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Show 556 RULES FOR CONVEYANCE3 OF INHERITED INDIAN LANDB, (51 Bids will be received by such agent, or other o5cer in charge, at his o5ce for an and so listed a an time before the day on which the bids are opened. No biider will be p e r m i d t o include more than one allotment in any bid. If a pros-pective purchaser desires to bid on more than one allotment, he must submit a sepa-rate bid for each allotment which hedesiresto purchase, and if he wishesto purchase less thsn an entire allotment, he may submit a bid for one or more legal subdivisions of such allotment. (6) All such bids shall be inclosed in a sealed envelope, which must be masked by the bidder "Bid for inherited land," and the legal description of the land mtist rtlso be written thereon by him. Each bid must be accompanied by a duly certified check on some solvent bank, payable to the Commiesioner of Indian Aftaim for the use of the grantors, for 25 per cent of the amount offered, as a guarant for the faithful per-formance by the bidder of his proposition, If the bid shall %e accepted, and the successful bidder shall within a reasonable time, after due notice, fail to com ly with the t e r n of his bid, such checkshall be forfeited to the use of the owner of t i e land. (7) The right to reject any or all bidsis reserved, and bids will on1 be accepted by such a nt or other oEcer, subject to the approval of the owner of tge land. (8) Furchasers shall pa all costs of conveyancing, and in addition thereto the following sum, to wit: If t%e purchase price is $1,000 or leae, 75 cents; if it is more than $1,000 and less than $2,000, $1, and where the purchase price is more than $2,000, $1.25; to be used by the Codoissioner of Indian Affairs for giving due public notlee. as hereinafter ~rovldedt. hat the lands will be sold. 19, 'lliddem and orfer inwr6sted prreorl~ ma!. I,? prr$ent when l,icls are opened. Wllm upennl, the bid* shall Le F., revunlrrl in a huok to Iw kept for that purlfirst. as 1.1. -Imw nawe ul bi<ldrr, dekcriptiun 01 l a d , awcmnt offcreJ, and artism taken als- (1) By a certificate signed by two members of a business committee, if there be such, or by at least two recoanized chiefs, or by two or more reliablemembers of the tribe, iettirlg iorth thxt tlorallottrr to whom the lsnd rvw ,,rigrnallg all,,re:d is dead, gi\.ing u3 nearly nu crrsiblr tllr date oi death. 8u;h a.enilicatr shall alno show the rutmrs and avro of tie Iwim. adtlltrl and ininon. uf wrll clrrrawd allotuc. but the Department reserves the rirht to require, if in iti judgment it shall be con: ~idermln ePei~ary,~ u1.1,f urtller artd i~lllitiohalc ri~lerlc~r&e lniivot o heirship aa may .oe dremt~pl ruper. l i rt,e pzrouns who rtxrtifp 10 the d c ~ t hof the illlotwe arc, froul their uwn kuowlelue. unnhlr to certiiv as to who a n the hrim t with tllrir nnl~u-r , md aged, 01 such d;ccased a l l o t t ~a~n,.a dJitio~ral veriiilirate made' of one 01 the threcclaasca berein apeifid, sL,wina who are the hvin, irtl glvlng tt.uiir wmer atid q c s (adulte awl ~ninun) ,m uat Lc furui~hed. |