to the u p l i i of the me. Let me aay in conclusion that I have no objection whatever to any legitimate criti-cism of any action taken by this office. In fact it is invited. In the multitude of councillors there is wisdom, 4 I can not help feeling that if the Indian quastion were more closely studied and better understood any honest effort to elevate the race would meet with better entertainment than a sneer. Very truly, yours, Hon. E. A. HIT~COCK, Seoetary of the Ifiterior. This incident is now almost forgotten, and may be dosed with the statement that the reports of agents on the subject are now all in, and the concensus of their opinion, as expressed by one of them, is that "the order, while it has been bitterly denounced in the press, appealed to me as a step forward and in the right direction." Appropriations, 1903.-The appropriations made by the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June 30,1903, and for other purposes, aggregate $8,946,028.10. In addition to this, appropriations for 1g03 were made by several other acts, as follows: Fulfilling treaty stipulations: Agreement with Kaws, act July 1, 1902 .............. $135, 000.00 Miscellaneous: St. Louis Exposition, sundry civil act June 28,1902 ............................... $40,000.00 Choctaw and Chickasaw agreement, act July 1,1902. .......................... 11,000. 00 51,000.00 Total ............................................. 186,000.00 I The total of appropriations so far made for 1903 is therefore $9,132,028.10. Appropriations, 1902.-The aggregate appropriations for the fiscal ' vear 1902, as given in the last annual report, was 89,736,186.09, which represented the total a-pp- r op- riations up to the time that report was mk e . At the last session of ~on~res s ,howeveard,d itional appropri-ations were made for 1902 by the urgent deficiency act of February 14 and the general deficiency act of July 1, 1902, as follows: Current and contingent expenses.. ....................... $22,000.00 Support of schools.. ..................................... 7,004.00 Miscellaneous ........................................... 50,000.00 Total ............................................. 7 9 , w . w |